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Warning - the material here is my personal MAT 267 "Advanced ODEs" notebook for 2012. No guarantee of any kind on anything that appears here.

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QuadraticPortraits.html   /   121120_Jordans_Tutorial_Notes.pdf   AboutHandout.PDF   CourseEvaluations.pdf   Final.pdf   FuchsTheorem.pdf   MakeupTT.pdf   SampleFinal.pdf   SampleTT.pdf   TT.pdf  

<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 12-267 Post Mortem 2012-09-23 16:20:55 2017-02-17 14:29:19
2 High points 2012-09-04 21:47:34 2012-09-05 15:01:00
3 "About This Class" Draft 2012-09-06 13:37:38 2012-09-09 21:28:30
4 267ODEs-120910 , Hour 1: The brachistochrone 2012-09-08 13:58:58 2012-09-13 15:24:06
5 267ODEs-120911, Hour 2: More on the brachistochrone, the "about" handout 2012-09-10 17:40:04 2012-09-13 15:58:39
6 --- Hour 2 Splash Screen 2012-09-11 12:44:18 2012-09-11 13:10:05
7 --- The Tautochrone 2012-09-13 15:51:15 2012-09-13 15:51:55
8 267ODEs-120914, Hour 3: Linear Equations 2012-09-13 15:25:35 2012-09-15 20:40:27
9 267ODEs-120917, Hour 4: Separable Equations, Escape Velocities 2012-09-15 20:38:59 2012-09-17 21:34:21
10 --- Hour 4 Scratch 2012-09-09 14:21:42 2012-09-17 21:36:16
11 267ODEs-120918, Hour 5: Other special cases 2012-09-17 21:34:01 2012-09-18 12:36:15
12 267ODEs-120921, Hour 6: Exact Equations 2012-09-19 13:33:36 2012-09-22 18:31:10
13 --- Hour 6 HUJI 2012-09-17 21:35:45 2012-09-23 16:35:48
14 --- Hour 6 Scratch 2012-09-20 01:03:00 2012-09-20 16:28:51
15 --- House of Mirrors 2012-09-20 23:02:19 2012-09-23 16:20:28
16 267ODEs-120924, Hour 7: Exact Equations 2012-09-22 18:39:09 2012-09-24 15:07:19
17 267ODEs-120925, Hour 8: The Fundamental Theorem 2012-09-23 16:32:17 2012-09-25 21:49:19
18 --- Hour 8 HUJI 2012-09-23 16:36:21 2012-09-23 16:42:14
19 267ODEs-120928, Hour 9: Proof of the Fundamental Theorem 2012-09-23 16:32:17 2012-09-29 18:47:24
20 267ODEs-121001, Hour 10: The Fundamental Theorem: end of proof, further notes 2012-09-29 18:44:57 2012-10-01 17:32:12
21 Old time Euler-Lagrange 2012-09-30 23:02:33 2012-10-05 01:42:06
22 267ODEs-121002, Hour 11: Euler-Lagrange 2012-09-29 18:44:57 2012-10-02 20:51:51
23 267ODEs-121005, Hour 12: Euler-Lagrange - the easier cases 2012-10-02 20:42:59 2012-10-06 23:13:14
24 --- Hour 12 scratch 2012-10-04 16:43:21 2012-10-04 17:01:09
25 267ODEs-121009, Hour 13: Lagrange Multipliers 2012-10-06 23:10:54 2012-10-09 11:38:55
26 Old time numerical methods 2012-10-04 15:51:09 2012-10-12 00:07:50
27 267ODEs-121012, Hour 14: More Lagrange multipliers, numerical methods 2012-10-11 15:45:12 2012-10-14 17:00:31
28 267ODEs-121015, Hour 15: Numerical methods - Euler and Improved Euler 2012-10-12 19:35:02 2012-10-15 19:51:01
29 267ODEs-121016, Hour 16: Improved Euler and Runge-Kutta 2012-10-15 18:38:42 2012-10-16 11:14:22
30 Old time constant coefficients linear equations and phase profiles 2012-10-12 16:25:44 2012-10-22 10:32:49
31 267ODEs-121019, Hour 17: High order constant coefficient homogeneous ODEs 2012-10-18 21:32:26 2012-10-22 10:22:19
32 267ODEs-121022, Hour 18: Multiple roots, reduction of order, undetermined coefficients 2012-10-19 17:27:58 2012-10-22 23:19:16
33 --- Hour 18 Scratch 2012-10-21 22:59:20 2012-10-21 23:02:40
34 267ODEs-121023, Hour 19: Systems of linear equations, matrix exponentiation 2012-10-22 15:33:35 2012-10-29 11:37:08
35 267ODEs-121026, Hour 20: Term Exam 2012-10-24 13:49:17 2012-10-29 12:32:31
36 HW5 2012-10-28 23:43:57 2012-10-28 23:47:02
37 267ODEs-121029, Hour 21: Matrix Exponentiation 2012-10-24 13:49:53 2012-10-29 15:14:50
38 --- Hour 21 plan 2012-10-28 23:32:39 2012-10-29 11:25:07
39 267ODEs-121030, Hour 22: Computing Matrix Exponentials 2012-10-29 15:09:13 2012-11-01 22:48:13
40 267ODEs-121102, Hour 23: Phase Portraits 2012-10-30 12:02:45 2012-11-04 21:32:43
41 267ODEs-121105, Hour 24: Non-homogeneous Systems 2012-11-04 21:28:40 2012-11-06 00:14:33
42 --- Trace and det 2012-11-05 13:16:51 2012-11-05 13:25:17
43 Old time power series 2012-11-02 12:20:37 2012-11-07 01:07:35
44 267ODEs-121106, Hour 25: The Catalan Numbers, Recursion, ODEs 2012-11-05 16:28:43 2012-11-06 15:55:05
45 --- Little on Catalan 2012-11-05 18:41:18 2012-11-05 18:56:06
46 267ODEs-121109, Hour 26: Debts on Systems, the Wronskian 2012-11-06 15:44:38 2012-11-19 19:08:34
47 267ODEs-121116, Hour 27: Simple Minded Series 2012-11-14 19:33:34 2012-11-16 17:55:11
