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Wheels   /   Classes: 14-1100   Classes: 14-240   Classes: 15-475-ProblemSolving   Projects: Agenda   Projects: Books   Projects: Codes   Projects: KBH   Projects: Citizenship: MediaCoverage   Projects: Books: Quotes   Projects: Citizenship: RelatedMatters   Projects: Books: WishList   Projects: WKO4   People: Zung  

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ContinuationPageExperiment.pdf   ExampleForHuan.pdf   JumplinesExperiment.pdf  

<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 Scratch 2014-11-30 21:23:08 2014-12-26 11:17:50
2 Hamilton-1412 Wheels Talk Post-Mortem 2014-12-10 02:19:59 2014-12-10 02:24:07
3 Es<-->El Algebraically 2014-12-17 15:36:28 2014-12-17 15:54:05
4 Gluing is what gluing does 2014-12-26 10:41:40 2014-12-26 10:45:37
5 L10n65 2014-12-27 08:22:32 2014-12-27 08:25:40
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 L10n65 source 2024-03-17 11:27:59 2014-12-27 04:34:55  
2 Tooltip source 2024-03-17 11:27:59 2014-12-01 20:34:09  

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2014-12-04 10:57:15: [1412.0186] Bellingeri, Gervais- On p-almost direct products and residual properties of pure braid groups of nonorientable surfaces.
  2. Studied 2014-12-04 10:58:38: [1412.0254] Livingston- Notes on the knot concordance invariant Upsilon.
  3. Studied 2014-12-14 13:59:13: [0912.3680] Thiel- Virtual braid groups of type B and weak categorification.
  4. Studied 2014-12-24 15:13:15: Matific.
  5. Studied 2014-12-29 08:21:52: Jumplines (continued on page...) in latex - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange.

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ContinuationPageExperiment.aux   ContinuationPageExperiment.synctex   ContinuationPageExperiment.tex   ExampleForHuan.aux   ExampleForHuan.synctex   ExampleForHuan.tex   JumplinesExperiment.aux   JumplinesExperiment.synctex   JumplinesExperiment.tex  

   <<  2014-12  >>

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[0912.3680] Thiel- Virtual braid groups of type B and weak categorification.URL   14-1100 - Shortcut.lnk   [1412.0186] Bellingeri, Gervais- On p-almost direct products and residual properties of pure braid groups of nonorientable surfaces.URL   [1412.0254] Livingston- Notes on the knot concordance invariant Upsilon.URL   14-240 - Shortcut.lnk   15-475-ProblemSolving - Shortcut.lnk   Agenda - Shortcut.lnk   Books - Shortcut.lnk   Codes - Shortcut.lnk   ContinuationPageExperiment.aux   ContinuationPageExperiment.pdf   ContinuationPageExperiment.synctex   ContinuationPageExperiment.tex   ExampleForHuan.aux   ExampleForHuan.pdf   ExampleForHuan.synctex   ExampleForHuan.tex   index.html   Jumplines (continued on page...) in latex - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange.URL   JumplinesExperiment.aux   JumplinesExperiment.pdf   JumplinesExperiment.synctex   JumplinesExperiment.tex   KBH - Shortcut.lnk   L10n65.nb   Matific.URL   MediaCoverage - Shortcut.lnk   Note_141204_184739_0.jpg   Note_141206_143343_0(1).jpg   Note_141206_143343_0.jpg   Quotes - Shortcut.lnk   RelatedMatters - Shortcut.lnk   SidewalkCollegeAugustaToronto.jpg   Tooltip.nb   WishList - Shortcut.lnk   WKO4 - Shortcut.lnk   Zung - Shortcut.lnk