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Algebra I

Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Fall 2012

Agenda: Understand linear algebra, the simplest algebra there is, and come to appreciate that simplest is also the most fundamental.

Hidden Agenda: Learn (by example) how "real" math is done: abstraction and generalization, definitions, theorems and proofs, the basic language of mathematics.

Instructor: Dror Bar-Natan, drorbn@math.toronto.edu, Bahen 6178, 416-946-5438. Office hours: by appointment.

Classes: Tuesdays 11-1 and Thursdays 3-4 in RW 110.

Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistants: Brandon Hanson (bhanson@math.toronto.edu) and Peter Crooks (peter.crooks@utoronto.ca).

Tutorials: Thursdays 4:15-6 at RS 211 (see map) with Peter Crooks if the last digit of your student number is even, and at RW 110 (our normal classroom) with Brandon Hanson if it is odd. No tutorials on the first week of classes.

TA Office Hours: Wednesdays 11-1 with Peter and Thursdays 1-3 with Brandon (both TAs available to both tutorial groups), at 215 Huron St., 10th floor (warning: elevator only goes to 9th floor).


Our main text book will be Linear Algebra (fourth edition) by Friedberg, Insel and Spence, ISBN 0-13-008451-4; it is a required reading. An errata is at http://www.math.ilstu.edu/linalg/errata.html.

Further Resources

Dror's notes above / Students' notes below

Online Discussion Platform