Dror Bar-Natan
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Studied 2011-06-03 04:20:54:
[1106.0042] Cirio, Martins- Categorifying the KZ-connection
Studied 2011-06-03 20:01:41:
[0810.0687] Lipshitz, Ozsvath, Thurston - Bordered Heegaard Floer homology Invariance and pairing
Studied 2011-06-06 08:00:18:
[1106.0562] Carfi -Financial Lie groups
Studied 2011-06-23 20:32:41:
[1106.4789] Knot Invariants from Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory
Studied 2011-07-14 21:44:08:
[cond-mat9809162] Introduction to the Bethe ansatz I
Studied 2011-07-15 18:48:07:
[1107.2635] The Knotting-Unknotting Game played on Sums of Rational Shadows
Studied 2011-07-24 17:47:27:
[1011.4640] A Functorial Map from Virtual Knots to Classical Knots and Generalisations of Parity
Studied 2011-08-22 18:40:09:
[arXiv1108.3389] Furusho- Four groups related to associators
Studied 2011-10-04 15:46:24:
[0904.0684] Winter-On Codimension Two Ribbon Embeddings
Studied 2011-10-18 23:26:11:
[1109.3520] Willwacher- A Note on Br-infinity and KS-infinity formality
Studied 2011-10-23 14:43:07:
[1110.1371] Crans Henrich Nelson- Knot and link invariants from the Alexander virtual biquandle
Studied 2011-10-30 18:56:48:
[1110.5234] Qiu, Zabzine- Knot Weight Systems from Graded Symplectic Geometry
Studied 2011-11-27 17:41:08:
[1111.4709] Gonzalez- The Lie bialgebra structure of the vector space of cyclic words
Studied 2011-12-16 13:54:47:
[hep-th0610149] Frenkel Losev Nekrasov - Instantons beyond topological theory I
Studied 2011-12-16 14:11:42:
[1112.0845] Kuperberg - Knottedness is in NP, modulo GRH
Studied 2011-12-16 14:20:53:
[1112.0864] Enriquez - Flat connections on configuration spaces and formality of braid groups of surfaces
Studied 2011-12-20 09:56:48:
[1112.3932] Lipshitz Sarkar - A Khovanov homotopy type or two
Studied 2012-01-05 04:57:06:
[1112.5406] Dunin-Barkowski, Sleptsov, Smirnov - Kontsevich integral for knots and Vassiliev invariants
Studied 2012-02-20 13:45:04:
[math9201304] Knuth - Efficient representation of perm groups
Studied 2012-02-23 16:40:33:
[math9904100] Bigelow- The Burau representation is not faithful for n = 5
Studied 2012-03-27 13:29:40:
[1110.5013] Notes from Sidney Coleman's Physics 253a
Studied 2012-04-01 19:04:28:
[1201.5316] Schenps- Double Shuffle and Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebras
Studied 2012-04-07 19:24:40:
[1202.5694] Gauthier - The Generating Functional of the Kontsevich Integral and its Derivation as a Holonomy
Studied 2012-04-25 20:12:34:
[math.QA0006056] Khovanov & Seidel- Quivers, Floer cohomology, and braid group actions
Studied 2012-05-03 11:32:07:
[1204.3205] Bardakov Bellingeri - Groups of virtual and welded links
Studied 2012-05-28 18:43:33:
[1205.5781] Kennedy - A Diagrammatic Multivariate Alexander Invariant of Tangles
Studied 2012-06-02 16:50:19:
[math0507266] Sakasai - The Magnus representation and higher-order Alexander invariants for homology cobordisms of surfaces
Studied 2012-06-30 21:51:19:
[0810.2656] Casas Murua - An efficient algorithm for computing the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff series and some of its applications
Studied 2012-08-09 06:29:27:
[1205.5512] Rossi - The explicit equivalence between the standard and the logarithmic star product for Lie algebras
Studied 2012-08-30 09:19:02:
[math-ph0210037] Cattaneo-Rossi - Wilson surfaces and higher dimensional knot invariants
Studied 2012-08-30 09:24:24:
[math0609742] Watanabe - Configuration space integral for long n-knots, the Alexander polynomial and knot space cohomology
Studied 2012-09-13 11:42:17:
[1209.0287] Fukunaga-Yamaguchi-Yamanoi- Simplified numerical form of universal finite type invariant of Gauss words
Studied 2012-09-26 13:14:49:
[math9810185] Howie- Minimal Seifert manifolds for higher ribbon knots
Studied 2012-09-30 18:39:55:
[1209.4283] Chen- The untwisted Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of Montesinos knots
Studied 2012-10-20 14:45:34:
[1210.4996] Juhasz, Thurston - Naturality and mapping class groups in Heegaard Floer homology
Studied 2013-01-11 10:31:33:
[1212.6543] Leinster- Rethinking set theory
Studied 2013-02-07 14:25:54:
[0910.5500] Willerton- Heuristic and computer calculations for the magnitude of metric spaces
Studied 2013-02-08 14:54:01:
[1302.0180] Lackenby- A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves
Studied 2013-02-14 10:17:35:
[1302.1507] Mkrtchyan- Nonperturbative universal Chern-Simons theory
Studied 2013-02-19 12:35:08:
[math0509302v1] Kodiyalam, Sunder- Planar algebras and Kuperberg's 3-manifold invariant
Studied 2013-03-07 18:15:00:
[1303.1448] Petersen- Minimal models, GT-action and formality of the little disk operad
Studied 2013-03-15 12:13:46:
[1303.1545] Horn- On computing higher-order Alexander modules of knots
Studied 2013-04-01 16:22:43:
[1303.6456] Dubois-Wegner- $L^2$-Alexander invariant for knots
Studied 2013-04-01 16:26:33:
[1303.6448] Ogasa- Make your Boy surface
Studied 2013-04-04 11:50:00:
[1304.0970] Fiedler- Quantum one-cocycles for knots
Studied 2013-04-23 13:43:46:
[1303.7380] Chrisman- A Lattice of Finite-Type Invariants of Virtual Knots
Studied 2013-04-24 18:59:48:
[1304.4555] Lee- Closed-Form Associators in Permutative Chord Diagrams
Studied 2013-05-07 19:19:22:
[1305.0297] Spivak- The operad of wiring diagrams formalizing a graphical language for databases, recursion, and plug-and-play circu
Studied 2013-05-13 04:38:55:
[1305.2183] Grigsby-Ni- Sutured Khovanov homology distinguishes braids from other tangles
Studied 2013-05-13 04:39:48:
[1305.2052] Hain- Genus 3 Mapping Class Groups are not Kahler
Studied 2013-05-23 07:48:35:
[1305.4540] Lins- Closed oriented 3-manifolds are equivalence classes of plane graphs
Studied 2013-06-07 07:12:17:
[math9810009] Kassel, Turaev- Biquantization of Lie bialgebras
Studied 2013-06-11 09:15:59:
[1305.5293] Cahn, Levi- Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Legendrian Knots
Studied 2013-06-26 18:16:40:
[1305.5786] Buliga- Graphic lambda calculus
Studied 2013-06-30 19:20:34:
[1305.7492] Abe, Tange- A construction of slice knots via annulus twists
Studied 2013-06-30 19:28:17:
[1306.1705] Lescop- A universal equivariant finite type knot invariant defined from configuration space integrals
Studied 2013-07-14 12:39:33:
[1304.4645v2] Lee- On the Action of the Symmetric Group on the Cohomology of Groups Related to (Virtual) Braids
Studied 2013-08-01 09:51:18:
[1307.2940] Johnson-Freyd- A combinatorial universal $star$-product
Studied 2013-08-08 18:47:14:
[1307.4933] Kulakova, Lando, Mukhutdinova, Rybnikov- On a weight system conjecturally related to $sl_2$
Studied 2013-08-08 18:58:04:
[1307.5383] Maglia, Sabadini, Walters- Blocked-braid Groups
Studied 2013-08-08 19:20:05:
[1307.5124] Witten- The Feynman $i epsilon$ in String Theory
Studied 2013-08-14 17:39:24:
[1308.2047] Sartori- The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links
Studied 2013-08-26 21:54:46:
[1308.3589] Remm, Markl- Universal deformation formulas
Studied 2013-08-26 21:55:30:
[1308.4006] Willwacher- The oriented graph complexes
Studied 2013-09-05 12:32:23:
[1309.0580] Hain- Notes on the Universal Elliptic KZB Equation
Studied 2013-09-08 11:36:09:
[hep-th9702027] Weinberg- What is Quantum Field Theory, and What Did We Think It Is
Studied 2013-09-27 10:59:57:
[1307.2047] LiBland-Severa- On deformation quantization of Poisson-Lie groups and moduli spaces of flat connections
Studied 2013-09-30 03:17:30:
[1309.7252] Collins, Kirk, Livingston- The concordance classification of low crossing number knots
Studied 2013-10-03 02:46:16:
[1309.7062] Gottesman, Zhang- Fibre bundle framework for unitary quantum fault tolerance
Studied 2013-10-23 09:53:15:
[1310.1877] H. Zeilberger et al- On left-orderability and double branched covers of Kanenobu's knots
Studied 2013-10-23 09:59:01:
[1310.3418] Juhasz- A survey of Heegaard Floer homology
Studied 2013-10-24 07:56:23:
[1310.3030] Przytycki, Rosicki- Cocycle invariants of codimension 2-embeddings of manifolds
Studied 2013-10-29 04:12:01:
[1310.4319] Ramallo- Introduction to the AdSCFT correspondence
Studied 2013-11-11 04:22:18:
[1310.6854] Dherin, Wagemann- Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras
Studied 2013-11-14 19:30:09:
[1311.2849] Kalinin- Alexander polynomial as an intersection of two cycles in a symmetric power
Studied 2013-11-15 06:00:15:
[math0403266] Crainic- On the perturbation lemma, and deformations
Studied 2013-11-21 04:40:08:
[1311.4217] Burke, Koytcheff- A colored operad for string link infection
Studied 2013-11-25 13:41:50:
[1311.5748] Chrisman- Prime Decomposition and Non-Commutativity in the Monoid of Long Virtual Knots
Studied 2013-11-26 08:52:28:
[1202.1554] Gwilliam, Johnson-Freyd- How to derive Feynman diagrams for finite-dimensional integrals directly from the BV formalism
Studied 2013-11-30 04:28:25:
[q-alg9711007] Levine- A Factorization of the Conway Polynomial
Studied 2013-11-30 04:36:23:
[math0405481] Tsukamoto, Yasuhara- A factorization of the Conway polynomial and covering linkage invariants
Studied 2013-12-02 10:49:36:
[math0004112] Retakh, Reutenauer, Vaintrob- Noncommutative Rational Functions and Farber's Invariants of Boundary Links
Studied 2013-12-02 15:12:16:
[1311.7342] BenAribi- The $L^2$-Alexander invariant detects the unknot
Studied 2013-12-09 09:47:42:
[1312.1936] Lightfoot- The Schneiderman-Teichner invariant applied to immersions arising from link maps in $S^4$
Studied 2013-12-11 03:51:21:
[1312.2566] Lescop- An introduction to finite type invariants of knots and 3-manifolds
Studied 2013-12-17 19:47:17:
[1312.3518] Hatcher- The Kirby torus trick for surfaces
Studied 2013-12-21 15:48:25:
[1312.5388] Carter-Kamada- Three-dimensional braids and their descriptions
Studied 2014-01-01 05:21:31:
[1302.3428] Terhal- Quantum Error Correction for Quantum Memories
Studied 2014-01-19 13:45:24:
[1401.3200] Alekseev, Rossi, Torossian, Willwacher- Logarithms and deformation quantization
Studied 2014-01-23 12:47:57:
[hep-th0102208] Cattaneo, Felder- Poisson sigma models and deformation quantization
Studied 2014-01-30 10:32:47:
[1401.6996] Witten- Two Lectures On The Jones Polynomial And Khovanov Homology
Studied 2014-02-28 17:41:06:
[1402.6673] Lebed- Qualgebras and knotted 3-valent graphs
Studied 2014-03-21 18:13:34:
[1403.4050] Florens, Massuyeau- A functorial extension of the abelian Reidemeister torsions of three-manifolds
Studied 2014-04-16 06:15:16:
[1002.4696] Sakai, Watanabe- 1-loop graphs and configuration space integral for embedding spaces
Studied 2014-05-11 10:52:55:
[1404.0729] Abad, Schaetz- Higher holonomies comparing two constructions
Studied 2014-06-18 08:35:17:
[1406.2722] Kerler, Wang-Random Walk Invariants of String Links from R-Matrices
Studied 2014-06-24 10:07:59:
[1406.3705] Mnev- Lecture notes on torsions
Studied 2014-06-27 09:02:40:
[1406.5399] Grant- A generators and relations description of a representation category of $U_q{gl}(11))$
Studied 2014-07-12 09:58:40:
[1406.0056] Kawazumi- A regular homotopy version of the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra, the Enomoto-Satoh traces and the divergence cocy
Studied 2014-07-12 10:08:12:
[1406.0675] Arbesfeld, Enriquez- On a lower central series filtration of the Grothendieck-Teichmuller Lie algebra grt_1
Studied 2014-07-12 10:09:15:
[1407.0184] Audoux, Bellingeri, Meilhan, Wagner- Homotopy classification of ribbon tubes and welded string links
Studied 2014-07-12 10:10:21:
[1407.0421] Winter- Virtual, Welded, and Ribbon Links in Arbitrary Dimensions
Studied 2014-07-16 03:36:36:
[1405.3062] Meilhan, Suzuki- The universal sl_2 invariant and Milnor invariants
Studied 2014-08-05 08:25:27:
[1407.6319] Morozov (3)- On possible existence of HOMFLY polynomials for virtual knots
Studied 2014-08-18 15:14:32:
[1407.7227] Vassiliev- On Finite Order Invariants of Triple Points Free Plane Curves
Studied 2014-10-05 14:19:38:
[1409.6442] Turner- A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology
Studied 2014-10-06 10:32:20:
[1409.7422] Chen- Homology of the braid group with coefficients in the reduced Burau representation
Studied 2014-10-06 10:59:23:
[1409.7756] Nelson, Rivera- Ribbon Biquandles and Virtual Knotted Surfaces
Studied 2014-11-04 14:01:37:
[1311.0779] Chambers, Liokumovich- Converting homotopies to isotopies and dividing homotopies in half in an effective way
Studied 2014-11-04 14:59:29:
[1410.4417] Cheritat- Yet another sphere eversion
Studied 2014-11-09 12:33:19:
[1410.6440] Biswas, Gammelgaard- Vassiliev Invariants from Symmetric Spaces
Studied 2014-11-09 12:35:27:
[1410.6924] Dubois, Friedl, Luck- Three flavors of twisted invariants of knots
Studied 2014-11-22 12:41:42:
[1411.2617] Carter, Yang- Twist Spinning Knotted Trivalent Graphs
Studied 2014-11-25 12:42:41:
[1411.4223] Stoimenow- Everywhere Equivalent 3-Braids
Studied 2014-11-27 10:33:00:
[1411.5418] Ito- Topological formula of the loop expansion of the colored Jones polynomials
Studied 2014-12-04 10:57:15:
[1412.0186] Bellingeri, Gervais- On p-almost direct products and residual properties of pure braid groups of nonorientable surfaces
Studied 2014-12-04 10:58:38:
[1412.0254] Livingston- Notes on the knot concordance invariant Upsilon
Studied 2014-12-14 13:59:13:
[0912.3680] Thiel- Virtual braid groups of type B and weak categorification
Studied 2015-01-05 15:09:48:
[1412.3614] Campos, Willwacher- Operadic Torsors
Studied 2015-01-07 11:56:13:
[1412.5288] Kim, Joung, Lee- On generating sets of Yoshikawa moves for marked graph diagrams of surface-links
Studied 2015-01-16 12:50:31:
[1501.00851] MacColl- Rotors in Khovanov Homology
Studied 2015-02-03 07:20:01:
[1501.05424] Bardakov, etc.- Some Problems on Knots, Braids, and Automorphism Groups
Studied 2015-02-03 07:21:55:
[1501.05049] Cheng- Bowling ball representation of virtual string links
Studied 2015-03-10 14:44:26:
[1503.02130] Gopalan, VanLeeuwen- A Topological Approach to Creating any Pulli Kolam, an Artform from Southern India
Studied 2015-03-21 18:58:30:
[1503.03549] Habiro, Le- Unified quantum invariants for integral homology spheres associated with simple Lie algebras
