Notes for AKT-090910-1/0:45:11
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The Kauffman bracket is completely determined by the relations:
- Failed to parse (unknown function "\slashoverback"): {\displaystyle \left\langle\slashoverback\right\rangle=A\left\langle\hsmoothing\right\rangle + B \left\langle\smoothing\right\rangle }
These suffice because for any knot or link diagram we can apply the first relation recursively until we eliminate all the crossings and end up with a disjoint union of unknots. For instance, we get:
Failed to parse (unknown function "\HopfLink"): {\displaystyle \left\langle \HopfLink \right\rangle = A^2d^2 + 2ABd + B^2d^2}