© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Martins:
150429-152440: 2-Yang-Baxter (7) - braided surfaces.

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  150501-172806: The Goussarov definition (2).
  150501-164947: The Goussarov definition.
  150501-163919: No Milnor for glinks.
  150501-161753: Tree-level for general 2-links (2).
  150501-154139: Tree-level for general 2-links.
  150501-150100: $R\ker$ and Hopf-crossed-modules.
  150501-143719: Projectivizing group actions.
  150501-114927: A crossed module from a decker set.
  150501-111659: Morse functions talk to decker sets.
  150501-102048: Morse functions on the plane.
  150430-172702: Stalling's theorem (4).
  150430-165745: Stalling's theorem (3).
  150430-152229: Stalling's theorem (2).
  150430-151606: Stalling's theorem.
  150430-145413: Expansions for groups (2).
  150430-144307: Expansions for groups.
  150430-125747: The KBH story (4).
  150430-122043: The KBH story (3).
  150430-114641: The KBH story (2).
  150430-110639: The KBH story.
  150429-180708: Low algebra.
  150429-174756: Bracket rise theorem.
  150429-172703: Zw (3)
  150429-172541: Zw (2)
  150429-172146: Zw
  150429-170100: Aw.
  150429-164718: u-knots and expansions (2).
  150429-163924: u-knots and expansions.
  150429-162147: w-tangles.
  150429-160126: The pentagon (2).
  150429-155437: The pentagon.
  150429-152440: 2-Yang-Baxter (7) - braided surfaces.
  150429-145903: 2-Yang-Baxter (6).
  150429-145150: 2-Yang-Baxter (5) - the "string" crossed module.
  150429-143214: 2-Yang-Baxter (4).
  150429-141601: 2-Yang-Baxter (3) - differential crossed modules of chain complexes.
  150429-140834: 2-Yang-Baxter (2).
  150429-133627: 2-Yang-Baxter.
  150429-132632: The "Actor" crossed module.
  150429-114950: 2-chord diagrams (3).
  150429-113927: 2-chord diagrams (2).
  150429-112449: 2-chord diagrams.
  150429-110601: 2-connections and 2-holonomies (2).
  150429-105753: 2-connections and 2-holonomies.
  150429-104657: Differential crossed modules (3).
  150429-103659: Differential crossed modules (2).
  150429-101803: Differential crossed modules.
  150429-100104: $Ch_n$.
  150429-095125: Questions (2).
  150428-163331: Questions.
  150428-155612: The crossed module of a knot complement (6).
  150428-153713: The crossed module of a knot complement (5).
  150428-151708: The crossed module of a knot complement (4).
  150428-144607: The crossed module of a knot complement (3).
  150428-143516: The crossed module of a knot complement (2).
  150428-142601: The crossed module of a knot complement.
  150428-142043: Computing $\Pi_2$ (3).
  150428-140912: Computing $\Pi_2$ (2).
  150428-135934: Computing $\Pi_2$.
  150428-122156: Crossed modules (8).
  150428-121007: Crossed modules (7).
  150428-115440: Crossed modules (6).
  150428-113759: Crossed modules (5) - homotopy of crossed modules.
  150428-112639: Crossed modules (4) - some foundational exercises.
  150428-111200: Crossed modules (3).
  150428-104915: Crossed modules (2).
  150428-103336: Knotted balloons and hoops.
  150428-101700: Crossed modules.
  150427-192030: The wheels invariant.
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