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Blackboard Shots
My "Academic Pensieve" contains most of my raw research work (including personal handwritten notes and many computer programs) starting February 2008 (plus some earlier stuff). If this seems weird, the about page may or may not unweird it for you. Last updated Wednesday 5 February 2025 12:22:05.

Separate, but built using the same CMS, is my Album.

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<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 ImageList source Sun 17 Mar 2024 10:27:39 Sun 26 Nov 2023 23:42:06 A visual image directory.
2 index source Sun 17 Mar 2024 10:27:39 Sun 15 Dec 2024 09:46:16  

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