07-401/On the Term Test

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In Preparation

The information below is preliminary and cannot be trusted! (v)

Our Term Test will take place on February 28 at 6:20PM at Galbraith (GB) 120 on 35 St. George Street, across from the Bahen Centre for Information Technology. It will be two hours long and following it we will stay in class for some further discussion.

The material is everything covered in class until and including the class of February 14, 2007. Everything in the test be taken from our text book, and there will be two types of questions (or maybe sometimes the two types will be mixed within a single question):

  • You may be asked to prove a theorem proven in class. The reason we prove theorems in class is that these proofs are important. Therefore I expect you to know them.
  • You may be asked to solve exercises from the relevant chapters of the book, or minor variations thereof. These may be questions that were assigned as homework, but also, these may be questions that were not assigned before.
Good Luck!