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This is the construction page for my 2017 Killam Fellowship application Polynomial Time Knot Polynomials. The main content here is the Summary of Project and the Detailed Project Description. The rest is mostly construction materials.

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1coGraphs.pdf   2co.pdf   2D.pdf   6T.pdf   ADExample.pdf   AKT-1607.pdf   Avc.pdf   Bar-Natan, Dror - Result Letter.pdf   Contributions.pdf   Detailed.pdf   DrorBarNatanContributions.pdf   DrorBarNatanProject.pdf   DrorBarNatanSummary.pdf   ExampleT.pdf   GST48.pdf   Summary.pdf   TauKappa.pdf  

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 index source 2024-03-17 11:28:55 2016-04-26 06:58:23  
2 PST source 2024-03-17 11:28:55 2016-04-25 06:43:27  
3 RibbonKnot source 2024-03-17 11:28:55 2024-10-20 18:48:36 Drawing a ribbon knot, colour coded as in pensieve://2015-07/PolyPoly/. Continued pensieve://Projects/RibbonKnots/.

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  1. Studied 2016-04-18 15:27:20: Killam Research Fellowship.

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1coGraphs.fig   1coGraphs.pdf_t   2co.fig   2co.pdf_t   2D.fig   2D.pdf_t   6T.fig   6T.pdf_t   ADExample.fig   ADExample.pdf_t   AKT-1607.aux   AKT-1607.synctex   AKT-1607.tex   Avc.fig   Avc.pdf_t   Contributions.aux   Contributions.synctex   Contributions.tex   Detailed-160511.tex   Detailed.aux   Detailed.synctex   Detailed.tex   ExampleT.fig   ExampleT.pdf_t   GST48.fig   GST48v1.fig   .htaccess   myrefs.tex   PST.m   RibbonKnot.m   Summary.aux   Summary.synctex   Summary.tex   TauKappa.fig   TauKappa.pdf_t  

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1coGraphs.fig   1coGraphs.pdf   1coGraphs.pdf_t   2co.fig   2co.pdf   2co.pdf_t   2D.fig   2D.pdf   2D.pdf_t   6T.fig   6T.pdf   6T.pdf_t   ADExample.fig   ADExample.pdf   ADExample.pdf_t   AKT-1607.aux   AKT-1607.pdf   AKT-1607.synctex   AKT-1607.tex   Avc.fig   Avc.pdf   Avc.pdf_t   Bar-Natan, Dror - Result Letter.pdf   Contributions.aux   Contributions.pdf   Contributions.synctex   Contributions.tex   Detailed-160511.tex   Detailed.aux   Detailed.pdf   Detailed.synctex   Detailed.tex   DrorBarNatanContributions.pdf   DrorBarNatanProject.pdf   DrorBarNatanSummary.pdf   ExampleT.fig   ExampleT.pdf   ExampleT.pdf_t   GST48.fig   GST48.pdf   GST48v1.fig   .htaccess   index.html   index.m   index.nb   Killam Research Fellowship.URL   KnottedPencil_240.jpg   myrefs.tex   Note160428_0.jpg   Plane.png   PST.m   PST.nb   RibbonKnot.m   RibbonKnot.nb   RibbonKnot.png   Sphere.png   Summary.aux   Summary.pdf   Summary.synctex   Summary.tex   TauKappa.fig   TauKappa.pdf   TauKappa.pdf_t   Torus.png