Studied 2015-03-27 08:28:35:
[1503.05497] Freedman, Guth, Murphy- Amenable groups and smooth topology of 4-manifolds
Studied 2015-04-15 14:42:32:
[1504.00896] Songhafouo, Turchin- Hodge decomposition in the rational homology and homotopy of high dimensional string links
Studied 2015-04-27 07:35:17:
[1503.07969] Ishii, Nikkuni, Oshiro- On calculations of the twisted Alexander ideals for spatial graphs, handlebody-knots and surface-links
Studied 2015-04-27 07:37:23:
[1002.0555] Tingley- A minus sign that used to annoy me but now I know why it is there
Studied 2015-06-02 02:40:22:
[1505.02841] Ito- A homological representation formula of colored Alexander invariants
Studied 2015-06-10 06:05:48:
[1505.03943] Garcia-Compean, Obregon, Santos-Silva- Towards Noncommutative Linking Numbers Via the Seiberg-Witten Map
Studied 2015-06-10 06:07:55:
[1505.02545] Nozaki- An extension of the LMO functor
Studied 2015-08-10 13:10:06:
[1506.05912] Ben-Michael- On the Links-Gould invariant and the square of the Alexander polynomial
Studied 2015-08-10 13:15:00:
[1506.09182] Ilyutko, Manturov- A parity map of framed chord diagrams
Studied 2015-08-21 02:28:11:
[1507.00202] Audoux, Bellingeri, Meilhan, Wagner- On Usual, Virtual and Welded knotted objects up to homotopy
Studied 2015-09-03 10:52:34:
[1507.01221] Cattaneo, Mnev, Reshetikhin- Perturbative quantum gauge theories on manifolds with boundary
Studied 2015-09-03 10:54:58:
[1507.06343] Alekseev, Chekeres, Mnev- Wilson surface observables from equivariant cohomology
Studied 2015-09-11 16:52:57:
[1504.01931] Markarian- Weyl n-algebras
Studied 2015-09-18 19:58:37:
[1508.01098] McCoy- A note on calculating the slice genus of 11- and 12-crossing knots
Studied 2015-09-18 20:02:38:
[1508.03014] Jang, Kronaeur, Luitel, Medici, Taylor, Zupan- New examples of Brunnian theta graphs
Studied 2015-09-18 20:05:38:
[1508.07566] Massuyeau, Turaev- Brackets in representation algebras of Hopf algebras
Studied 2015-09-28 13:10:20:
[1509.00578] Kauffman- Rotational Virtual Knots and Quantum Link Invariants
Studied 2015-10-03 15:26:26:
[1208.1299] Scharlemann- Proposed Property 2R counterexamples classified
Studied 2015-10-03 15:52:11:
[math0202246] Budney- On the image of the Lawrence-Krammer representation
Studied 2015-10-06 09:45:08:
[1509.01174] Winter- Virtual Links in Arbitrary Dimensions
Studied 2015-10-13 11:45:57:
[1509.03415] Markarian- Weyl n-algebras and Kontsevich integral of unknot
Studied 2015-11-11 12:57:55:
[1510.03483] Ellis, Petkova, Vertesi- Quantum gl(11) and tangle Floer homology
Studied 2015-11-13 15:00:48:
[1510.05535] Salerno, Schneps- Mould theory and the double shuffle Lie algebra structure
Studied 2015-11-13 15:01:32:
[1510.05615] Bland, Severa- Coherent Quantization using Coloured Surfaces
Studied 2015-11-18 10:47:25:
[1003.2017] Toledano-Laredo- The trigonometric Casimir connection of a simple Lie algebra
Studied 2015-11-18 10:50:52:
[math0009181] Toledano-Laredo- A Kohno-Drinfeld theorem for quantum Weyl groups
Studied 2015-11-20 16:33:48:
[math0602395v1] Lamm- Symmetric union presentations for 2-bridge ribbon knots
Studied 2016-01-05 07:03:56:
[hep-th9202044] Quinn- Representation theory, topological field theory, and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture
Studied 2016-01-17 15:41:07:
[1511.03974] Massuyeau- Formal descriptions of Turaev's loop operations
Studied 2016-01-17 15:42:47:
[1512.00401] Park- A construction of slice knots via annulus modifications
Studied 2016-01-21 09:30:43:
[1601.04915] Zibrowius- On a polynomial Alexander invariant for tangles and its categorification
Studied 2016-01-25 18:21:47:
[1512.01602] Yau- Operads of Wiring Diagrams
Studied 2016-01-25 18:24:59:
[1512.01623] Kauffman- Chern-Simons Theory, Vassiliev Invariants, Loop Quantum Gravity and Functional Integration Without Integration
Studied 2016-02-18 16:19:28:
[1602.03080] Brochier- Virtual tangles and fiber functors
Studied 2016-02-19 14:19:53:
[1602.04273] Suciu, Wang- Pure virtual braids, resonance, and formality
Studied 2016-02-19 14:21:13:
[1602.05291] Suciu, Wang- The pure braid groups and their relatives
Studied 2016-02-28 12:13:30:
[1512.03997] Ovando- Lie algebras with ad-invariant metrics. A survey
Studied 2016-02-28 12:14:14:
[1601.00798] Putyra, Shumakovitch- Knot invariants arising from homological operations on Khovanov homology
Studied 2016-03-06 18:23:26:
[1602.02208] Goerner- A census of hyperbolic platonic manifold and augmented knotted trivalent graphs
Studied 2016-03-13 14:11:03:
[1602.06191] Damiani, Florens- Alexander invariants of ribbon tangles and planar algebras
Studied 2016-03-13 14:14:31:
[1602.07775] Ogasa- Local-move-identities for the Z[t,t^{-1}]-Alexander polynomials of 2-links, the alinking number, and high dimen
Studied 2016-03-13 22:43:56:
[1602.07855] Kamada, Kawamura- Ribbon-clasp surface-links and normal forms of singular surface-links
Studied 2016-03-13 22:49:02:
[1602.08286] del Barco- Lie algebras admitting symmetric, invariant and nondegenerate bilinear forms
Studied 2016-04-18 13:01:07:
[1603.01209] Bardakov, Bellingeri, Damiani- Unrestricted virtual braids, fused links and other quotients of virtual braid groups
Studied 2016-04-18 13:02:54:
[1603.01425] Bardakov, Mikhalchishina, Neshchadim- Representations of virtual braids by automorphisms and virtual knot groups
Studied 2016-07-12 15:17:04:
[1605.01391] Knudsen- Higher enveloping algebras
Studied 2016-07-12 15:23:09:
[1605.00689] Heyman- Dualization and deformations of the Bar-Natan--Russell skein module (PhD thesis)
Studied 2016-08-10 08:58:15:
[1604.03213] Kodani- Group-like expansions and invariants of string links
Studied 2016-08-10 08:59:36:
[1604.03778] Lackenby- Elementary knot theory
Studied 2016-08-10 09:00:22:
[1605.02323] Damiani- A journey through loop braid groups
Studied 2016-08-10 09:02:18:
[1604.08450] Brochier- A Duflo star-product for Poisson groups
Studied 2016-08-10 09:04:19:
[1605.01282] Merkulov, Willwacher- Classification of universal formality maps for quantizations of Lie bialgebras
Studied 2016-09-07 10:01:48:
[1606.03587] Friedl- Novikov homology and noncommutative Alexander polynomials
Studied 2016-09-07 10:03:22:
[1606.03608] Cha, Orr, Powell- Whitney towers and abelian invariants of knots
Studied 2016-09-07 10:04:14:
[1606.05166] Cimasoni, Conway- A Burau-Alexander 2-functor on tangles
Studied 2016-10-19 12:54:20:
[1309.5530] Jing, Zhang- Quantum Pfaffians and Hyper-Pfaffians
Studied 2016-10-26 10:12:23:
[math0503296v1] Le, Huynh- On the Colored Jones Polynomial and the Kashaev invariant
Studied 2016-10-27 17:01:05:
[1607.02218] Maria, Spreer- A polynomial time algorithm to compute quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with bounded first Betti number
Studied 2016-11-29 14:09:01:
[1610.02592] Martelli- An Introduction to Geometric Topology
Studied 2016-12-12 23:32:27:
[1608.01812] Goundaroulis, Lambropoulou- A new two-variable generalization of the Jones polynomial
Studied 2017-01-06 19:23:34:
[1609.03673] Ito- Alexander polynomial obstruction of bi-orderability for rationally homologically fibered knot groups
Studied 2017-01-06 19:25:18:
[1607.04348] Clark, Dunning, Saito- Computation of quandle 2-cocycle knot invariants without explicit 2-cocycles
Studied 2017-01-06 19:29:55:
[1608.04453] Conant, Manathunga- The Conway Polynomial and Amphicheiral Knots
Studied 2017-01-07 10:51:15:
[1608.06576] Cattaneo- From topological field theory to deformation quantization and reduction
Studied 2017-01-16 12:29:37:
[q-alg9503005] Kashaev- Heisenberg Double and Pentagon Relation
Studied 2017-01-25 14:45:57:
[1608.07645] Morita, Sakasai, Suzuki- An abelian quotient of the symplectic derivation Lie algebra of the free Lie algebra
Studied 2017-02-12 16:34:39:
[1612.03083] Felder- Internally connected graphs and the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra
Studied 2017-02-12 16:36:48:
[1612.03501] Martins, Picken- Link invariants from finite categorical groups
Studied 2017-02-12 16:38:44:
[1608.08462] Watanabe- Garoufalidis-Levine's finite type invariants for $mathbb{Z}pi$-homology equivalences from 3-manifolds to the 3-
Studied 2017-02-12 16:44:37:
[1611.07006] Gabrovsek- Tabulation of prime knots in lens spaces
Studied 2017-02-12 16:46:11:
[1611.06282] Dancso, Garoufalidis- A construction of the graphic matroid from the lattice of integer flows
Studied 2017-02-13 10:34:31:
[1609.06663] Kosyak- The Lawrence-Krammer representation is a quantization of the symmetric square of the Burau representation
Studied 2017-02-13 10:36:32:
[1609.09587] Lee- Constructions of invariants for surface-links via link invariants and applications to the Kauffman bracket
Studied 2017-02-13 10:39:25:
[1610.04728] Carrega- Shadows and quantum invariants
Studied 2017-02-13 10:40:50:
[1610.09640] Yekutieli- Derived Categories -- a Textbook
Studied 2017-02-13 10:43:06:
[1611.00592] Witten- Integrable Lattice Models From Gauge Theory
Studied 2017-02-13 10:47:09:
[1612.08262] Suzuki- The universal quantum invariant and colored ideal triangulations
Studied 2017-03-11 16:41:50:
[0811.0129] Hu, Pei, Rosso- Multi-parameter Quantum Groups and Quantum Shuffles, (I)
Studied 2017-04-27 11:56:00:
[math-ph0305003] Quesne- Jackson's q-exponential as the exponential of a series
Studied 2017-05-14 06:37:22:
[q-alg9601021] Kerler- Genealogy of Nonperturbative Quantum-Invariants of 3-Manifolds The Surgical Family
Studied 2017-05-30 12:56:56:
[1705.01315] Moussard- Splitting formulas for the rational lift of the Kontsevich integral
Studied 2017-06-11 11:32:28:
[1703.07999] Audoux, Meilhan, Wagner- On codimension two embeddings up to link-homotopy
Studied 2017-06-11 11:36:14:
[1704.07206] Kashaev- A dequantized metaplectic knot invariant
Studied 2017-06-11 11:50:27:
[1702.00830] Habiro, Massuyeau- The Kontsevich integral for bottom tangles in handlebodies
Studied 2017-06-11 11:51:06:
[1702.00086] Winter- Virtual n-knots with isomorphic quandles
Studied 2017-06-11 11:51:37:
[1701.07768] Sucio, Wang- Cup products, lower central series, and holonomy Lie algebras
Studied 2017-06-11 11:52:20:
[1701.05874] Cattaneo, Mnev, Reshitikhin- A cellular topological field theory
Studied 2017-06-11 11:54:19:
[1611.05581] Alekseev, Kawazumi, Kuno, Naef- Higher genus Kashiwara-Vergne problems and the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra
Studied 2017-07-06 08:48:07:
[1703.05813] Alekseev, Kawazumi, Kuno, Naef- The Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra in genus zero and the Kashiwara-Vergne problem
Studied 2017-07-10 10:07:08:
[q-alg9511001] Majid- Double-Bosonisation and the Construction of {$U_q(g)$}
Studied 2017-07-16 19:29:32:
[1706.07729] Ozsvath, Szabo- An overview of knot Floer homology
Studied 2017-07-17 11:43:42:
[0704.3864] Zusmanovich- A converse to the Second Whitehead Lemma
Studied 2017-07-18 10:33:57:
[1706.08299] Raphael, Schneps- On linearised and elliptic versions of the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra
Studied 2017-07-18 10:37:36:
[1703.05869] Yang- Regional knot invariants
Studied 2017-08-28 05:46:37:
[1708.06402] Bar-Natan, A- Arcs on Punctured Disks Intersecting at Most Twice with Endpoints on the Boundary
Studied 2017-09-19 09:46:18:
[1708.05105] Halacheva, Kamnitzer, Rybnikov, Weekes- Crystals and monodromy of Bethe vectors
Studied 2017-09-19 09:51:36:
[1708.05982] Boden, Chrisman, Gaudreau- Virtual knot cobordism and bounding the slice genus
Studied 2017-10-09 19:07:30:
[1709.04306] Edwards- The 4-Dimensional Light Bulb Theorem (after David Gabai)
Studied 2017-10-09 19:08:40:
[1705.09989] Gabai- The 4-Dimensional Light Bulb Theorem
Studied 2017-10-10 11:30:33:
[1707.07733] Przytycki- The first coefficient of Homflypt and Kauffman polynomials Vertigan proof of polynomial complexity using dynami
Studied 2017-10-17 10:06:14:
[math-0610481] Fenn, Turaev- Weyl Algebras and Knots
Studied 2017-10-17 10:07:01:
[math-0503296] Huynh, Le- On the Colored Jones Polynomial and the Kashaev invariant
Studied 2017-11-07 18:29:13:
[math-0505614] Bergeron, Gao, Hu- Drinfel'd Doubles and Lusztig's Symmetries of Two-Parameter Quantum Groups
Studied 2017-11-09 16:55:15:
[1601.01377v2] Cheng, Jackson, Stanley- Combinatorial aspects of the quantized universal enveloping algebra of sl_{n+1}
Studied 2017-11-17 17:02:45:
[1708.08090] Boden, Chrisman, Gaudreau- Signature and concordance of virtual knots
Studied 2017-11-17 17:04:59:
[1709.02765] Brown- Anatomy of an associator
Studied 2017-11-17 17:25:16:
[1705.10490] Kotorii- Virtual clasper on long virtual knots
Studied 2017-11-23 15:49:24:
[1710.09969] Ito- Mutation invariance for the zeroth coefficients of the colored HOMFLY polynomial
Studied 2017-12-11 10:47:46:
[1709.03430] Enriquez, Etingof- A Tannakian interpretation of the elliptic infinitesimal braid Lie algebras
Studied 2017-12-11 10:49:06:
[1709.03479] Conway, Estier- Conway's potential function via the Gassner representation
Studied 2017-12-11 21:11:37:
[1710.03090] Yanofsky- Theoretical Computer Science for the Working Category Theorist
Studied 2017-12-11 21:14:05:
[1709.05626] Chen- On the algebraic Gordian distance
Studied 2017-12-11 21:17:29:
[1710.05237] Buck, ODonnol- Unknotting numbers for prime $-theta$-curves up to seven crossings
Studied 2017-12-11 21:19:06:
[1710.06053] Hain- Hodge theory of the Goldman bracket
Studied 2017-12-22 05:08:58:
[1512.03966] Meusburger, Wise- Hopf algebra gauge theory on a ribbon graph
Studied 2017-12-22 05:10:13:
[1607.01144] Meusburger- Kitaev lattice models as a Hopf algebra gauge theory
Studied 2017-12-27 09:05:24:
[1711.09954] Costa- The complex of partial bases of a free group
Studied 2017-12-27 09:08:18:
[1712.00073] Vera- Johnson-Levine Homomorphisms and the tree reduction of the LMO functor
Studied 2017-12-27 16:50:07:
[1712.00440] Kovacs, Kovacs- A compilation of LEGO Technic parts to support learning experiments on linkages
Studied 2017-12-28 09:25:38:
[1712.01552] Gonzalez-Menses, Siulvero- Polynomial braid combing
Studied 2017-12-28 09:30:56:
[1709.07335] Kodani, Nosaka- Milnor invariants via unipotent Magnus embeddings
