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These are the source files for the computations presented in my eprint Some Computations Related to Vassiliev Invariants. The files are very old, were not run since 1994-1998, and given that the software environment has changed since they were last used, they will likely require significant tweaking before they can be run again. I'm afraid there's no manual. (Old location: ~drorbn/projects/Graph/).

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BBasis   nauty   yam-suff  

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 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 index source 2024-03-17 11:28:53 2020-01-21 10:35:12  

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  1. Studied 2020-01-21 10:08:57: Dror Bar-Natan- Publications- Computations.

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7-3-2-1.prf1   7-3-2-1.prf2   7-3-2-1.prf3   7-3-2-1.prf4   Check.m   Comb.m   compression   Difficulty.m   Dims.m   Dims.old.m   do   dob   Do.m   do.old   Fuse.m   GC3.m   GC5.m   GC6   GC.m   Graph.c   Graph.h   Graph.m   Graph.old.c   handy   IHX.m   IHX.old.m   Links.m   makefile   makefile.abel   makefile.lie   mathlink.h   mon   Phi.c   records   sizeof.c   teststream.c   t.m   xmon  

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BBasis   nauty   nb   yam-suff  

All 42 Files

7-3-2-1.prf1   7-3-2-1.prf2   7-3-2-1.prf3   7-3-2-1.prf4   Check.m   Comb.m   compression   Difficulty.m   Dims.m   Dims.old.m   do   dob   Do.m   do.old   Dror Bar-Natan- Publications- Computations.url   Fuse.m   GC3.m   GC5.m   GC6   GC.m   Graph.c   Graph.h   Graph.m   Graph.old.c   handy   IHX.m   IHX.old.m   index.html   index.m   index.nb   Links.m   makefile   makefile.abel   makefile.lie   mathlink.h   mon   Phi.c   records   sizeof.c   teststream.c   t.m   xmon