© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "PolyPoly-1605"

PolyPoly-1605 is a series of meetings on poly-time knot polynomials.

160620-120503: A weird rep of the braid group (2).

160620-114606: A weird rep of the braid group.

160620-112930: Globalization is evil.

160620-110552: The problem with $\omega$.

160613-121716: Wherefore $\omega$? (5)

160613-114925: Wherefore $\omega$? (4)

160613-112645: Wherefore $\omega$? (3)

160613-111012: Wherefore $\omega$? (2)

160613-105358: Wherefore $\omega$?

160613-102347: Initial blackboard.

160606-121521: Turbo-Burau (2)

160606-114529: Turbo-Burau

160606-112712: Turbo-Gasner.

160606-111219: Gassner-plus.

160606-105446: The Gassner representation.

160530-122522: Stitchng (5)

160530-121554: Stitchng (4)

160530-115918: Stitchng (3)

160530-114028: Stitchng (2)

160530-113057: Stitchng

160530-111318: Interpretations of $\rho$ (2).

160530-105649: Interpretations of $\rho$.

160530-101800: Initial blackboard for May 30.

160523-121729: The $h\infty$ representation (3).

160523-113656: The $h\infty$ representation (2).

160523-111730: The $h\infty$ representation.

160523-110320: The target space for w.

160523-104559: Pre-meeting BB, May 23 (2).

160523-093948: Pre-meeting BB, May 23.

160516-120018: The ops and the quotients.

160516-112208: The Brute and the Hidden Paradise (2).

160516-100647: The Brute and the Hidden Paradise.