Studied 2017-12-28 09:33:28:
[1712.02060] Nosaka- Milnor-Orr invariants from the Kontsevich invariant
Studied 2017-12-28 09:38:36:
[1710.10530] Livingston- Signature invariants related to the unknotting number
Studied 2018-01-01 11:01:01:
[1709.09993] Costello, Witten, Yamazaki- Gauge Theory and Integrability, I
Studied 2018-01-03 18:08:31:
[1712.01815] Silver et al- Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Studied 2018-01-08 09:49:49:
[1706.00226] Conway- An explicit computation of the Blanchfield pairing for arbitrary links
Studied 2018-01-08 12:50:53:
[1706.00152] Banica- Super-easy quantum groups- definition and examples
Studied 2018-01-09 12:17:47:
[1505.03130] Mikhaylov- Analytic Torsion, 3d Mirror Symmetry And Supergroup Chern-Simons Theories
Studied 2018-01-11 12:17:44:
[1508.04272] Grosu- A new lower bound for the Towers of Hanoi problem
Studied 2018-02-23 12:17:43:
[q-alg9512020] de Montigny- Graded Contractions of Affine Kac-Moody Algebras
Studied 2018-03-17 20:08:32:
[1709.08492] Gratus- A pictorial introduction to differential geometry, leading to Maxwell's equations as three pictures
Studied 2018-03-17 20:12:36:
[1710.00658] Buring, Kiselev, Rutten- The heptagon-wheel cocycle in the Kontsevich graph complex
Studied 2018-03-17 20:15:35:
[1712.04873] Anghel- A Homological model for the coloured Jones polynomials
Studied 2018-03-17 20:18:40:
[1712.05259] Buring, Kiselev, Rutten- Poisson brackets symmetry from the pentagon-wheel cocycle in the graph complex
Studied 2018-03-17 20:20:45:
[1712.05776] Burton- The HOMFLY-PT polynomial is fixed-parameter tractable
Studied 2018-03-25 11:12:27:
[1712.05475] Bigeni- A generalization of the Kreweras triangle through the universal $-text{sl}_2$ weight system
Studied 2018-08-15 10:04:13:
[1710.01791] Witten- Symmetry and Emergence
Studied 2018-08-15 11:10:02:
[1801.00230] Blair, Sack- Idempotents in Tangle Categories Split
Studied 2018-10-05 11:26:57:
[1801.03313] Barbensi, Celoria- The Reidemeister graph is a complete knot invariant
Studied 2018-10-09 08:19:36:
[1810.03502] de Mesmay, Rieck, Sedgwick, Tancer- The unbearable hardness of unknotting
Studied 2018-10-12 06:57:32:
[1810.04855] Eastwood, Nuruwski- Aerodynamics of flying saucers
Studied 2018-10-12 07:02:59:
[1810.05152] Bullivant, Kimbal, Martin, Rowell- Representations of the Necklace Braid Group- Topological and Combinatorial Approaches
Studied 2018-10-15 06:12:44:
[1810.05288] Alsaody, Pianzola- On the Classification of Lie Bialgebras by Cohomological Means
Studied 2018-10-16 07:46:24:
[1810.05747] Mortier- A Kontsevich integral of order 1
Studied 2018-10-16 07:49:10:
[1810.06034] Jones- On the construction of knots and links from Thompson's groups
Studied 2018-10-17 07:34:58:
[1809.10996] Hass, Thompson, Tsvietkova- Alternating links have at most polynomially many Seifert surfaces of fixed genus
Studied 2018-10-19 06:41:59:
[1809.10334] Koenig, Tsvietkova- NP-hard problems naturally arising in knot theory
Studied 2018-10-19 08:02:04:
[1809.09769] Manolescu, Marengon- The Knight Move Conjecture is false
Studied 2018-10-31 09:46:04:
[1809.05874] Backes, Kaiser, Leafblad, Peterson, Yetter- Multi-Skein Invariants for Welded and Extended Welded Knots and Links
Studied 2018-10-31 17:11:49:
[1801.04632] Kashaev- On symmetric matrices associated with oriented link diagrams
Studied 2018-11-16 11:08:52:
[1710.09524] Chang, Cui- On Two Invariants of Three Manifolds from Hopf Algebras
Studied 2018-11-26 08:30:54:
[1811.09121] Barbensi, Buck, Harrington, Lackenby- Double branched covers of knotoids
Studied 2018-11-27 09:44:09:
[1811.09809] Pourkia- A new $n$ dimensional representation of Artin braid group $B_n$
Studied 2018-11-27 09:48:48:
[1809.00789] Furusho- The pentagon equation and the confluence relations
Studied 2018-11-29 09:11:23:
[1811.11648] Gugumcu, Kauffman, Lambropoulou- A survey on knotoids, braidoids and their applications
Studied 2018-12-05 08:50:06:
[1812.01159] Alekseev, Kawazumi, Kuno, Naef- Goldman-Turaev formality implies Kashiwara-Vergne
Studied 2018-12-11 11:27:55:
[1806.11201] Hugelmeyer- A Representation Theorem for Knots and a Generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Type Invariants
Studied 2018-12-11 13:10:13:
[1801.06301] Bao- A topological interpretation of Viro's $gl(1- 1)$-Alexander polynomial of a graph
Studied 2018-12-12 08:56:00:
[1802.04984] Kazhdan, Ziegler- On ranks of polynomials
Studied 2018-12-17 09:41:21:
[1802.09369] Efimova- River Crossing Problems- Algebraic Approach
Studied 2018-12-17 15:04:36:
[1804.02385] de Grey- The chromatic number of the plane is at least 5
Studied 2018-12-17 15:06:18:
[1806.06435] Caprau- Invariants for trivalent tangles and handlebody-tangles
Studied 2018-12-27 03:07:30:
[1808.05495] Lackenby- Links with splitting number one
Studied 2019-01-03 12:59:09:
[1901.00474] Moussard, Wagner- A Fox-Milnor theorem for the Alexander polynomial of knotted $2$-spheres in $S^4$
Studied 2019-01-04 03:58:47:
[1901.00582] Menasco- Alternating Knots
Studied 2019-01-11 08:46:57:
[1901.03186] Gaudreau, Ledvinka- Knot theory and quantum computing
Studied 2019-01-23 08:48:43:
[1901.06929] Veryovkin- The Lie algebra associated with the lower central series of a right-angled Coxeter group
Studied 2019-02-05 07:15:12:
[1808.02923] Piccirillo- The Conway knot is not slice
Studied 2019-02-05 07:22:48:
[1808.03023] Kauffman, Ogasa, Schneider- A spinning construction for virtual 1-knots and 2-knots, and the fiberwise and welded equivalence of virtual 1-knots
Studied 2019-02-13 07:13:40:
[1902.04310] Calino, Mazzotta, Miccoli- Set-theoretical solutions of the pentagon equation on groups
Studied 2019-02-18 07:40:35:
[1902.05648] Robert, Wagner- A quantum categorification of the Alexander polynomial
Studied 2019-02-21 07:41:43:
[1902.07277] Goundaroulis, Dorier, Stasiak- A systematic classification of knotoids on the plane and on the sphere
Studied 2019-02-21 07:47:56:
[1902.01819] Mishra, Staffeldt- Polynomial Invariants, Knot Homologies, and Higher Twist Numbers of Weaving Knots $W(3,n)$
Studied 2019-02-22 07:23:22:
[1902.05405] Livingston- Null-homologous unknottings
Studied 2019-02-26 08:36:15:
[1902.09008] Gaudreau- Classification of virtual string links up to cobordism
Studied 2019-03-12 06:23:04:
[1903.04477] Conway- The Levine-Tristram signature- a survey
Studied 2019-03-12 06:25:32:
[1903.03681] Reshetikhin, Stroppel, Webster- Schur-Weyl type duality for quantized gl(1-1),the Burau representation of braid groups and invariants of tangled graphs
Studied 2019-03-22 06:17:56:
[1902.06091] Fiedler- A refinement of the first Vassiliev invariant can distinguish the orientation of knots
Studied 2019-04-09 06:34:46:
[1904.03341] Khovanskii- One dimensional topological Galois theory
Studied 2019-04-12 06:01:19:
[1904.05786] Lopez-Neumann- Kuperberg invariants for balanced sutured 3-manifolds
Studied 2019-04-15 06:41:47:
[1904.05951] Kauffman, Lopes- The Prevalence of Persistent Tangles
Studied 2019-04-15 06:45:46:
[1904.06057] Gukov, Manolescu- A two-variable series for knot complements
Studied 2019-04-16 06:38:42:
[1904.06686] Kawazumi- Some algebraic aspects of the Turaev cobracket
Studied 2019-04-17 06:32:06:
[1904.07228] Khovanskii- Multidimensional topological Galois theory
Studied 2019-04-25 08:43:30:
[1904.10677] Derne- Milnor invariants of braids and welded braids up to homotopy
Studied 2019-05-01 06:28:15:
[1904.12955] McDonald- Doubly slice odd pretzel knots
Studied 2019-05-01 06:35:28:
[1904.13097] Merkulov- Grothendieck-Teichmueller group, operads and graph complexes- a survey
Studied 2019-05-07 06:29:44:
[1905.01418] Ito, Kotorii- On Goussarov-Polyak-Viro Conjecture of knots with degree three
Studied 2019-05-10 08:03:29:
[1905.03595] Kreinbihl- A Fox-Milnor Theorem for Knots in a Thickened Surface
Studied 2019-05-13 06:32:43:
[1905.04089] Gugumcu, Kauffman- Parity in Knotoids
Studied 2019-05-14 16:25:37:
[1905.05099] Bianchi- On the homology of the commutator subgroup of the pure braid group
Studied 2019-05-14 16:31:26:
[1905.04915] Kishimoto, Shibuya, Tsukamoto, Ishikawa- Alexander polynomials of simple-ribbon knots
Studied 2019-05-15 07:58:17:
[1905.05664] Ito, Kameyama- On a Poincare' polynomial from Khovanov homology and Vassiliev invariants
Studied 2019-05-30 04:49:06:
[1601.04199] Mironov, Morozov, Morozov, Ramadevi, Singh, Sleptsov- Tabulating knot polynomials for arborescent knots
Studied 2019-06-19 19:04:21:
[1906.04056] Anghel- A topological model for the coloured Alexander invariants
Studied 2019-06-26 06:29:12:
[1906.10616] Pulmann, Severa- Quantization of Poisson Hopf algebras
Studied 2019-07-04 06:54:51:
[1907.01712] Leturcq- Generalized Bott-Cattaneo-Rossi invariants of high-dimensional long knots
Studied 2019-07-11 11:00:53:
[hep-th-0206162] Severa- (Non-)Abelian Kramers-Wannier duality and topological field theory
Studied 2019-07-15 08:58:05:
[1907.03812] Hoste- A Note on Alexander Polynomials of 2-Bridge Links
Studied 2019-07-16 06:46:59:
[1907.05981] Kuperberg, Samperton- Coloring invariants of knots and links are often intractable
Studied 2019-07-16 06:48:46:
[1907.06502] Akimova, Manturov- Labels instead of coefficients- a label bracket which dominates the Jones polynomial, the Kuperberg bracket, and the normalised arrow polynomial
Studied 2019-07-23 09:56:58:
[1907.09031] Friedl, Powell- Homotopy ribbon concordance and Alexander polynomials
Studied 2019-08-02 06:47:43:
[1908.00444] Enriquez, Furusho- The Betti side of the double shuffle theory. III. Double shuffle relations for associators
Studied 2019-08-02 06:51:48:
[1908.00118] Kashaev- Invariants of long knots
Studied 2019-08-10 08:12:01:
[1908.02048] Khovanskii- Comments on J. F. Ritt's book -Integration in Finite Terms-
Studied 2019-09-23 02:15:25:
[1909.09328] Bellettini, Paolini, Wang- A complete invariant for closed surfaces in the three-sphere
Studied 2019-09-23 02:18:07:
[1909.09496] Kuno, Massuyeau, Tsuji- Generalized Dehn twists in low-dimensional topology
Studied 2019-10-29 05:59:00:
[1910.12108] Kuzbary- An Analogue of Milnor's Invariants for Knots in 3-Manifolds
Studied 2019-11-09 20:43:24:
[1911.02236] Carlson, Kim- A note on abelian arithmetic BF-theory
Studied 2019-11-11 08:34:24:
[1911.02791] Mostovoy, Polyak- Encoding knots by clasp diagrams
Studied 2019-11-18 16:17:43:
[1910.05230] Gwilliam, Williams- A one-loop exact quantization of Chern-Simons theory
Studied 2019-12-04 07:29:45:
[1912.01229] Horvat- The label bracket for knotted trivalent graphs
Studied 2019-12-05 08:23:17:
[1912.01657] Szabo, Ozsvath- Algebras with matchings and knot Floer homology
Studied 2019-12-06 14:17:55:
[1912.02295] Lee- An Algorithmic Definition of Gabai Width
Studied 2019-12-13 07:35:52:
[1912.05740] Khesin, Tabachnikov- Fun Problems in Geometry and Beyond
Studied 2019-12-26 05:10:54:
[1912.10086] Levitt, Hajij, Sazdanovic- Big Data Approaches to Knot Theory- Understanding the Structure of the Jones Polynomial
Studied 2020-01-07 06:11:57:
[2001.01472] Skopenkov- A user's guide to basic knot and link theory
Studied 2020-01-28 03:00:48:
[2001.09825] Yuta Nozaki, Masatoshi Sato, Masaaki Suzuki- Abelian quotients of the $Y$-filtration on the homology cylinders via the LMO functor
Studied 2020-01-30 04:06:15:
[2001.10596] V. Mishnyakov, A. Sleptsov, N. Tselousov- A new symmetry of the colored Alexander polynomial
Studied 2020-02-07 03:38:50:
[2002.02179] Marc Lackenby- Algorithms in 3-manifold theory
Studied 2020-03-02 14:24:39:
[2002.12652] Jessica S. Purcell- Hyperbolic Knot Theory
Studied 2020-03-03 05:07:33:
[2003.00512] Blake K Winter- A geometric invariant of virtual n-links
Studied 2020-03-03 05:10:02:
[2003.01007] David Leturcq- Relating a Bott-Cattaneo-Rossi invariant to Alexander polynomials
Studied 2020-03-10 03:21:06:
[2003.03748] Giovanni Bellettini, Giovanni Paolini, Maurizio Paolini, Yi-Sheng Wang- A table of (n,1)-handlebody links to six crossings
Studied 2020-03-24 07:39:56:
[2003.09854] Sonny Willetts- A unification of the ADO and colored Jones polynomials of a knot
Studied 2020-04-13 11:39:06:
[2004.04624] Thomas Fiedler- More 1-cocycles for classical knots
Studied 2020-04-24 17:35:34:
[1912.09353] Colin Adams, Judah Devadoss, Mohamed Elhamdadi, Alireza Mashaghi- Knot Theory for Proteins- Gauss Codes, Quandles and Bondles
Studied 2020-05-05 13:27:24:
[2005.00855] Harald Hofsta"tter- A relatively short self-contained proof of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff theorem
Studied 2020-05-05 15:02:39:
[1604.04314] Mark C. Bell- Simplifying triangulations
Studied 2020-05-05 15:02:57:
[1605.03514] Mark C. Bell, Richard C. H. Webb- Applications of fast triangulation simplification
Studied 2020-05-07 06:48:41:
[2005.02893] Gage Martin- Khovanov homology detects $T(2,6)$
Studied 2020-05-11 19:55:30:
[2004.00977] Jules Martel- Colored version for Lawrence representations
Studied 2020-05-11 21:30:13:
[2004.01619] Artem Kotelskiy, Liam Watson, Claudius Zibrowius- Khovanov invariants via Fukaya categories- the tangle invariants agree
Studied 2020-05-12 14:38:48:
[2004.14785] Noboru Ito, Migiwa Sakurai- Higher-order finite type invariants of classical and virtual knots and unknotting operations
Studied 2020-05-13 06:39:44:
[2005.05381] James Conant, Rob Schneiderman, Peter Teichner- Clasper Concordance, Whitney towers and repeating Milnor invariants
Studied 2020-05-14 06:47:23:
[2005.06267] Noboru Ito, Yusuke Takimura- Strong and weak (1, 2, 3) homotopies on knot projections
Studied 2020-05-14 06:49:52:
[2005.06290] Bruno Cisneros, Marcelo Flores, Jesu's Juyumaya, Christopher Roque-Ma'rquez- An Alexander type invariant for doodles
Studied 2020-05-26 07:00:02:
[2005.11693] Louis Ioos, David Kazhdan, Leonid Polterovich- Almost representations of Lie algebras and quantization
Studied 2020-05-27 13:13:09:
[2005.12542] David Kazhdan, Tamar Ziegler- Applications of Algebraic Combinatorics to Algebraic Geometry
Studied 2020-05-27 13:16:43:
[2005.12388] Qidong He, Scott A. Taylor- Links, bridge number, and width trees
Studied 2020-05-27 14:13:31:
