12-240/Classnotes for Tuesday September 25: Difference between revisions

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VS3 <math>\forall\!\,</math> x <math>\in\!\,</math> V: 0 ( of V) +x = x
VS3 <math>\forall\!\,</math> x <math>\in\!\,</math> V: 0 ( of V) +x = x

VS4 <math>\forall\!\,</math> x <math>\in\!\,</math> V, <math>\exist\!\</math> V <math>\in\!\,</math> V: v + x= 0 ( of V)


Revision as of 19:37, 25 September 2012

Today's class dealt with the properties of vector spaces.


Let F is a field, a vector space V over F is a set V of vectors with special element O ( of V) and tow operations: (+): VxV->V, (.): FxV->V

VxV={(v,w): v,w V}

FxV={(c,v): c F, v V}

Then, (+): VxV->V is (v,w)= v+w; (.): FxV->V is (c,v)=cv

Such that

VS1 x, y V: x+y = y+x

VS2 x, y, z V: x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z

VS3 x V: 0 ( of V) +x = x

VS4 x V, Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/":): {\displaystyle \exist\!\} V V: v + x= 0 ( of V)


Scanned Notes by Richardm