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Announcements go here

Geometry and Topology

Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Spring 2007

The Essentials

Fall Agenda. Calculus for grown-ups, in dimensions higher than one and in spaces more general than .

Spring Agenda. Learn about the surprising relation between the easily deformed (topology) and the most rigid (algebra).

Instructor. Dror Bar-Natan, drorbn@math.toronto.edu, Bahen 6178, 416-946-5438. Office hours: by appointment.

Teaching Assistant. Omar Antolin Camarena, oantolin@math.toronto.edu, Sidney Smith 622, 416-978-2967.

Classes. Tuesdays 10-12 and Thursdays 12-1 at Bahen 6183.

Grades. All grades are on CCNet.

Some Teaching / Learning Philosophy

  • Studying happens inside you.
  • Dror's primary roles as teacher are:
    1. Highlight the overall structure / ideas / intuition / beauty.
    2. Set the pace and the standards / add a human touch.
    3. Take you on detours.
(In all that, note the absence of "cover all the details".)

Further Resources