[1912.01657] Zoltan Szabo, Peter Ozsvath- Algebras with matchings and knot Floer homology
Studied 2020-05-27 14:13:56:
[2004.07309] Zoltan Szabo, Peter Ozsvath- Algebras with matchings and link Floer homology
Studied 2020-06-03 10:31:00:
[2006.01303] Christine Ruey Shan Lee, Roland van der Veen- Cancellations in the degree of the colored Jones polynomial
Studied 2020-06-05 17:18:50:
[math-0206258] Tim D. Cochran- Noncommutative knot theory
Studied 2020-06-09 05:49:12:
[2006.03861] Noboru Ito, Natsumi Oyamaguchi- Gauss diagram formulas of Vassiliev invariants of spatial 2-bouquet graphs
Studied 2020-06-09 05:50:46:
[2006.04032] Julia Viro, Oleg Viro- Fundamental group in the projective knot theory
Studied 2020-06-09 05:53:04:
[2006.03954] Arthur Jaffe, Zhengwei Liu- A Mathematical Picture Language Project
Studied 2020-06-12 14:24:37:
[2006.06101] Alexander Polishchuk- Geometrization of trigonometric solutions of the associative and classical Yang-Baxter equations
Studied 2020-06-16 07:29:20:
[2006.07706] Jonathan Zung- Taut foliations, left-orders, and pseudo-Anosov mapping tori
Studied 2020-06-16 07:33:52:
[2006.08007] Jacob Mostovoy- A presentation for the planar pure braid group
Studied 2020-06-24 06:39:04:
[1308.2047v2] Antonio Sartori- The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links
Studied 2020-06-30 06:38:31:
[2006.15836] Eduardo Ochs- On my favorite conventions for drawing the missing diagrams in Category Theory
Studied 2020-07-03 06:50:53:
[2007.01269] John A. Baldwin, Nathan Dowlin, Adam Simon Levine, Tye Lidman, Radmila Sazdanovic- Khovanov homology detects the figure-eight knot
Studied 2020-07-03 06:57:55:
[2007.00579] Sibasish Banerjee, Jakub Jankowski, Piotr Sul/kowski- Revisiting the Melvin-Morton-Rozansky Expansion, or There and Back Again
Studied 2020-07-03 18:21:41:
[math-0008204] Thomas Kerler- Homology TQFT's and the Alexander-Reidemeister Invariant of 3-Manifolds via Hopf Algebras and Skein Theory
Studied 2020-07-08 06:57:07:
[2007.03385] Franc,ois Renaud- Higher coverings of racks and quandles -- Part I
Studied 2020-08-04 17:29:25:
[1907.11400] Francesco Costantino, Thang T. Q. Le- Stated skein algebras of surfaces
Studied 2020-08-05 10:04:16:
[2005.12957] Sandy Ganzell, Ellen Lehet, Cristina Lopez, Gilbert Magallon, Alyson Thompson- Reidemeister Moves in Gauss Diagrams
Studied 2020-08-12 07:07:23:
[2008.04840] Celeste Damiani, Paul Martin, Eric C. Rowell- Generalisations of Hecke algebras from Loop Braid Groups
Studied 2020-08-12 07:19:32:
[2008.02835] Federico Ardila-Mantilla- Todxs cuentan- building community and welcoming humanity from the first day of class
Studied 2020-08-27 07:23:46:
[2008.11610] Richard Evan Schwartz- An improved bound for the optimal paper Moebius band
Studied 2020-09-22 11:04:19:
[2008.13244] Jean-Marc Schlenker- The prestige and status of research fields within mathematics
Studied 2020-09-24 17:27:43:
[1904.08304] Eric Bergshoeff, Jose Manuel Izquierdo, Tomas Ortin, Luca Romano- Lie Algebra Expansions and Actions for Non-Relativistic Gravity
Studied 2020-09-24 17:28:18:
[hep-th-0212347v1] Jose A. de Azcarraga, Jose M. Izquierdo, Moises Picon, Oscar Varela- Generating Lie and gauge free differential (super)algebras by expanding Maurer-Cartan forms and Chern-Simons supergravity
Studied 2020-10-02 17:08:32:
[1607.00271] Gus Schrader, Alexander Shapiro- A cluster realization of $U_q(-mathfrak{sl_n})$ from quantum character varieties
Studied 2020-10-06 09:08:21:
[math-0505185] David Cimasoni, Vincent Florens- Generalized Seifert surfaces and signatures of colored links
Studied 2020-10-06 20:47:39:
[2010.01692] Manousos Manouras, Sofia Lambropoulou, Louis H. Kauffman- Finite type invariants for knotoids
Studied 2020-10-26 17:08:43:
[2010.12150] Tetsuya Ito- A quantitative Birman-Menasco finiteness theorem and its application to crossing number
Studied 2020-10-28 12:32:10:
[2010.13530] Ben Knudsen- Farber's conjecture on the topological complexity of pure graph braid groups
Studied 2020-12-03 10:30:10:
[0912.2114] Craig Jackson, Thomas Kerler- The Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow Representations of the Braid Groups via Quantum SL_2
Studied 2020-12-03 10:31:41:
[2001.04272] Paolo Bellingeri (LMNO), Arthur Soulie' (University of Glasgow)- A note on representations of welded braid groups
Studied 2020-12-11 08:16:30:
[2012.05441] Sukuse Abe- Proof of Volume Conjecture
Studied 2020-12-11 15:26:48:
[2005.08176] Jennifer Brown, Tudor Dimofte, Stavros Garoufalidis, Nathan Geer- The ADO Invariants are a q-Holonomic Family
Studied 2021-01-01 09:29:35:
[2012.15571] Vassily Olegovich Manturov- A free-group valued invariant of free knots
Studied 2021-01-01 09:33:16:
[2012.15202] A. Del Pozo Manglano, P. M. G. Manchon- Braids for pretzel links
Studied 2021-01-01 09:36:02:
[2012.15478] Blake Mellor, Riley Smith- N-quandles of links
Studied 2021-01-01 09:39:50:
[2012.14662] Nima Moshayedi- Lectures on Symplectic Geometry, Poisson Geometry, Deformation Quantization and Quantum Field Theory
Studied 2021-01-19 09:50:18:
[2012.15571] Manturov- A free-group valued invariant of free knots
Studied 2021-02-10 18:58:58:
[math-0008204] Kerler- Homology TQFT's and the Alexander-Reidemeister Invariant of 3-Manifolds via Hopf Algebras and Skein Theory
Studied 2021-02-15 19:59:32:
[1801.04632v2] Kashaev- On symmetric matrices associated with oriented link diagrams
Studied 2021-02-16 08:47:37:
[1903.04477] Anthony Conway- The Levine-Tristram signature- a survey
Studied 2021-02-16 08:48:16:
[2102.04391] Ciprian Manolescu, Lisa Piccirillo- From zero surgeries to candidates for exotic definite four-manifolds
Studied 2021-02-16 13:45:06:
[1308.2047] Antonio Sartori- The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links
Studied 2021-03-04 14:30:34:
[1911.02925] Daniel Lopez Neumann- Twisting Kuperberg invariants via Fox calculus and Reidemeister torsion
Studied 2021-03-09 12:55:10:
[2103.04878] Pavel Etingof, Arun S. Kannan- Lectures on Symmetric Tensor Categories
Studied 2021-03-09 12:56:52:
[2103.04799] Tiago Guerreiro, Zijia Li, Josef Schicho- Classification of Higher Mobility Linkages
Studied 2021-03-09 15:33:30:
[2103.01081] Ge Feng, Naihong Hu, Yunnan Li- Drinfel'd doubles of the $n$-rank Taft algebras, and a generalization of the Jones polynomial
Studied 2021-03-25 12:35:56:
[1803.00413] Syed Mohammed Meesum, T. V. H Prathamesh- Unknot Recognition Through Quantifier Elimination
Studied 2021-04-02 13:14:36:
[2104.00215] Zipei Zhuang- Ihara zeta function and twisted Alexander invariants
Studied 2021-04-17 14:53:02:
[2103.07128] Sheng Bai- Alexander polynomial of ribbon knots
Studied 2021-04-18 10:00:01:
[2010.03162] V. Bardakov, B. Chuzhinov, I. Emel'yanenkov, M. Ivanov, E. Markhinina, T. Nasybullov, S. Panov, N. Singh, S. VasyutRepresentations of flat virtual braids which do not preserve the forbidden relations
Studied 2021-05-05 03:43:29:
[1104.4585] Delphine Moussard- On Alexander modules and Blanchfield forms of null-homologous knots in rational homology spheres
Studied 2021-05-26 02:05:50:
[2105.10921] Jablonowski- Tabulation of knots up to five triple-crossings and moves between oriented diagrams
Studied 2021-06-14 08:06:12:
[2106.06006] Cameron McA Gordon- On the homeomorphism problem for 4-manifolds
Studied 2021-08-10 09:25:41:
[1712.03601] Andrea Appel, Sachin Gautam- An explicit isomorphism between quantum and classical sl(n)
Studied 2021-08-18 06:58:42:
[2108.07599] William Jaco, J. Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann- Slope norm and an algorithm to compute the crosscap number
Studied 2021-08-24 11:14:40:
[2108.09698] Noboru Ito, Yusuke Takimura- The tabulation of prime knot projections with their mirror images up to eight double points
Studied 2021-09-01 07:57:55:
[2108.13547] Louis H. Kauffman, Eiji Ogasa- A New Classical Link Invariant defined via Virtual Links and Quantum Invariants of 3-Manifolds with Boundary
Studied 2021-09-09 06:28:34:
[2109.03583] Abdoulrahim Ibrahim- On matrix representations for generalized braid groups
Studied 2021-09-15 06:37:27:
[2109.06439] Zhiyun Cheng, Hongzhu Gao, Mengjian Xu- Chord index for knots in thickened surfaces
Studied 2021-09-22 06:19:15:
[2109.09915] Antonio Alfieri, Keegan Boyle- Strongly invertible knots, invariant surfaces, and the Atiyah-Singer signature theorem
Studied 2021-10-28 12:51:00:
[2110.14119] Marion Campisi, Nicholas Cazet, David Crncevic, Todd Fellman, Phillip Kessler, Nikolas Rieke, Vatsal Srivastava, Luis Torres- Vertex Distortion Detects the Unknot
Studied 2021-10-28 16:49:28:
[1811.04964] Ivan Marin- A maximal cubic quotient of the braid algebra
Studied 2021-11-02 09:19:01:
[2007.11036] Rinat Kashaev- The Alexander polynomial as a universal invariant
Studied 2021-11-23 10:24:52:
[2111.10632] Maciej Borodzik, Anthony Conway, Wojciech Politarczyk- Twisted Blanchfield pairings and twisted signatures I- Algebraic background
Studied 2021-11-23 10:25:46:
[2111.10631] Maciej Borodzik, Anthony Conway, Wojciech Politarczyk- Twisted Blanchfield pairings and twisted signatures III- Applications
Studied 2021-12-22 07:47:02:
[1901.00474] Delphine Moussard, Emmanuel Wagner- A Fox-Milnor theorem for the Alexander polynomial of knotted $2$-spheres in $S^4$
Studied 2021-12-22 09:48:11:
[2102.11778] Brendan Owens, Frank Swenton- An algorithm to find ribbon disks for alternating knots
Studied 2021-12-22 09:59:34:
[2112.10706] Brendan Owens- Knots and 4-manifolds
Studied 2021-12-22 12:43:18:
[2112.10902] Clayton Shonkwiler- All Prime Knots Through 10 Crossings Have Superbridge Index $-leq 5$
Studied 2021-12-28 10:19:08:
[2112.13211] Hwa Jeong Lee, Gyo Taek Jin- Petal number of torus knots of type $(r,r+2)$
Studied 2021-12-30 10:56:28:
[2112.14140] Khalef Yaddaden- Crossed product interpretation of the Double Shuffle Lie algebra attached to a finite Abelian group
Studied 2022-02-07 09:41:10:
[2202.02007] Jack Brand, Benjamin A. Burton, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Alexander He, Adele Jackson, Joan Licata- Arc diagrams on 3-manifold spines
Studied 2022-02-11 07:11:09:
[2202.04831] Vajira Manathunga- The coefficients of the Jones polynomial
Studied 2022-02-18 07:20:23:
[2202.08527] Noboru Ito, Jun Yoshida- On the four-term relation on Khovanov homology
Studied 2022-02-24 00:03:29:
[2202.10907] Christine Vespa- On the functors associated with beaded open Jacobi diagrams
Studied 2022-02-25 09:59:27:
[2202.12289] Peter Feller, Lukas Lewark, Andrew Lobb- Squeezed Knots
Studied 2022-02-28 07:20:22:
[2202.12489] Daren Chen- Twistings and the Alexander polynomial
Studied 2022-03-07 11:23:12:
[2203.02037] Juan Alonso, Miguel Paternain, Javier Peraza, Michael Reisenberger- Lie algebras of curves and loop-bundles on surfaces
Studied 2022-03-08 10:11:21:
[2203.03217] Daniel Carter- An Elementary Proof of the Signature of Satellite Knots
Studied 2022-03-29 06:38:51:
[2203.13895] Robert Lipshitz, Sucharit Sarkar- Khovanov homology of strongly invertible knots and their quotients
Studied 2022-03-30 06:26:58:
[2203.15329] Saki Kanou, Keiichi Sakai- The Fox-Hatcher cycle and a Vassiliev invariant of order three
Studied 2022-04-06 06:22:04:
[2204.02161] Michal Jablonowski- Upper bound on delta-crossing and tabulation of knots up to four delta-crossings
Studied 2022-04-06 18:14:28:
[2008.06983] Matthew Harper- A Non-Abelian Generalization of the Alexander Polynomial from Quantum $-mathfrak{sl}_3$
Studied 2022-04-11 08:27:15:
[2204.03846] Lizzie Buchanan- A new condition on the Jones polynomial of a fibered positive link
Studied 2022-04-22 07:23:47:
[2204.09767] Hans U. Boden, Homayun Karimi- Classical results for alternating virtual links
Studied 2022-04-22 07:25:59:
[2204.10004] Setefan Friedl, Chinmaya Kausik, Jose' Pedro Quintanilha- An algorithm to calculate generalized Seifert matrices
Studied 2022-04-27 07:15:08:
[2204.12104] Louis H Kauffman- The Jones Polynomial -- Diagrams and Categories
Studied 2022-05-01 12:26:29:
[1803.04908] Olga Kharlampovich, Alina Vdovina- Low complexity algorithms in knot theory
Studied 2022-05-18 00:25:38:
[2205.07842] Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel- An interpolation between Jones and Alexander polynomials constructed from a graded intersection of two Lagrangia
Studied 2022-06-09 06:22:10:
[2206.02988] Kazuhiro Ichihara, Yuya Nishimura, Seiichi Tani- The Computational Complexity of Classical Knot Recognition
Studied 2022-06-09 06:23:49:
[2206.03056] Louis H. Kauffman- Topology of Vortex Reconnection
Studied 2022-06-09 06:32:12:
[2206.03598] Keegan Boyle, Wenzhao Chen- Negative amphichiral knots and the half-Conway polynomial
Studied 2022-07-07 19:03:28:
[2207.02284] E. Lanina, A. Popolitov, N. Tselousov- On an alternative stratification of knots
Studied 2022-07-12 02:52:12:
[2207.04894] Wout Moltmaker, Roland van der Veen- New Quantum Invariants of Planar Knotoids
Studied 2022-07-20 01:53:57:
[2207.08129] Andra's Juha'sz, Louis H. Kauffman, Eiji Ogasa- New invariants for virtual knots via spanning surfaces
Studied 2022-08-05 08:22:24:
[2208.02326] Nadav Drukker- Cutting and Sewing Riemann Surfaces in Mathematics, Physics and Clay
Studied 2022-08-23 05:55:05:
[2208.10467] Wout Moltmaker, Louis H. Kauffman- On Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Knots
Studied 2022-10-03 06:06:31:
[2209.15577] Hans U. Boden, Ceyhun Elmacioglu, Anshul Guha, Homayun Karimi, William Rushworth, Yun-chi Tang, Bryan Wang Peng Jun- On knots that divide ribbon knotted surfaces
Studied 2022-10-06 06:42:27:
[2210.01920] Joan S. Birman- The work of Jones
Studied 2022-10-12 08:52:54:
[2210.05399] Carlo Collari- A note on weight systems which are quantum states
Studied 2022-10-14 15:24:02:
[2210.06862] V.O. Manturov, I.M. Nikonov- Maps from braids to virtual braids and braid representations
Studied 2022-10-25 10:03:56:
[2210.13198] Christoph Lamm- Symmetric diagrams for all strongly invertible knots up to 10 crossings
Studied 2022-10-26 07:23:49:
[2210.13640] Olivia Borghi, Marcy Roberston- Leture Notes on Modular Infinity Operads and Grothendieck-Teichmueller Theory
Studied 2022-11-01 11:35:58:
