Additions to the MAT 327 web site no longer count towards good deed points
Week of...
Notes and Links
Sep 13
About This Class, Monday - Continuity and open sets, Thursday - topologies, continuity, bases.
Sep 20
Monday - More on bases, Thursdsay - Products, Subspaces, Closed sets, HW1, HW1 Solutions
Sep 27
Monday - the Cantor set, closures, Thursday, Class Photo, HW2, HW2 Solutions
Oct 4
Monday - the axiom of choice and infinite product spaces, Thursday - the box and the product topologies, metric spaces, HW3, HW3 Solutions
Oct 11
Monday is Thanksgiving. Thursday - metric spaces, sequencial closures, various products. Final exam's date announced on Friday.
Oct 18
Monday - connectedness in , HW4, HW4 Solutions, Thursday - connectedness, path-connectedness and products
Oct 25
Monday - Compactness of , Term Test on Thursday, TT Solutions
Nov 1
Monday - compact is closed and bounded, maximal values, HW5, HW5 Solutions, Wednesday was the last date to drop this course, Thursday - compactness of products and in metric spaces, the FIP
Nov 8
Monday-Tuesday is Fall Break, Thursday - Tychonoff and a taste of Stone-Cech, HW6, HW6 Solutions
Nov 15
Monday - generalized limits, Thursday - Normal spaces and Urysohn's lemma, HW7, HW7 Solutions
Nov 22
Monday - and , Thursday - Tietze's theorem
Nov 29
Monday - compactness in metric spaces, HW8, HW8 Solutions, Thursday - completeness and compactness
Dec 6
Monday - Baire spaces and no-where differentiable functions, Wednesday - Hilbert's 13th problem; also see December 2010 Schedule
Dec 13
See December 2010 Schedule
Dec 20
Final exam, Monday December 20, 2PM-5PM, at BR200
Register of Good Deeds
 Add your name / see who's in!
 See Hilbert's 13th
Some blackboard shots are at BBS/10_327-100930-143624.jpg.
Dror's notes above / Student's notes below
Here are some lecture notes..
Lecture 6 page 1
Lecture 6 page 2
Lecture 6 page 3
Lecture 6 page 4
Lecture 6 page 5
D 12:48, 2 October 2010 (EDT) finite Hausdorff space: The only topology satisfying Hausdorff for a finite set A is the discrete topology; for each distinct point x and y in A, {x} and {y} are disjoint. Also, every finite point set in A is closed. We can check that using the discrete metric on A (d(x,y) = 1 if x =/= y, d(x,y) = 0 if x=y), a sequence of points in A can converge to only one point at most. Also note that Hausdorff condition is stronger than T1.