48 --- Hour 27 Scratch 2012-11-16 12:37:32 2012-11-16 12:56:18
49 267ODEs-121119, Hour 28: $\pi$ is irrational, convergence of power series 2012-11-18 14:38:35 2012-11-19 16:09:47
50 267ODEs-121120, Hour 29: Fuchs' theorem 2012-11-19 13:30:48 2012-11-20 15:27:01
51 --- Fuchs' theorem scratch 2012-11-07 01:18:20 2012-11-19 19:08:15
52 267ODEs-121120: Notes on Jordan's tutorial 2012-11-21 14:45:38 2012-11-21 19:55:15
53 267ODEs-121123, Hour 30: Regular Singular Points 2012-11-22 16:06:39 2012-11-25 20:49:04
54 --- Regular singular points scratch 2012-11-19 19:08:40 2012-11-22 18:27:43
55 --- Hour 30 Plan 2012-11-22 16:10:59 2012-11-22 18:37:34
56 Qualitative Analysis Scratch 2012-11-25 15:53:37 2012-11-30 13:09:07
57 267ODEs-121126, Hour 31: Regular singular points, examples and the harder cases 2012-11-25 20:40:35 2012-11-26 15:26:58
58 267ODEs-121127, Hour 32: Basic oscillation and non-oscillation 2012-11-27 01:18:44 2012-12-05 14:30:12
59 267ODEs-121130, Hour 33: Changing the independent variable, Sturm comparison 2012-11-28 21:08:15 2012-11-30 16:16:19
60 Hour 33 Scratch 2012-11-30 09:44:33 2012-11-30 10:21:07
61 267ODEs-121203, Hour 34: More comparisons, changing the independent variable 2012-11-30 16:05:17 2012-12-19 01:46:48
62 267ODEs-121204, Hour 35: Amplitudes 2012-12-03 16:33:34 2012-12-05 14:30:45
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 120910-Brachistochrone source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-09-11 10:33:04  
2 120914-VectorPlot source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-09-14 10:12:07  
3 120916 Calculator source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-09-16 13:04:11  
4 121029 Calculator source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-29 07:24:01  
5 121105 Calculator source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-05 08:18:01  
6 121106 Calculator source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-05 14:58:09  
7 121122 Calculator source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-22 19:48:38  
8 ChangingVariablesExperiment source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-12-02 11:06:06 Experimenting with changing the dependent and independent variables.
9 ContourPlot source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-04 21:52:54 Ploting $x^2+xy+y^2=1$.
10 Final source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-12-06 13:04:54  
11 FrobeniusSeries source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-26 11:05:24 Very basic Frobenius series manipulations.
12 GeneralRungeKutta source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-15 12:57:16  
13 HW1Solution source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-12-20 19:31:17  
14 HW2Solution source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-12-20 19:31:37  
15 ImageTransformation source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2016-03-23 08:43:31 "House of Mirrors" image transformations.
16 LorenzAttractor source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-12-03 13:11:41  
17 MonkeySaddleFlow source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-12-20 19:28:51  
18 NumericalMethodsComparison source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-16 10:01:31 A comparison of Euler, Improved Euler, and Runge-Kutta on $y'=-y$.
19 NumericalMethodsStabilityComparison source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-25 18:51:39 A stability comparison of Euler, Improved Euler, and Runge-Kutta.
20 PhasePortraits source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-01 19:13:36 Plotting Phase Portraits.
21 PlottingAiry source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-19 08:34:40 Plotting the solutions of the Airy equation, $y''=xy$.
22 PowerSeriesSolve source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-11-15 14:25:26 Finding a power series solution of an arbitrary ODE of the form $y'=f(x,y)$.
23 QuadraticPhasePortraits source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2016-04-04 09:03:43  
24 RungaKuttaTaylor source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-19 11:37:51 Runge-Kutta - Taylor comparison.
25 RungeKutta-2 source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-16 10:01:45  
26 RungeKutta source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-12 14:53:36  
27 StableRungeKutta source 2024-03-17 11:28:20 2012-10-25 19:04:02  