[2210.17447] Anthony Conway- Invariants of $2$-knots
Studied 2022-11-07 10:35:36:
[2211.01581] Nicola's Andruskiewitsch, He'ctor Marti'n Pen~a Pollastri- On the finite-dimensional representations of the double of the Jordan plane
Studied 2022-11-18 12:35:08:
[1803.05474] Makoto Ozawa, Scott A. Taylor- Two more proofs that the Kinoshita graph is knotted
Studied 2022-11-21 17:12:29:
[1604.06905] Vincent Florens, Gwenael Massuyeau, Juan Serrano de Rodrigo- A functorial extension of the Magnus representation to the category of three-dimensional cobordisms
Studied 2022-11-22 07:34:18:
[2211.10977] Ivan Bartulovic'- Cyclic sets from ribbon string links
Studied 2022-11-22 07:37:00:
[2211.10734] Thomas Fiedler- Polynomial invariants which can distinguish the orientations of knots
Studied 2022-11-29 07:12:58:
[2211.15010] Daniel Lo'pez Neumann, Roland van der Veen- Genus bounds for twisted quantum invariants
Studied 2022-12-08 07:40:21:
[2212.03778] Baptiste Gros, Butian Zhang- A combinatorial one-cocycle in a moduli space of knots from the Vassiliev invariant of order 3
Studied 2022-12-28 01:36:25:
[2212.12463] Kamolphat Intawong, Noboru Ito- Multiple Linking Number
Studied 2022-12-28 01:42:41:
[2212.12792] Robyn Brooks, Rafal Komendarczyk- From integrals to combinatorial formulas of finite type invariants -- a case study
Studied 2023-01-26 06:18:40:
[2301.10318] Micah Chrisman- A geometric foundation of virtual knot theory
Studied 2023-02-01 08:11:40:
[2208.03817] Dusko Pavlovic- Programs as Diagrams- From Categorical Computability to Computable Categories
Studied 2023-02-27 17:29:54:
[2207.00312] Rosna Paul, Gelasio Salazar, Alexandra Weinberger- Rotation systems and simple drawings in surfaces
Studied 2023-02-28 07:51:32:
[2302.13244] Komal Negi, Madeti Prabhakar, Seiichi Kamada- Twisted virtual braids and twisted links
Studied 2023-03-06 20:19:57:
[math-0505531] Akio Noguchi- A functional equation for the Lefschetz zeta functions of infinite cyclic coverings with an application to kno
Studied 2023-03-09 02:39:49:
[2303.04233] Nathan M. Dunfield, Sherry Gong, Thomas Hockenhull, Marco Marengon, Michael Willis- On the rank of knot homology theories and concordance
Studied 2023-04-17 07:35:45:
[2304.07012] Martin Bordemann, Andrea Rivezzi, Thomas Weigel- A gentle introduction to Drinfel'd associators
Studied 2023-04-20 10:16:15:
[2304.09304] Sergei Gukov, James Halverson, Ciprian Manolescu, Fabian Ruehle- Searching for ribbons with machine learning
Studied 2023-05-12 17:17:47:
[2305.06316] Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Igor Mikhailovich Nikonov- The groups $Gamma_{n}^{4}$, braids, and $3$-manifolds
Studied 2023-05-30 08:34:40:
[2305.17204] Alexander R. Klotz, Caleb J. Anderson- Ropelength and writhe quantization of 12-crossing knots
Studied 2023-05-30 08:40:11:
[2305.18278] Matilde Marcolli, Noam Chomsky, Robert Berwick- Mathematical Structure of Syntactic Merge
Studied 2023-07-18 16:57:48:
[2307.07661] Cole Hugelmeyer- Diagram Systems and Generalized Finite Type Theories
Studied 2023-07-24 02:13:21:
[2307.11212] Ina Petkova, Noah Schwartz- A Legendrian knot atlas for knots of arc index 10
Studied 2023-07-25 03:23:38:
[2307.12668] Simon Brun, Thomas Willwacher- Graph homology computations
Studied 2023-07-31 01:48:36:
[2307.15211] Sergei Chmutov- Partial-dual genus polynomial as a weight system
Studied 2023-08-01 02:46:16:
[2307.16330] Robert Lipshitz, Peter Ozsva'th, Dylan Thurston- Floer homology beyond borders
Studied 2023-08-01 02:51:28:
[2307.16483] Akio Kawauchi- Ribbonness on classical link
Studied 2023-08-04 01:39:47:
[2308.01811] Zhiyun Cheng- Intersection graph and writhe polynomial
Studied 2023-10-26 07:25:09:
[2310.16729] David Cimasoni, Livio Ferretti- On the Kashaev signature conjecture
Studied 2023-11-01 07:40:07:
[2310.20420] Zsuzsanna Dancso, Iva Halacheva, Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi, Marcy Robertson- Kashiwara-Vergne solutions degree by degree
Studied 2023-11-06 10:43:34:
[2311.01922] Benjamin Audoux, Jean-Baptiste Meilhan, Akira Yasuhara- Welded graphs, Wirtinger groups and knotted punctured spheres
Studied 2023-11-11 19:27:43:
[2311.00789] Robert G. Scharein, Eric J. Rawdon- An introduction to KnotPlot
Studied 2023-12-11 02:41:06:
[2312.05014] Yury Belousov- On the complexity of meander-like diagrams of knots
Studied 2024-02-13 09:22:42:
[2402.06771] Nathan M. Dunfield, Giulio Tiozzo- Roots of Alexander polynomials of random positive 3-braids
Studied 2024-02-13 10:33:01:
[2402.06891] Jun Murakami, Roland van der Veen- Quantum fundamental group of knot and its $SL_2$ representation
Studied 2024-02-13 10:35:41:
[2402.07558] C.-M. Michael Wong, Sarah Zampa- Lecture notes on Heegaard Floer homology
Studied 2024-02-13 18:56:06:
[2309.01735] Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Zheyan Wan- The Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant is a partial case of the photography method
Studied 2024-02-13 18:58:47:
[2309.00708] Mee Seong Im, Mikhail Khovanov- From finite state automata to tangle cobordisms- a TQFT journey from one to four dimensions
Studied 2024-02-21 07:52:22:
[2402.13242] Nathan Geer, Aaron D. Lauda, Bertrand Patureau-Mirand, Joshua Sussan- Density and unitarity of the Burau representation from a non-semisimple TQFT
Studied 2024-02-21 14:59:19:
[math-0605622] Louis H. Kauffman- Remarks on Formal Knot Theory
Studied 2024-02-23 10:03:59:
[2402.14661] Mohamed Elhamdadi, Dipali Swain- State sum invariants of knots from idempotents in quandle rings
Studied 2024-02-29 19:36:43:
[2004.07303] Martin Gonzalez- Surface Drinfeld Torsors I - Higher Genus Associators
Studied 2024-03-01 08:29:53:
[2402.19138] Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Muze Ren- Generalized Pentagon Equations
Studied 2024-04-22 20:26:29:
[2310.15617] Ben-Michael Kohli, Guillaume Tahar- A lower bound for the genus of a knot using the Links-Gould invariant
Studied 2024-04-23 10:47:57:
[2306.08971] Hans U. Boden, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Damian J. Lin, Tilda S. Wilkinson-Finch- Mutation, surface graphs, and alternating links in surfaces
Studied 2024-04-23 14:51:39:
[2305.14884] Stavros Garoufalidis, Matthias Storzer, Campbell Wheeler- Perturbative invariants of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Studied 2024-05-28 02:31:14:
[2405.17011] David Cimasoni, Livio Ferretti, Jessica Liu- A diagrammatic computation of abelian link invariants
Studied 2024-07-22 03:53:47:
[2407.04828] Sol Addison, Nancy Scherich, Lila Snodgrass- Danceability, Directed by Braid Index
All 0 Subfolders
All 518 Files
[0704.3864] Zusmanovich- A converse to the Second Whitehead Lemma.URL
[0810.0687] Lipshitz, Ozsvath, Thurston - Bordered Heegaard Floer homology Invariance and pairing.URL
[0810.2656] Casas Murua - An efficient algorithm for computing the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff series and some of its applications.URL
[0811.0129] Hu, Pei, Rosso- Multi-parameter Quantum Groups and Quantum Shuffles, (I).URL
[0904.0684] Winter-On Codimension Two Ribbon Embeddings.URL
[0910.5500] Willerton- Heuristic and computer calculations for the magnitude of metric spaces.URL
[0912.2114] Craig Jackson, Thomas Kerler- The Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow Representations of the Braid Groups via Quantum SL_2.url
[0912.3680] Thiel- Virtual braid groups of type B and weak categorification.URL
[1002.0555] Tingley- A minus sign that used to annoy me but now I know why it is there.URL
[1002.4696] Sakai, Watanabe- 1-loop graphs and configuration space integral for embedding spaces.URL
[1003.2017] Toledano-Laredo- The trigonometric Casimir connection of a simple Lie algebra.URL
[1011.4640] A Functorial Map from Virtual Knots to Classical Knots and Generalisations of Parity.URL
[1104.4585] Delphine Moussard- On Alexander modules and Blanchfield forms of null-homologous knots in rational homology spheres.url
[1106.0042] Cirio, Martins- Categorifying the KZ-connection.URL
[1106.0562] Carfi -Financial Lie groups.URL
[1106.4789] Knot Invariants from Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory.URL
[1107.2635] The Knotting-Unknotting Game played on Sums of Rational Shadows.URL
[1109.3520] Willwacher- A Note on Br-infinity and KS-infinity formality.URL
[1110.1371] Crans Henrich Nelson- Knot and link invariants from the Alexander virtual biquandle.URL
[1110.5013] Notes from Sidney Coleman's Physics 253a.URL
[1110.5234] Qiu, Zabzine- Knot Weight Systems from Graded Symplectic Geometry.URL
[1111.4709] Gonzalez- The Lie bialgebra structure of the vector space of cyclic words.URL
[1112.0845] Kuperberg - Knottedness is in NP, modulo GRH.URL
[1112.0864] Enriquez - Flat connections on configuration spaces and formality of braid groups of surfaces.URL
[1112.3932] Lipshitz Sarkar - A Khovanov homotopy type or two.URL
[1112.5406] Dunin-Barkowski, Sleptsov, Smirnov - Kontsevich integral for knots and Vassiliev invariants.URL
[1201.5316] Schenps- Double Shuffle and Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebras.URL
[1202.1554] Gwilliam, Johnson-Freyd- How to derive Feynman diagrams for finite-dimensional integrals directly from the BV formalism.URL
[1202.5694] Gauthier - The Generating Functional of the Kontsevich Integral and its Derivation as a Holonomy.URL
[1204.3205] Bardakov Bellingeri - Groups of virtual and welded links.URL
[1205.5512] Rossi - The explicit equivalence between the standard and the logarithmic star product for Lie algebras.URL
[1205.5781] Kennedy - A Diagrammatic Multivariate Alexander Invariant of Tangles.URL
[1208.1299] Scharlemann- Proposed Property 2R counterexamples classified.URL
[1209.0287] Fukunaga-Yamaguchi-Yamanoi- Simplified numerical form of universal finite type invariant of Gauss words.URL
[1209.4283] Chen- The untwisted Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of Montesinos knots.URL
[1210.4996] Juhasz, Thurston - Naturality and mapping class groups in Heegaard Floer homology.URL
[1212.6543] Leinster- Rethinking set theory.URL
[1302.0180] Lackenby- A polynomial upper bound on Reidemeister moves.URL
[1302.1507] Mkrtchyan- Nonperturbative universal Chern-Simons theory.URL
[1302.3428] Terhal- Quantum Error Correction for Quantum Memories.URL
[1303.1448] Petersen- Minimal models, GT-action and formality of the little disk operad.URL
[1303.1545] Horn- On computing higher-order Alexander modules of knots.URL
[1303.6448] Ogasa- Make your Boy surface.URL
[1303.6456] Dubois-Wegner- $L^2$-Alexander invariant for knots.URL
[1303.7380] Chrisman- A Lattice of Finite-Type Invariants of Virtual Knots.URL
[1304.0970] Fiedler- Quantum one-cocycles for knots.URL
[1304.4555] Lee- Closed-Form Associators in Permutative Chord Diagrams.URL
[1304.4645v2] Lee- On the Action of the Symmetric Group on the Cohomology of Groups Related to (Virtual) Braids.URL
[1305.0297] Spivak- The operad of wiring diagrams formalizing a graphical language for databases, recursion, and plug-and-play circu.URL
[1305.2052] Hain- Genus 3 Mapping Class Groups are not Kahler.URL
[1305.2183] Grigsby-Ni- Sutured Khovanov homology distinguishes braids from other tangles.URL
[1305.4540] Lins- Closed oriented 3-manifolds are equivalence classes of plane graphs.URL
[1305.5293] Cahn, Levi- Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Legendrian Knots.URL
[1305.5786] Buliga- Graphic lambda calculus.URL
[1305.7492] Abe, Tange- A construction of slice knots via annulus twists.URL
[1306.1705] Lescop- A universal equivariant finite type knot invariant defined from configuration space integrals.URL
[1307.2047] LiBland-Severa- On deformation quantization of Poisson-Lie groups and moduli spaces of flat connections.URL
[1307.2940] Johnson-Freyd- A combinatorial universal $star$-product.URL
[1307.4933] Kulakova, Lando, Mukhutdinova, Rybnikov- On a weight system conjecturally related to $sl_2$.URL
[1307.5124] Witten- The Feynman $i epsilon$ in String Theory.URL
[1307.5383] Maglia, Sabadini, Walters- Blocked-braid Groups.URL
[1308.2047] Antonio Sartori- The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links.url
[1308.2047] Sartori- The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links.URL
[1308.2047v2] Antonio Sartori- The Alexander polynomial as quantum invariant of links.url
[1308.3589] Remm, Markl- Universal deformation formulas.URL
[1308.4006] Willwacher- The oriented graph complexes.URL
[1309.0580] Hain- Notes on the Universal Elliptic KZB Equation.URL
[1309.5530] Jing, Zhang- Quantum Pfaffians and Hyper-Pfaffians.URL
[1309.7062] Gottesman, Zhang- Fibre bundle framework for unitary quantum fault tolerance.URL
[1309.7252] Collins, Kirk, Livingston- The concordance classification of low crossing number knots.URL
[1310.1877] H. Zeilberger et al- On left-orderability and double branched covers of Kanenobu's knots.URL
[1310.3030] Przytycki, Rosicki- Cocycle invariants of codimension 2-embeddings of manifolds.URL
[1310.3418] Juhasz- A survey of Heegaard Floer homology.URL
[1310.4319] Ramallo- Introduction to the AdSCFT correspondence.URL
[1310.6854] Dherin, Wagemann- Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras.URL
[1311.0779] Chambers, Liokumovich- Converting homotopies to isotopies and dividing homotopies in half in an effective way.URL
[1311.2849] Kalinin- Alexander polynomial as an intersection of two cycles in a symmetric power.URL
[1311.4217] Burke, Koytcheff- A colored operad for string link infection.URL
[1311.5748] Chrisman- Prime Decomposition and Non-Commutativity in the Monoid of Long Virtual Knots.URL
[1311.7342] BenAribi- The $L^2$-Alexander invariant detects the unknot.URL
[1312.1936] Lightfoot- The Schneiderman-Teichner invariant applied to immersions arising from link maps in $S^4$.URL
[1312.2566] Lescop- An introduction to finite type invariants of knots and 3-manifolds.URL
[1312.3518] Hatcher- The Kirby torus trick for surfaces.URL
[1312.5388] Carter-Kamada- Three-dimensional braids and their descriptions.URL
[1401.3200] Alekseev, Rossi, Torossian, Willwacher- Logarithms and deformation quantization.URL
[1401.6996] Witten- Two Lectures On The Jones Polynomial And Khovanov Homology.URL
