© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Severa:
110126-095855: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (3)

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  131205-104541: Getting the twist.
  131205-100511: Explicit quantization formulas.
  131204-045438: Quantizing Lie bialgebras - the universal construction (4).
  131204-045437: Quantizing Lie bialgebras - the universal construction (3).
  131204-045436: Quantizing Lie bialgebras - the universal construction (2).
  131204-045435: Quantizing Lie bialgebras - the universal construction.
  131128-024041: Quantizing Lie bialgebras (2).
  131125-065032: Quantizing Lie bialgebras.
  131001-080619: Quantizing quasi-Poisson structures (2).
  130927-105612: Quantizing quasi-Poisson structures.
  130924-105132: Some group level interpretations of associators.
  130924-102114: A groupoid interpretation of $FL\times CW$.
  110202-112837: The $A$ in Etingof-Kazhdan.
  110131-184732: The Kontsevich vanishing lemma (3).
  110131-174434: The Kontsevich vanishing lemma (2).
  110131-172714: The Kontsevich vanishing lemma.
  110128-110538: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (9).
  110128-104057: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (8).
  110128-103444: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (7).
  110128-102106: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (6).
  110128-100631: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (5).
  110128-095607: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (4).
  110128-094323: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (3).
  110128-093224: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2 (2).
  110128-092351: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$, day 2.
  110126-110302: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (8)
  110126-105407: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (7)
  110126-104058: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (6)
  110126-102240: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (5)
  110126-100927: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (4)
  110126-095855: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (3)
  110126-095118: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$ (2)
  110126-093919: $\Phi_{AT}\in{\mathcal A}^{pb}$
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