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<<  2016-01  >>  
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KVT   /   Classes: 06-1350-AKT   Classes: 16-1750-ShamelessMathematica   Classes: 16-475-ProblemSolving   2015-10   Projects: Agenda   Projects: Books   Projects: Braidors   Projects: Gadgets   Classes: General   People: Katz   People: KhesinA   Projects: KnotTheory   2016-03: PolyPoly   Projects: Citizenship: RelatedMatters   2014-06: UnitarityOfGassner  

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<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 Leiden handout on December 22, 2015 2015-12-23 01:20:27 2015-12-25 16:52:58
2 Lukic: KdV equation with almost periodic initial data 2016-01-15 18:10:49 2016-01-16 20:51:31
3 The Abstract Context, 1 2016-01-18 15:09:56 2016-01-18 16:00:19
4 The Abstract Context, 2 2016-01-18 16:00:28 2016-01-18 16:03:24
5 Seyfaddini: Continuous symplectic topology and area-preserving homeomorphisms 2016-01-18 21:06:15 2016-01-18 21:55:57
6 Sivek: The augmentation category of a Legendrian knot 2016-01-21 21:11:42 2016-01-21 21:42:44
7 Scratch 2016-01-28 14:30:25 2016-01-28 14:30:42
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 SnG source 2024-03-17 11:28:03 2016-02-03 13:02:03 Scatter and Glow in OneCo. Continues pensieve://2015-12/, continued pensieve://2016-02/.
2 SnG-Testing source 2024-03-17 11:28:03 2016-02-03 13:02:17 Testing notebook for Scatter and Glow in OneCo. Continues pensieve://2015-12/, continued pensieve://2016-02/.
3 WKO4SessionForRoland source 2024-03-17 11:28:03 2016-01-08 06:42:14 Calculations appearing in the WKO4 paper.

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2016-01-05 07:03:56: [hep-th9202044] Quinn- Representation theory, topological field theory, and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture.
  2. Studied 2016-01-17 15:41:07: [1511.03974] Massuyeau- Formal descriptions of Turaev's loop operations.
  3. Studied 2016-01-17 15:42:47: [1512.00401] Park- A construction of slice knots via annulus modifications.
  4. Studied 2016-01-21 09:30:43: [1601.04915] Zibrowius- On a polynomial Alexander invariant for tangles and its categorification.
  5. Studied 2016-01-25 18:21:47: [1512.01602] Yau- Operads of Wiring Diagrams.
  6. Studied 2016-01-25 18:24:59: [1512.01623] Kauffman- Chern-Simons Theory, Vassiliev Invariants, Loop Quantum Gravity and Functional Integration Without Integration.
  7. Studied 2016-01-28 09:14:48: Turing my Surface Pen into a presenter tool Anders Eide Blog.

<< Other Files >>

OneCo.aux   OneCo.synctex   OneCo.tex   SnG.m   SnG-Testing.m   WKO4SessionForRoland.m  

   <<  2016-01  >>

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KVT   nb   one  

All 33 Files

06-1350-AKT - Shortcut.lnk   [1511.03974] Massuyeau- Formal descriptions of Turaev's loop operations.URL   [1512.00401] Park- A construction of slice knots via annulus modifications.URL   [1512.01602] Yau- Operads of Wiring Diagrams.URL   [1512.01623] Kauffman- Chern-Simons Theory, Vassiliev Invariants, Loop Quantum Gravity and Functional Integration Without Integration.URL   [1601.04915] Zibrowius- On a polynomial Alexander invariant for tangles and its categorification.URL   16-1750-ShamelessMathematica - Shortcut.lnk   16-475-ProblemSolving - Shortcut.lnk   2015-10 - Shortcut.lnk   Agenda - Shortcut.lnk   Books - Shortcut.lnk   Braidors - Shortcut.lnk   Gadgets - Shortcut.lnk   General - Shortcut.lnk   [hep-th9202044] Quinn- Representation theory, topological field theory, and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture.URL   index.html   Katz - Shortcut.lnk   KhesinA - Shortcut.lnk   KnotTheory - Shortcut.lnk   OneCo.aux   OneCo.pdf   OneCo.synctex   OneCo.tex   PolyPoly - Shortcut.lnk   RelatedMatters - Shortcut.lnk   SnG.m   SnG.nb   SnG-Testing.m   SnG-Testing.nb   Turing my Surface Pen into a presenter tool Anders Eide Blog.URL   UnitarityOfGassner - Shortcut.lnk   WKO4SessionForRoland.m   WKO4SessionForRoland.nb