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2012-07-27 11:34:31: 12-267 - Drorbn.
  2. Studied 2012-07-27 11:35:03: Math 267S, Spring 2007.
  3. Studied 2012-07-27 11:36:37: MAT267, Fall 2007.
  4. Studied 2012-09-05 10:16:11: Wiley Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition.
  5. Studied 2012-09-10 08:51:52: Teaching Station.
  6. Studied 2012-11-08 18:20:51: differential equations - Plotting a Phase Portrait - Mathematica.

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Final.tex   FuchsTheorem.tex   grid.fig   MakeupTT.tex   SampleFinal.tex   SampleTT.tex   TT.tex  

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120910-Brachistochrone.nb   120914-VectorPlot.nb   120916 Calculator.nb   121029 Calculator.nb   121105 Calculator.nb   121106 Calculator.nb   121120_Jordans_Tutorial_Notes.pdf   121122 Calculator.nb   12-267-ClassPhoto.jpg   12-267 - Drorbn.URL   12-267-MonkeySaddleFlow.png   83-ODEs - Shortcut.lnk   8990-MAE305 - Shortcut.lnk   95-ODE - Shortcut.lnk   96-ODE - Shortcut.lnk   AboutHandout.PDF   ChangingVariablesExperiment.nb   ContourPlot.nb   CourseEvaluations.pdf   DeformedGrid.png   DeformedProf.png   differential equations - Plotting a Phase Portrait - Mathematica.URL   Final_Grading_Key_1.jpg   Final_Grading_Key_2.jpg   Final.nb   Final.pdf   Final.tex   FrobeniusSeries.nb   FuchsTheorem.pdf   FuchsTheorem.tex   GeneralRungeKutta.nb   grid.fig   grid.png   HW1Solution.nb   HW2Solution.nb   ImageTransformation.nb   index.html   index.m   Lazarus_Immanuel_Fuchs.jpg   LorenzAttractor.nb   MakeupTT.pdf   MakeupTT.tex   MAT267, Fall 2007.URL   Math 267S, Spring 2007.URL   MonkeySaddleFlow.nb   Note_6_01.jpg   Note_6_02.jpg   Note_8_01.jpg   NumericalMethodsComparison.nb   NumericalMethodsStabilityComparison.nb   P1030455.JPG   P1030456.JPG   P1030457.JPG   PhasePortraits.nb   PlottingAiry.nb   PowerSeriesSolve.nb   QuadraticPhasePortraits.nb   QuadraticPortrait_25.png   QuadraticPortraits_64.png   QuadraticPortraits.html   QuadraticPortraitsMain.png   RungaKuttaTaylor.nb   RungeKutta-2.nb   RungeKutta.nb   SampleFinal.pdf   SampleFinal.tex   SampleTT.pdf   SampleTT.tex   StableRungeKutta.nb   Teaching Station.URL   TT.pdf   TT.tex   Wiley Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition.URL