1617-257/Riddle Repository

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Riddle Repository

A collection of the riddles posed at the beginning of each lecture
Date of Lecture Riddle Solutions, Discussion, etc...
Sept 12 We want to compute .

Prof. A claims , so

Prof. B claims , so

Smart student says . Why is the derivative the sum of the Prof's solutions?

Sept 14 Can all of be covered by a set of disjoint, non-degenerate, circles? What about ? ?
Sept 16 Can you find uncountably many disjoint subsets of ?
Sept 19 Can uncountably many Y shapes be fit into ?
Sept 21 On any pair of potatoes, can you draw a pair of 3D congruent curves? Hint (Hover)
Sept 23 Can you find uncountably many subsets of s.t. the intersection of any two of them is finite?
Sept 26 In how many ways can you place 4 different points in the Euclidean plane, such that there are 2 different distances between all the points?
Sept 28 Can you find uncountably many subsets of s.t. for any two of them A and B, (A B) or (B A)?
Sept 30 In a random 13-element subset of 1,2,...,52, what is the average value of the smallest element? (Credit: Yujia Yin)
Oct 3 A spherical loaf of bread is put in a bread cutting machine. Which slice gets the most crust?
Oct 5 Can you write the function as ? (Credit: Yujia Yin)
Oct 7 Prove: If you tile a rectangle (whose sides are not integers) with rectangles, at least one of those will have both sides non-integer.
Oct 10 (Thanksgiving holiday - University closed)
Oct 12 Players A and B alternate placing 1 x 2, 1 x 3, and 1 x 4 lego pieces (as they choose) on a 19 x 21 board, with no layering and no overlaps. If you cannot place a piece, you lose. Who would you rather be A or B? What if the overall size was 20 x 20?
Oct 14 No riddle. Discusses past riddle from Sept 19.
Oct 17 An ant walks at 1cm/sec along a super-rubber-band that stretches at 1m/sec. Will it ever reach the other end? Why not? How long will it take? (Credit: Kodiak Jackson)
Oct 19 How far can you go with n Jenga blocks?
Oct 21 Can you place 6 identical real-life Jenga blocks/chalks such that any two of the will touch each other?
Oct 24 Can you pack 125 1 x 2 x 4 boxes inside a 10 x 10 x 10 cube?
Oct 26 Can you pack 21 3 x 1 rectangles on an 8 x 8 board? Any constraints on where the missing piece would be?
Oct 28 No riddle.
Oct 31 A total of k kids share a loot of n indivisible candies. The first proposes a split. If not accepted by a strict majority, she leaves and the second proposes a split... etc. How will the loot be split?
Nov 2 Abhishek is at the centre of a circle of radius 100m. On the circle is a Lion. = Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/":): {\displaystyle \4mathbb{V}_A} . Help save Abhishek, by getting out of the circle, given that the Lion is very intelligent.