[1402.6673] Lebed- Qualgebras and knotted 3-valent graphs.URL
[1403.4050] Florens, Massuyeau- A functorial extension of the abelian Reidemeister torsions of three-manifolds.URL
[1404.0729] Abad, Schaetz- Higher holonomies comparing two constructions.URL
[1405.3062] Meilhan, Suzuki- The universal sl_2 invariant and Milnor invariants.URL
[1406.0056] Kawazumi- A regular homotopy version of the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra, the Enomoto-Satoh traces and the divergence cocy.URL
[1406.0675] Arbesfeld, Enriquez- On a lower central series filtration of the Grothendieck-Teichmuller Lie algebra grt_1.URL
[1406.2722] Kerler, Wang-Random Walk Invariants of String Links from R-Matrices.URL
[1406.3705] Mnev- Lecture notes on torsions.URL
[1406.5399] Grant- A generators and relations description of a representation category of $U_q{gl}(11))$.URL
[1407.0184] Audoux, Bellingeri, Meilhan, Wagner- Homotopy classification of ribbon tubes and welded string links.URL
[1407.0421] Winter- Virtual, Welded, and Ribbon Links in Arbitrary Dimensions.URL
[1407.6319] Morozov (3)- On possible existence of HOMFLY polynomials for virtual knots.URL
[1407.7227] Vassiliev- On Finite Order Invariants of Triple Points Free Plane Curves.URL
[1409.6442] Turner- A hitchhiker's guide to Khovanov homology.URL
[1409.7422] Chen- Homology of the braid group with coefficients in the reduced Burau representation.URL
[1409.7756] Nelson, Rivera- Ribbon Biquandles and Virtual Knotted Surfaces.URL
[1410.4417] Cheritat- Yet another sphere eversion.URL
[1410.6440] Biswas, Gammelgaard- Vassiliev Invariants from Symmetric Spaces.URL
[1410.6924] Dubois, Friedl, Luck- Three flavors of twisted invariants of knots.URL
[1411.2617] Carter, Yang- Twist Spinning Knotted Trivalent Graphs.URL
[1411.4223] Stoimenow- Everywhere Equivalent 3-Braids.URL
[1411.5418] Ito- Topological formula of the loop expansion of the colored Jones polynomials.URL
[1412.0186] Bellingeri, Gervais- On p-almost direct products and residual properties of pure braid groups of nonorientable surfaces.URL
[1412.0254] Livingston- Notes on the knot concordance invariant Upsilon.URL
[1412.3614] Campos, Willwacher- Operadic Torsors.URL
[1412.5288] Kim, Joung, Lee- On generating sets of Yoshikawa moves for marked graph diagrams of surface-links.URL
[1501.00851] MacColl- Rotors in Khovanov Homology.URL
[1501.05049] Cheng- Bowling ball representation of virtual string links.URL
[1501.05424] Bardakov, etc.- Some Problems on Knots, Braids, and Automorphism Groups.URL
[1503.02130] Gopalan, VanLeeuwen- A Topological Approach to Creating any Pulli Kolam, an Artform from Southern India.URL
[1503.03549] Habiro, Le- Unified quantum invariants for integral homology spheres associated with simple Lie algebras.URL
[1503.05497] Freedman, Guth, Murphy- Amenable groups and smooth topology of 4-manifolds.URL
[1503.07969] Ishii, Nikkuni, Oshiro- On calculations of the twisted Alexander ideals for spatial graphs, handlebody-knots and surface-links.URL
[1504.00896] Songhafouo, Turchin- Hodge decomposition in the rational homology and homotopy of high dimensional string links.URL
[1504.01931] Markarian- Weyl n-algebras.URL
[1505.02545] Nozaki- An extension of the LMO functor.URL
[1505.02841] Ito- A homological representation formula of colored Alexander invariants.URL
[1505.03130] Mikhaylov- Analytic Torsion, 3d Mirror Symmetry And Supergroup Chern-Simons Theories.url
[1505.03943] Garcia-Compean, Obregon, Santos-Silva- Towards Noncommutative Linking Numbers Via the Seiberg-Witten Map.URL
[1506.05912] Ben-Michael- On the Links-Gould invariant and the square of the Alexander polynomial.URL
[1506.09182] Ilyutko, Manturov- A parity map of framed chord diagrams.URL
[1507.00202] Audoux, Bellingeri, Meilhan, Wagner- On Usual, Virtual and Welded knotted objects up to homotopy.URL
[1507.01221] Cattaneo, Mnev, Reshetikhin- Perturbative quantum gauge theories on manifolds with boundary.URL
[1507.06343] Alekseev, Chekeres, Mnev- Wilson surface observables from equivariant cohomology.URL
[1508.01098] McCoy- A note on calculating the slice genus of 11- and 12-crossing knots.URL
[1508.03014] Jang, Kronaeur, Luitel, Medici, Taylor, Zupan- New examples of Brunnian theta graphs.URL
[1508.04272] Grosu- A new lower bound for the Towers of Hanoi problem.url
[1508.07566] Massuyeau, Turaev- Brackets in representation algebras of Hopf algebras.URL
[1509.00578] Kauffman- Rotational Virtual Knots and Quantum Link Invariants.URL
[1509.01174] Winter- Virtual Links in Arbitrary Dimensions.URL
[1509.03415] Markarian- Weyl n-algebras and Kontsevich integral of unknot.URL
[1510.03483] Ellis, Petkova, Vertesi- Quantum gl(11) and tangle Floer homology.URL
[1510.05535] Salerno, Schneps- Mould theory and the double shuffle Lie algebra structure.URL
[1510.05615] Bland, Severa- Coherent Quantization using Coloured Surfaces.URL
[1511.03974] Massuyeau- Formal descriptions of Turaev's loop operations.URL
[1512.00401] Park- A construction of slice knots via annulus modifications.URL
[1512.01602] Yau- Operads of Wiring Diagrams.URL
[1512.01623] Kauffman- Chern-Simons Theory, Vassiliev Invariants, Loop Quantum Gravity and Functional Integration Without Integration.URL
[1512.03966] Meusburger, Wise- Hopf algebra gauge theory on a ribbon graph.URL
[1512.03997] Ovando- Lie algebras with ad-invariant metrics. A survey.URL
[1601.00798] Putyra, Shumakovitch- Knot invariants arising from homological operations on Khovanov homology.URL
[1601.01377v2] Cheng, Jackson, Stanley- Combinatorial aspects of the quantized universal enveloping algebra of sl_{n+1}.url
[1601.04199] Mironov, Morozov, Morozov, Ramadevi, Singh, Sleptsov- Tabulating knot polynomials for arborescent knots.url
[1601.04915] Zibrowius- On a polynomial Alexander invariant for tangles and its categorification.URL
[1602.02208] Goerner- A census of hyperbolic platonic manifold and augmented knotted trivalent graphs.URL
[1602.03080] Brochier- Virtual tangles and fiber functors.URL
[1602.04273] Suciu, Wang- Pure virtual braids, resonance, and formality.URL
[1602.05291] Suciu, Wang- The pure braid groups and their relatives.URL
[1602.06191] Damiani, Florens- Alexander invariants of ribbon tangles and planar algebras.URL
[1602.07775] Ogasa- Local-move-identities for the Z[t,t^{-1}]-Alexander polynomials of 2-links, the alinking number, and high dimen.URL
[1602.07855] Kamada, Kawamura- Ribbon-clasp surface-links and normal forms of singular surface-links.URL
[1602.08286] del Barco- Lie algebras admitting symmetric, invariant and nondegenerate bilinear forms.URL
[1603.01209] Bardakov, Bellingeri, Damiani- Unrestricted virtual braids, fused links and other quotients of virtual braid groups.URL
[1603.01425] Bardakov, Mikhalchishina, Neshchadim- Representations of virtual braids by automorphisms and virtual knot groups.URL
[1604.03213] Kodani- Group-like expansions and invariants of string links.URL
[1604.03778] Lackenby- Elementary knot theory.URL
[1604.04314] Mark C. Bell- Simplifying triangulations.url
[1604.06905] Vincent Florens, Gwenael Massuyeau, Juan Serrano de Rodrigo- A functorial extension of the Magnus representation to the category of three-dimensional cobordisms.url
[1604.08450] Brochier- A Duflo star-product for Poisson groups.URL
[1605.00689] Heyman- Dualization and deformations of the Bar-Natan--Russell skein module (PhD thesis).URL
[1605.01282] Merkulov, Willwacher- Classification of universal formality maps for quantizations of Lie bialgebras.URL
[1605.01391] Knudsen- Higher enveloping algebras.URL
[1605.02323] Damiani- A journey through loop braid groups.URL
[1605.03514] Mark C. Bell, Richard C. H. Webb- Applications of fast triangulation simplification.url
[1606.03587] Friedl- Novikov homology and noncommutative Alexander polynomials.URL
[1606.03608] Cha, Orr, Powell- Whitney towers and abelian invariants of knots.URL
[1606.05166] Cimasoni, Conway- A Burau-Alexander 2-functor on tangles.URL
[1607.00271] Gus Schrader, Alexander Shapiro- A cluster realization of $U_q(-mathfrak{sl_n})$ from quantum character varieties.url
[1607.01144] Meusburger- Kitaev lattice models as a Hopf algebra gauge theory.URL
[1607.02218] Maria, Spreer- A polynomial time algorithm to compute quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with bounded first Betti number.URL
[1607.04348] Clark, Dunning, Saito- Computation of quandle 2-cocycle knot invariants without explicit 2-cocycles.URL
[1608.01812] Goundaroulis, Lambropoulou- A new two-variable generalization of the Jones polynomial.URL
[1608.04453] Conant, Manathunga- The Conway Polynomial and Amphicheiral Knots.URL
[1608.06576] Cattaneo- From topological field theory to deformation quantization and reduction.URL
[1608.07645] Morita, Sakasai, Suzuki- An abelian quotient of the symplectic derivation Lie algebra of the free Lie algebra.URL
[1608.08462] Watanabe- Garoufalidis-Levine's finite type invariants for $mathbb{Z}pi$-homology equivalences from 3-manifolds to the 3-.URL
[1609.03673] Ito- Alexander polynomial obstruction of bi-orderability for rationally homologically fibered knot groups.URL
[1609.06663] Kosyak- The Lawrence-Krammer representation is a quantization of the symmetric square of the Burau representation.URL
[1609.09587] Lee- Constructions of invariants for surface-links via link invariants and applications to the Kauffman bracket.URL
[1610.02592] Martelli- An Introduction to Geometric Topology.URL
[1610.04728] Carrega- Shadows and quantum invariants.URL
[1610.09640] Yekutieli- Derived Categories -- a Textbook.URL
[1611.00592] Witten- Integrable Lattice Models From Gauge Theory.URL
[1611.05581] Alekseev, Kawazumi, Kuno, Naef- Higher genus Kashiwara-Vergne problems and the Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra.URL
[1611.06282] Dancso, Garoufalidis- A construction of the graphic matroid from the lattice of integer flows.URL
[1611.07006] Gabrovsek- Tabulation of prime knots in lens spaces.URL
[1612.03083] Felder- Internally connected graphs and the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra.URL
[1612.03501] Martins, Picken- Link invariants from finite categorical groups.URL
[1612.08262] Suzuki- The universal quantum invariant and colored ideal triangulations.URL
[1701.05874] Cattaneo, Mnev, Reshitikhin- A cellular topological field theory.URL
[1701.07768] Sucio, Wang- Cup products, lower central series, and holonomy Lie algebras.URL
[1702.00086] Winter- Virtual n-knots with isomorphic quandles.URL
[1702.00830] Habiro, Massuyeau- The Kontsevich integral for bottom tangles in handlebodies.URL
[1703.05813] Alekseev, Kawazumi, Kuno, Naef- The Goldman-Turaev Lie bialgebra in genus zero and the Kashiwara-Vergne problem.URL
[1703.05869] Yang- Regional knot invariants.URL
[1703.07999] Audoux, Meilhan, Wagner- On codimension two embeddings up to link-homotopy.URL
[1704.07206] Kashaev- A dequantized metaplectic knot invariant.URL
[1705.01315] Moussard- Splitting formulas for the rational lift of the Kontsevich integral.URL
[1705.09989] Gabai- The 4-Dimensional Light Bulb Theorem.URL
[1705.10490] Kotorii- Virtual clasper on long virtual knots.url
[1706.00152] Banica- Super-easy quantum groups- definition and examples.url
[1706.00226] Conway- An explicit computation of the Blanchfield pairing for arbitrary links.url
[1706.07729] Ozsvath, Szabo- An overview of knot Floer homology.URL
[1706.08299] Raphael, Schneps- On linearised and elliptic versions of the Kashiwara-Vergne Lie algebra.URL
[1707.07733] Przytycki- The first coefficient of Homflypt and Kauffman polynomials Vertigan proof of polynomial complexity using dynami.URL
[1708.05105] Halacheva, Kamnitzer, Rybnikov, Weekes- Crystals and monodromy of Bethe vectors.URL
[1708.05982] Boden, Chrisman, Gaudreau- Virtual knot cobordism and bounding the slice genus.URL
[1708.06402] Bar-Natan, A- Arcs on Punctured Disks Intersecting at Most Twice with Endpoints on the Boundary.URL
[1708.08090] Boden, Chrisman, Gaudreau- Signature and concordance of virtual knots.url
[1709.02765] Brown- Anatomy of an associator.url
[1709.03430] Enriquez, Etingof- A Tannakian interpretation of the elliptic infinitesimal braid Lie algebras.url
[1709.03479] Conway, Estier- Conway's potential function via the Gassner representation.url
[1709.04306] Edwards- The 4-Dimensional Light Bulb Theorem (after David Gabai).URL
[1709.05626] Chen- On the algebraic Gordian distance.url
[1709.07335] Kodani, Nosaka- Milnor invariants via unipotent Magnus embeddings.url
[1709.08492] Gratus- A pictorial introduction to differential geometry, leading to Maxwell's equations as three pictures.url
[1709.09993] Costello, Witten, Yamazaki- Gauge Theory and Integrability, I.url
[1710.00658] Buring, Kiselev, Rutten- The heptagon-wheel cocycle in the Kontsevich graph complex.url
[1710.01791] Witten- Symmetry and Emergence.url
[1710.03090] Yanofsky- Theoretical Computer Science for the Working Category Theorist.url
[1710.05237] Buck, ODonnol- Unknotting numbers for prime $-theta$-curves up to seven crossings.url
[1710.06053] Hain- Hodge theory of the Goldman bracket.url
[1710.09524] Chang, Cui- On Two Invariants of Three Manifolds from Hopf Algebras.URL
[1710.09969] Ito- Mutation invariance for the zeroth coefficients of the colored HOMFLY polynomial.url
[1710.10530] Livingston- Signature invariants related to the unknotting number.url
[1711.09954] Costa- The complex of partial bases of a free group.url
[1712.00073] Vera- Johnson-Levine Homomorphisms and the tree reduction of the LMO functor.url
[1712.00440] Kovacs, Kovacs- A compilation of LEGO Technic parts to support learning experiments on linkages.url
[1712.01552] Gonzalez-Menses, Siulvero- Polynomial braid combing.url
[1712.01815] Silver et al- Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm.url
[1712.02060] Nosaka- Milnor-Orr invariants from the Kontsevich invariant.url
[1712.03601] Andrea Appel, Sachin Gautam- An explicit isomorphism between quantum and classical sl(n).url
[1712.04873] Anghel- A Homological model for the coloured Jones polynomials.url
