Welcome to Math 1100! (additions to this web site no longer count towards good deed points)
Week of...
Notes and Links
Sep 8
About This Class; Monday - Non Commutative Gaussian Elimination; Thursday - the category of groups, automorphisms and conjugations, images and kernels.
Sep 15
Monday - coset spaces, isomorphism theorems; Thursday - simple groups, Jordan-Holder decomposition series.
Sep 22
Monday - alternating groups, group actions, The Simplicity of the Alternating Groups, HW1, HW 1 Solutions, Class Photo; Thursday - group actions, Orbit-Stabilizer Thm, Class Equation.
Sep 29
Monday - Cauchy's Thm, Sylow 1; Thursday - Sylow 2.
Oct 6
Monday - Sylow 3, semi-direct products, braids; HW2; HW 2 Solutions; Thursday - braids, groups of order 12, Braids
Oct 13
No class Monday (Thanksgiving); Thursday - groups of order 12 cont'd.
Oct 20
Term Test; Term Test Solutions on Monday, HW3; HW 3 Solutions; Thursday - solvable groups, rings: defn's & examples.
Oct 27
Monday - functors, Cayley-Hamilton Thm, ideals, iso thm 1; Thursday - iso thms 2-4, integral domains, maximal ideals, One Theorem, Three Corollaries, Five Weeks
Nov 3
Monday - prime ideals, primes & irreducibles, UFD's, Euc.Domain PID, Thursday - Noetherian rings, PID UFD, Euclidean Algorithm, modules: defn & examples, HW4, HW 4 Solutions
Nov 10
Monday - R is a PID iff R has a D-H norm, R-modules, direct sums, every f.g. module is given by a presentation matrix, Thursday - row & column reductions plus, existence part of Thm 1 in 1t3c5w handout.
Nov 17
Monday-Tuesday is UofT's Fall Break, HW5, Thursday - 1t3c5w handout cont'd, JCF Tricks & Programs handout
Nov 24
Monday - JCF Tricks & Programs cont'd, tensor products, Thursday - tensor products cont'd
Dec 1
End-of-Course Schedule; Monday - tensor products finale, extension/reduction of scalars, uniqueness part of Thm 1 in 1t3c5w, localization & fields of fractions; Wednesday is a "makeup Monday"!; Notes for Studying for the Final Exam Glossary of terms
Dec 15
The Final Exam
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 See Non Commutative Gaussian Elimination
In Preparation
The information below is preliminary and cannot be trusted! (v)
This assignment is due at class time on Thursday, November 6, 2011.
Solve the following questions
Problem 1. (easy)
- Prove that in any ring,
- Prove that even in a ring without a unit,
(Feel free to do the second part first and then to substitute
Problem 2.
- (Qualifying exam, April 2009) Prove that a finite integral domain is a field.
- (Qualifying exam, September 2008) Prove that in a finite commutative ring, every prime ideal is maximal.
Problem 3. (Dummit and Foote) A ring
is called a Boolean ring if
for all
- Prove that every Boolean ring is commutative.
- Prove that the only Boolean ring that is also an integral domain is
Problem 4. (bonus) Let
be the ring of bounded sequences of real numbers with pointwise addition and multiplication, let
be the ideal made of all sequences that are equal to
except in at most finitely many places, and let
be a maximal ideal in
- Prove that
- Denote by
the projection of
composed with the identification of the latter with
, so that
. Prove that for any scalar
and any bounded sequences
, we have that
, and
. (Easy, no bonuses for this part).
- Prove that if
in the ordinary sense of limits of sequences, then
- Is there a
for which
is also translation invariant, namely such that
? (Again, easy).
Warning. The right order for solving these questions is not necessarily the order in which they are presented.
Opinion. The sum total of all that is that using the axiom of choice you can construct things that are both too good to be true and not really useful anyway. Blame the axiom of choice, don't blame me.