[1712.05259] Buring, Kiselev, Rutten- Poisson brackets symmetry from the pentagon-wheel cocycle in the graph complex.url
[1712.05475] Bigeni- A generalization of the Kreweras triangle through the universal $-text{sl}_2$ weight system.url
[1712.05776] Burton- The HOMFLY-PT polynomial is fixed-parameter tractable.url
[1801.00230] Blair, Sack- Idempotents in Tangle Categories Split.url
[1801.03313] Barbensi, Celoria- The Reidemeister graph is a complete knot invariant.url
[1801.04632] Kashaev- On symmetric matrices associated with oriented link diagrams.url
[1801.04632v2] Kashaev- On symmetric matrices associated with oriented link diagrams.url
[1801.06301] Bao- A topological interpretation of Viro's $gl(1- 1)$-Alexander polynomial of a graph.url
[1802.04984] Kazhdan, Ziegler- On ranks of polynomials.url
[1802.09369] Efimova- River Crossing Problems- Algebraic Approach.url
[1803.00413] Syed Mohammed Meesum, T. V. H Prathamesh- Unknot Recognition Through Quantifier Elimination.url
[1803.04908] Olga Kharlampovich, Alina Vdovina- Low complexity algorithms in knot theory.url
[1803.05474] Makoto Ozawa, Scott A. Taylor- Two more proofs that the Kinoshita graph is knotted.url
[1804.02385] de Grey- The chromatic number of the plane is at least 5.url
[1806.06435] Caprau- Invariants for trivalent tangles and handlebody-tangles.url
[1806.11201] Hugelmeyer- A Representation Theorem for Knots and a Generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Type Invariants.url
[1808.02923] Piccirillo- The Conway knot is not slice.url
[1808.03023] Kauffman, Ogasa, Schneider- A spinning construction for virtual 1-knots and 2-knots, and the fiberwise and welded equivalence of virtual 1-knots.url
[1808.05495] Lackenby- Links with splitting number one.url
[1809.00789] Furusho- The pentagon equation and the confluence relations.url
[1809.05874] Backes, Kaiser, Leafblad, Peterson, Yetter- Multi-Skein Invariants for Welded and Extended Welded Knots and Links.url
[1809.09769] Manolescu, Marengon- The Knight Move Conjecture is false.url
[1809.10334] Koenig, Tsvietkova- NP-hard problems naturally arising in knot theory.url
[1809.10996] Hass, Thompson, Tsvietkova- Alternating links have at most polynomially many Seifert surfaces of fixed genus.url
[1810.03502] de Mesmay, Rieck, Sedgwick, Tancer- The unbearable hardness of unknotting.url
[1810.04855] Eastwood, Nuruwski- Aerodynamics of flying saucers.url
[1810.05152] Bullivant, Kimbal, Martin, Rowell- Representations of the Necklace Braid Group- Topological and Combinatorial Approaches.url
[1810.05288] Alsaody, Pianzola- On the Classification of Lie Bialgebras by Cohomological Means.url
[1810.05747] Mortier- A Kontsevich integral of order 1.url
[1810.06034] Jones- On the construction of knots and links from Thompson's groups.url
[1811.04964] Ivan Marin- A maximal cubic quotient of the braid algebra.url
[1811.09121] Barbensi, Buck, Harrington, Lackenby- Double branched covers of knotoids.url
[1811.09809] Pourkia- A new $n$ dimensional representation of Artin braid group $B_n$.url
[1811.11648] Gugumcu, Kauffman, Lambropoulou- A survey on knotoids, braidoids and their applications.url
[1812.01159] Alekseev, Kawazumi, Kuno, Naef- Goldman-Turaev formality implies Kashiwara-Vergne.url
[1901.00474] Delphine Moussard, Emmanuel Wagner- A Fox-Milnor theorem for the Alexander polynomial of knotted $2$-spheres in $S^4$.url
[1901.00474] Moussard, Wagner- A Fox-Milnor theorem for the Alexander polynomial of knotted $2$-spheres in $S^4$.url
[1901.00582] Menasco- Alternating Knots.url
[1901.03186] Gaudreau, Ledvinka- Knot theory and quantum computing.url
[1901.06929] Veryovkin- The Lie algebra associated with the lower central series of a right-angled Coxeter group.url
[1902.01819] Mishra, Staffeldt- Polynomial Invariants, Knot Homologies, and Higher Twist Numbers of Weaving Knots $W(3,n)$.url
[1902.04310] Calino, Mazzotta, Miccoli- Set-theoretical solutions of the pentagon equation on groups.url
[1902.05405] Livingston- Null-homologous unknottings.url
[1902.05648] Robert, Wagner- A quantum categorification of the Alexander polynomial.url
[1902.06091] Fiedler- A refinement of the first Vassiliev invariant can distinguish the orientation of knots.url
[1902.07277] Goundaroulis, Dorier, Stasiak- A systematic classification of knotoids on the plane and on the sphere.url
[1902.09008] Gaudreau- Classification of virtual string links up to cobordism.url
[1903.03681] Reshetikhin, Stroppel, Webster- Schur-Weyl type duality for quantized gl(1-1),the Burau representation of braid groups and invariants of tangled graphs.url
[1903.04477] Anthony Conway- The Levine-Tristram signature- a survey.url
[1903.04477] Conway- The Levine-Tristram signature- a survey.url
[1904.03341] Khovanskii- One dimensional topological Galois theory.url
[1904.05786] Lopez-Neumann- Kuperberg invariants for balanced sutured 3-manifolds.url
[1904.05951] Kauffman, Lopes- The Prevalence of Persistent Tangles.url
[1904.06057] Gukov, Manolescu- A two-variable series for knot complements.url
[1904.06686] Kawazumi- Some algebraic aspects of the Turaev cobracket.url
[1904.07228] Khovanskii- Multidimensional topological Galois theory.url
[1904.08304] Eric Bergshoeff, Jose Manuel Izquierdo, Tomas Ortin, Luca Romano- Lie Algebra Expansions and Actions for Non-Relativistic Gravity.url
[1904.10677] Derne- Milnor invariants of braids and welded braids up to homotopy.url
[1904.12955] McDonald- Doubly slice odd pretzel knots.url
[1904.13097] Merkulov- Grothendieck-Teichmueller group, operads and graph complexes- a survey.url
[1905.01418] Ito, Kotorii- On Goussarov-Polyak-Viro Conjecture of knots with degree three.url
[1905.03595] Kreinbihl- A Fox-Milnor Theorem for Knots in a Thickened Surface.url
[1905.04089] Gugumcu, Kauffman- Parity in Knotoids.url
[1905.04915] Kishimoto, Shibuya, Tsukamoto, Ishikawa- Alexander polynomials of simple-ribbon knots.url
[1905.05099] Bianchi- On the homology of the commutator subgroup of the pure braid group.url
[1905.05664] Ito, Kameyama- On a Poincare' polynomial from Khovanov homology and Vassiliev invariants.url
[1906.04056] Anghel- A topological model for the coloured Alexander invariants.url
[1906.10616] Pulmann, Severa- Quantization of Poisson Hopf algebras.url
[1907.01712] Leturcq- Generalized Bott-Cattaneo-Rossi invariants of high-dimensional long knots.url
[1907.03812] Hoste- A Note on Alexander Polynomials of 2-Bridge Links.url
[1907.05981] Kuperberg, Samperton- Coloring invariants of knots and links are often intractable.url
[1907.06502] Akimova, Manturov- Labels instead of coefficients- a label bracket which dominates the Jones polynomial, the Kuperberg bracket, and the normalised arrow polynomial.url
[1907.09031] Friedl, Powell- Homotopy ribbon concordance and Alexander polynomials.url
[1907.11400] Francesco Costantino, Thang T. Q. Le- Stated skein algebras of surfaces.url
[1908.00118] Kashaev- Invariants of long knots.url
[1908.00444] Enriquez, Furusho- The Betti side of the double shuffle theory. III. Double shuffle relations for associators.url
[1908.02048] Khovanskii- Comments on J. F. Ritt's book -Integration in Finite Terms-.url
[1909.09328] Bellettini, Paolini, Wang- A complete invariant for closed surfaces in the three-sphere.url
[1909.09496] Kuno, Massuyeau, Tsuji- Generalized Dehn twists in low-dimensional topology.url
[1910.05230] Gwilliam, Williams- A one-loop exact quantization of Chern-Simons theory.url
[1910.12108] Kuzbary- An Analogue of Milnor's Invariants for Knots in 3-Manifolds.url
[1911.02236] Carlson, Kim- A note on abelian arithmetic BF-theory.url
[1911.02791] Mostovoy, Polyak- Encoding knots by clasp diagrams.url
[1911.02925] Daniel Lopez Neumann- Twisting Kuperberg invariants via Fox calculus and Reidemeister torsion.url
[1912.01229] Horvat- The label bracket for knotted trivalent graphs.url
[1912.01657] Szabo, Ozsvath- Algebras with matchings and knot Floer homology.url
[1912.01657] Zoltan Szabo, Peter Ozsvath- Algebras with matchings and knot Floer homology.url
[1912.02295] Lee- An Algorithmic Definition of Gabai Width.url
[1912.05740] Khesin, Tabachnikov- Fun Problems in Geometry and Beyond.url
[1912.09353] Colin Adams, Judah Devadoss, Mohamed Elhamdadi, Alireza Mashaghi- Knot Theory for Proteins- Gauss Codes, Quandles and Bondles.url
[1912.10086] Levitt, Hajij, Sazdanovic- Big Data Approaches to Knot Theory- Understanding the Structure of the Jones Polynomial.url
[2001.01472] Skopenkov- A user's guide to basic knot and link theory.url
[2001.04272] Paolo Bellingeri (LMNO), Arthur Soulie' (University of Glasgow)- A note on representations of welded braid groups.url
[2001.09825] Yuta Nozaki, Masatoshi Sato, Masaaki Suzuki- Abelian quotients of the $Y$-filtration on the homology cylinders via the LMO functor.url
[2001.10596] V. Mishnyakov, A. Sleptsov, N. Tselousov- A new symmetry of the colored Alexander polynomial.url
[2002.02179] Marc Lackenby- Algorithms in 3-manifold theory.url
[2002.12652] Jessica S. Purcell- Hyperbolic Knot Theory.url
[2003.00512] Blake K Winter- A geometric invariant of virtual n-links.url
[2003.01007] David Leturcq- Relating a Bott-Cattaneo-Rossi invariant to Alexander polynomials.url
[2003.03748] Giovanni Bellettini, Giovanni Paolini, Maurizio Paolini, Yi-Sheng Wang- A table of (n,1)-handlebody links to six crossings.url
[2003.09854] Sonny Willetts- A unification of the ADO and colored Jones polynomials of a knot.url
[2004.00977] Jules Martel- Colored version for Lawrence representations.url
[2004.01619] Artem Kotelskiy, Liam Watson, Claudius Zibrowius- Khovanov invariants via Fukaya categories- the tangle invariants agree.url
[2004.04624] Thomas Fiedler- More 1-cocycles for classical knots.url
[2004.07303] Martin Gonzalez- Surface Drinfeld Torsors I - Higher Genus Associators.url
[2004.07309] Zoltan Szabo, Peter Ozsvath- Algebras with matchings and link Floer homology.url
[2004.14785] Noboru Ito, Migiwa Sakurai- Higher-order finite type invariants of classical and virtual knots and unknotting operations.url
[2005.00855] Harald Hofsta"tter- A relatively short self-contained proof of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff theorem.url
[2005.02893] Gage Martin- Khovanov homology detects $T(2,6)$.url
[2005.05381] James Conant, Rob Schneiderman, Peter Teichner- Clasper Concordance, Whitney towers and repeating Milnor invariants.url
[2005.06267] Noboru Ito, Yusuke Takimura- Strong and weak (1, 2, 3) homotopies on knot projections.url
[2005.06290] Bruno Cisneros, Marcelo Flores, Jesu's Juyumaya, Christopher Roque-Ma'rquez- An Alexander type invariant for doodles.url
[2005.08176] Jennifer Brown, Tudor Dimofte, Stavros Garoufalidis, Nathan Geer- The ADO Invariants are a q-Holonomic Family.url
[2005.11693] Louis Ioos, David Kazhdan, Leonid Polterovich- Almost representations of Lie algebras and quantization.url
[2005.12388] Qidong He, Scott A. Taylor- Links, bridge number, and width trees.url
[2005.12542] David Kazhdan, Tamar Ziegler- Applications of Algebraic Combinatorics to Algebraic Geometry.url
[2005.12957] Sandy Ganzell, Ellen Lehet, Cristina Lopez, Gilbert Magallon, Alyson Thompson- Reidemeister Moves in Gauss Diagrams.url
[2006.01303] Christine Ruey Shan Lee, Roland van der Veen- Cancellations in the degree of the colored Jones polynomial.url
[2006.03861] Noboru Ito, Natsumi Oyamaguchi- Gauss diagram formulas of Vassiliev invariants of spatial 2-bouquet graphs.url
[2006.03954] Arthur Jaffe, Zhengwei Liu- A Mathematical Picture Language Project.url
[2006.04032] Julia Viro, Oleg Viro- Fundamental group in the projective knot theory.url
[2006.06101] Alexander Polishchuk- Geometrization of trigonometric solutions of the associative and classical Yang-Baxter equations.url
[2006.07706] Jonathan Zung- Taut foliations, left-orders, and pseudo-Anosov mapping tori.url
[2006.08007] Jacob Mostovoy- A presentation for the planar pure braid group.url
[2006.15836] Eduardo Ochs- On my favorite conventions for drawing the missing diagrams in Category Theory.url
[2007.00579] Sibasish Banerjee, Jakub Jankowski, Piotr Sul/kowski- Revisiting the Melvin-Morton-Rozansky Expansion, or There and Back Again.url
[2007.01269] John A. Baldwin, Nathan Dowlin, Adam Simon Levine, Tye Lidman, Radmila Sazdanovic- Khovanov homology detects the figure-eight knot.url
[2007.03385] Franc,ois Renaud- Higher coverings of racks and quandles -- Part I.url
[2007.11036] Rinat Kashaev- The Alexander polynomial as a universal invariant.url
[2008.02835] Federico Ardila-Mantilla- Todxs cuentan- building community and welcoming humanity from the first day of class.url
[2008.04840] Celeste Damiani, Paul Martin, Eric C. Rowell- Generalisations of Hecke algebras from Loop Braid Groups.url
[2008.06983] Matthew Harper- A Non-Abelian Generalization of the Alexander Polynomial from Quantum $-mathfrak{sl}_3$.url
[2008.11610] Richard Evan Schwartz- An improved bound for the optimal paper Moebius band.url
[2008.13244] Jean-Marc Schlenker- The prestige and status of research fields within mathematics.url
[2010.01692] Manousos Manouras, Sofia Lambropoulou, Louis H. Kauffman- Finite type invariants for knotoids.url
[2010.03162] V. Bardakov, B. Chuzhinov, I. Emel'yanenkov, M. Ivanov, E. Markhinina, T. Nasybullov, S. Panov, N. Singh, S. VasyutRepresentations of flat virtual braids which do not preserve the forbidden relations.url
[2010.12150] Tetsuya Ito- A quantitative Birman-Menasco finiteness theorem and its application to crossing number.url
[2010.13530] Ben Knudsen- Farber's conjecture on the topological complexity of pure graph braid groups.url
[2012.05441] Sukuse Abe- Proof of Volume Conjecture.url
[2012.14662] Nima Moshayedi- Lectures on Symplectic Geometry, Poisson Geometry, Deformation Quantization and Quantum Field Theory.url
[2012.15202] A. Del Pozo Manglano, P. M. G. Manchon- Braids for pretzel links.url
[2012.15478] Blake Mellor, Riley Smith- N-quandles of links.url
[2012.15571] Manturov- A free-group valued invariant of free knots.url
[2012.15571] Vassily Olegovich Manturov- A free-group valued invariant of free knots.url
[2102.04391] Ciprian Manolescu, Lisa Piccirillo- From zero surgeries to candidates for exotic definite four-manifolds.url
[2102.11778] Brendan Owens, Frank Swenton- An algorithm to find ribbon disks for alternating knots.url
[2103.01081] Ge Feng, Naihong Hu, Yunnan Li- Drinfel'd doubles of the $n$-rank Taft algebras, and a generalization of the Jones polynomial.url
[2103.04799] Tiago Guerreiro, Zijia Li, Josef Schicho- Classification of Higher Mobility Linkages.url
[2103.04878] Pavel Etingof, Arun S. Kannan- Lectures on Symmetric Tensor Categories.url
[2103.07128] Sheng Bai- Alexander polynomial of ribbon knots.url
[2104.00215] Zipei Zhuang- Ihara zeta function and twisted Alexander invariants.url
[2105.10921] Jablonowski- Tabulation of knots up to five triple-crossings and moves between oriented diagrams.url
[2106.06006] Cameron McA Gordon- On the homeomorphism problem for 4-manifolds.url
[2108.07599] William Jaco, J. Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann- Slope norm and an algorithm to compute the crosscap number.url
[2108.09698] Noboru Ito, Yusuke Takimura- The tabulation of prime knot projections with their mirror images up to eight double points.url
[2108.13547] Louis H. Kauffman, Eiji Ogasa- A New Classical Link Invariant defined via Virtual Links and Quantum Invariants of 3-Manifolds with Boundary.url
[2109.03583] Abdoulrahim Ibrahim- On matrix representations for generalized braid groups.url
[2109.06439] Zhiyun Cheng, Hongzhu Gao, Mengjian Xu- Chord index for knots in thickened surfaces.url
[2109.09915] Antonio Alfieri, Keegan Boyle- Strongly invertible knots, invariant surfaces, and the Atiyah-Singer signature theorem.url
[2110.14119] Marion Campisi, Nicholas Cazet, David Crncevic, Todd Fellman, Phillip Kessler, Nikolas Rieke, Vatsal Srivastava, Luis Torres- Vertex Distortion Detects the Unknot.url
[2111.10631] Maciej Borodzik, Anthony Conway, Wojciech Politarczyk- Twisted Blanchfield pairings and twisted signatures III- Applications.url
[2111.10632] Maciej Borodzik, Anthony Conway, Wojciech Politarczyk- Twisted Blanchfield pairings and twisted signatures I- Algebraic background.url
[2112.10706] Brendan Owens- Knots and 4-manifolds.url
[2112.10902] Clayton Shonkwiler- All Prime Knots Through 10 Crossings Have Superbridge Index $-leq 5$.url
[2112.13211] Hwa Jeong Lee, Gyo Taek Jin- Petal number of torus knots of type $(r,r+2)$.url
[2112.14140] Khalef Yaddaden- Crossed product interpretation of the Double Shuffle Lie algebra attached to a finite Abelian group.url
[2202.02007] Jack Brand, Benjamin A. Burton, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Alexander He, Adele Jackson, Joan Licata- Arc diagrams on 3-manifold spines.url
[2202.04831] Vajira Manathunga- The coefficients of the Jones polynomial.url
[2202.08527] Noboru Ito, Jun Yoshida- On the four-term relation on Khovanov homology.url
[2202.10907] Christine Vespa- On the functors associated with beaded open Jacobi diagrams.url
[2202.12289] Peter Feller, Lukas Lewark, Andrew Lobb- Squeezed Knots.url
[2202.12489] Daren Chen- Twistings and the Alexander polynomial.url
[2203.02037] Juan Alonso, Miguel Paternain, Javier Peraza, Michael Reisenberger- Lie algebras of curves and loop-bundles on surfaces.url
[2203.03217] Daniel Carter- An Elementary Proof of the Signature of Satellite Knots.url
[2203.13895] Robert Lipshitz, Sucharit Sarkar- Khovanov homology of strongly invertible knots and their quotients.url
[2203.15329] Saki Kanou, Keiichi Sakai- The Fox-Hatcher cycle and a Vassiliev invariant of order three.url
[2204.02161] Michal Jablonowski- Upper bound on delta-crossing and tabulation of knots up to four delta-crossings.url
[2204.03846] Lizzie Buchanan- A new condition on the Jones polynomial of a fibered positive link.url
[2204.09767] Hans U. Boden, Homayun Karimi- Classical results for alternating virtual links.url
[2204.10004] Setefan Friedl, Chinmaya Kausik, Jose' Pedro Quintanilha- An algorithm to calculate generalized Seifert matrices.url
[2204.12104] Louis H Kauffman- The Jones Polynomial -- Diagrams and Categories.url
[2205.07842] Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel- An interpolation between Jones and Alexander polynomials constructed from a graded intersection of two Lagrangia.url
[2206.02988] Kazuhiro Ichihara, Yuya Nishimura, Seiichi Tani- The Computational Complexity of Classical Knot Recognition.url
[2206.03056] Louis H. Kauffman- Topology of Vortex Reconnection.url
[2206.03598] Keegan Boyle, Wenzhao Chen- Negative amphichiral knots and the half-Conway polynomial.url
[2207.00312] Rosna Paul, Gelasio Salazar, Alexandra Weinberger- Rotation systems and simple drawings in surfaces.url
[2207.02284] E. Lanina, A. Popolitov, N. Tselousov- On an alternative stratification of knots.url
[2207.04894] Wout Moltmaker, Roland van der Veen- New Quantum Invariants of Planar Knotoids.url
[2207.08129] Andra's Juha'sz, Louis H. Kauffman, Eiji Ogasa- New invariants for virtual knots via spanning surfaces.url
[2208.02326] Nadav Drukker- Cutting and Sewing Riemann Surfaces in Mathematics, Physics and Clay.url
[2208.03817] Dusko Pavlovic- Programs as Diagrams- From Categorical Computability to Computable Categories.url
[2208.10467] Wout Moltmaker, Louis H. Kauffman- On Vassiliev Invariants of Virtual Knots.url
[2209.15577] Hans U. Boden, Ceyhun Elmacioglu, Anshul Guha, Homayun Karimi, William Rushworth, Yun-chi Tang, Bryan Wang Peng Jun- On knots that divide ribbon knotted surfaces.url
[2210.01920] Joan S. Birman- The work of Jones.url
[2210.05399] Carlo Collari- A note on weight systems which are quantum states.url
[2210.06862] V.O. Manturov, I.M. Nikonov- Maps from braids to virtual braids and braid representations.url
[2210.13198] Christoph Lamm- Symmetric diagrams for all strongly invertible knots up to 10 crossings.url
[2210.13640] Olivia Borghi, Marcy Roberston- Leture Notes on Modular Infinity Operads and Grothendieck-Teichmueller Theory.url
[2210.17447] Anthony Conway- Invariants of $2$-knots.url
[2211.01581] Nicola's Andruskiewitsch, He'ctor Marti'n Pen~a Pollastri- On the finite-dimensional representations of the double of the Jordan plane.url
[2211.10734] Thomas Fiedler- Polynomial invariants which can distinguish the orientations of knots.url
[2211.10977] Ivan Bartulovic'- Cyclic sets from ribbon string links.url
[2211.15010] Daniel Lo'pez Neumann, Roland van der Veen- Genus bounds for twisted quantum invariants.url
[2212.03778] Baptiste Gros, Butian Zhang- A combinatorial one-cocycle in a moduli space of knots from the Vassiliev invariant of order 3.url
[2212.12463] Kamolphat Intawong, Noboru Ito- Multiple Linking Number.url
[2212.12792] Robyn Brooks, Rafal Komendarczyk- From integrals to combinatorial formulas of finite type invariants -- a case study.url
[2301.10318] Micah Chrisman- A geometric foundation of virtual knot theory.url
[2302.13244] Komal Negi, Madeti Prabhakar, Seiichi Kamada- Twisted virtual braids and twisted links.url
[2303.04233] Nathan M. Dunfield, Sherry Gong, Thomas Hockenhull, Marco Marengon, Michael Willis- On the rank of knot homology theories and concordance.url
[2304.07012] Martin Bordemann, Andrea Rivezzi, Thomas Weigel- A gentle introduction to Drinfel'd associators.url
[2304.09304] Sergei Gukov, James Halverson, Ciprian Manolescu, Fabian Ruehle- Searching for ribbons with machine learning.url
[2305.06316] Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Igor Mikhailovich Nikonov- The groups $Gamma_{n}^{4}$, braids, and $3$-manifolds.url
[2305.14884] Stavros Garoufalidis, Matthias Storzer, Campbell Wheeler- Perturbative invariants of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds.url
[2305.17204] Alexander R. Klotz, Caleb J. Anderson- Ropelength and writhe quantization of 12-crossing knots.url
[2305.18278] Matilde Marcolli, Noam Chomsky, Robert Berwick- Mathematical Structure of Syntactic Merge.url
[2306.08971] Hans U. Boden, Zsuzsanna Dancso, Damian J. Lin, Tilda S. Wilkinson-Finch- Mutation, surface graphs, and alternating links in surfaces.url
[2307.07661] Cole Hugelmeyer- Diagram Systems and Generalized Finite Type Theories.url
[2307.11212] Ina Petkova, Noah Schwartz- A Legendrian knot atlas for knots of arc index 10.url
[2307.12668] Simon Brun, Thomas Willwacher- Graph homology computations.url
[2307.15211] Sergei Chmutov- Partial-dual genus polynomial as a weight system.url
[2307.16330] Robert Lipshitz, Peter Ozsva'th, Dylan Thurston- Floer homology beyond borders.url
[2307.16483] Akio Kawauchi- Ribbonness on classical link.url
[2308.01811] Zhiyun Cheng- Intersection graph and writhe polynomial.url
[2309.00708] Mee Seong Im, Mikhail Khovanov- From finite state automata to tangle cobordisms- a TQFT journey from one to four dimensions.url
[2309.01735] Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Zheyan Wan- The Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant is a partial case of the photography method.url
[2310.15617] Ben-Michael Kohli, Guillaume Tahar- A lower bound for the genus of a knot using the Links-Gould invariant.url
[2310.16729] David Cimasoni, Livio Ferretti- On the Kashaev signature conjecture.url
[2310.20420] Zsuzsanna Dancso, Iva Halacheva, Guillaume Laplante-Anfossi, Marcy Robertson- Kashiwara-Vergne solutions degree by degree.url
[2311.00789] Robert G. Scharein, Eric J. Rawdon- An introduction to KnotPlot.url
[2311.01922] Benjamin Audoux, Jean-Baptiste Meilhan, Akira Yasuhara- Welded graphs, Wirtinger groups and knotted punctured spheres.url
[2312.05014] Yury Belousov- On the complexity of meander-like diagrams of knots.url
[2402.06771] Nathan M. Dunfield, Giulio Tiozzo- Roots of Alexander polynomials of random positive 3-braids.url
[2402.06891] Jun Murakami, Roland van der Veen- Quantum fundamental group of knot and its $SL_2$ representation.url
[2402.07558] C.-M. Michael Wong, Sarah Zampa- Lecture notes on Heegaard Floer homology.url
[2402.13242] Nathan Geer, Aaron D. Lauda, Bertrand Patureau-Mirand, Joshua Sussan- Density and unitarity of the Burau representation from a non-semisimple TQFT.url
[2402.14661] Mohamed Elhamdadi, Dipali Swain- State sum invariants of knots from idempotents in quandle rings.url
[2402.19138] Anton Alekseev, Florian Naef, Muze Ren- Generalized Pentagon Equations.url
[2405.17011] David Cimasoni, Livio Ferretti, Jessica Liu- A diagrammatic computation of abelian link invariants.url
[2407.04828] Sol Addison, Nancy Scherich, Lila Snodgrass- Danceability, Directed by Braid Index.url
[arXiv1108.3389] Furusho- Four groups related to associators.URL
[cond-mat9809162] Introduction to the Bethe ansatz I.URL
[hep-th0102208] Cattaneo, Felder- Poisson sigma models and deformation quantization.URL
[hep-th-0206162] Severa- (Non-)Abelian Kramers-Wannier duality and topological field theory.url
[hep-th-0212347v1] Jose A. de Azcarraga, Jose M. Izquierdo, Moises Picon, Oscar Varela- Generating Lie and gauge free differential (super)algebras by expanding Maurer-Cartan forms and Chern-Simons supergravity.url
[hep-th0610149] Frenkel Losev Nekrasov - Instantons beyond topological theory I.URL
[hep-th9202044] Quinn- Representation theory, topological field theory, and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture.URL
[hep-th9702027] Weinberg- What is Quantum Field Theory, and What Did We Think It Is.URL
[math0004112] Retakh, Reutenauer, Vaintrob- Noncommutative Rational Functions and Farber's Invariants of Boundary Links.URL
[math-0008204] Kerler- Homology TQFT's and the Alexander-Reidemeister Invariant of 3-Manifolds via Hopf Algebras and Skein Theory.url
[math-0008204] Thomas Kerler- Homology TQFT's and the Alexander-Reidemeister Invariant of 3-Manifolds via Hopf Algebras and Skein Theory.url
[math0009181] Toledano-Laredo- A Kohno-Drinfeld theorem for quantum Weyl groups.URL
[math0202246] Budney- On the image of the Lawrence-Krammer representation.URL
[math-0206258] Tim D. Cochran- Noncommutative knot theory.url
[math0403266] Crainic- On the perturbation lemma, and deformations.URL
[math0405481] Tsukamoto, Yasuhara- A factorization of the Conway polynomial and covering linkage invariants.URL
[math-0503296] Huynh, Le- On the Colored Jones Polynomial and the Kashaev invariant.url
[math0503296v1] Le, Huynh- On the Colored Jones Polynomial and the Kashaev invariant.URL
[math-0505185] David Cimasoni, Vincent Florens- Generalized Seifert surfaces and signatures of colored links.url
[math-0505531] Akio Noguchi- A functional equation for the Lefschetz zeta functions of infinite cyclic coverings with an application to kno.url
[math-0505614] Bergeron, Gao, Hu- Drinfel'd Doubles and Lusztig's Symmetries of Two-Parameter Quantum Groups.url
[math0507266] Sakasai - The Magnus representation and higher-order Alexander invariants for homology cobordisms of surfaces.URL
[math0509302v1] Kodiyalam, Sunder- Planar algebras and Kuperberg's 3-manifold invariant.URL
[math0602395v1] Lamm- Symmetric union presentations for 2-bridge ribbon knots.URL
[math-0605622] Louis H. Kauffman- Remarks on Formal Knot Theory.url
[math0609742] Watanabe - Configuration space integral for long n-knots, the Alexander polynomial and knot space cohomology.URL
[math-0610481] Fenn, Turaev- Weyl Algebras and Knots.url
[math9201304] Knuth - Efficient representation of perm groups.URL
[math9810009] Kassel, Turaev- Biquantization of Lie bialgebras.URL
[math9810185] Howie- Minimal Seifert manifolds for higher ribbon knots.URL
[math9904100] Bigelow- The Burau representation is not faithful for n = 5.URL
[math-ph0210037] Cattaneo-Rossi - Wilson surfaces and higher dimensional knot invariants.URL
[math-ph0305003] Quesne- Jackson's q-exponential as the exponential of a series.URL
[math.QA0006056] Khovanov & Seidel- Quivers, Floer cohomology, and braid group actions.URL
[q-alg9503005] Kashaev- Heisenberg Double and Pentagon Relation.URL
[q-alg9511001] Majid- Double-Bosonisation and the Construction of {$U_q(g)$}.URL
[q-alg9512020] de Montigny- Graded Contractions of Affine Kac-Moody Algebras.URL
[q-alg9601021] Kerler- Genealogy of Nonperturbative Quantum-Invariants of 3-Manifolds The Surgical Family.URL
[q-alg9711007] Levine- A Factorization of the Conway Polynomial.URL
Dror Bar-Natan