© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "KAL"

KAL is Knot at Lunch.

240411-134911: Polynomials (2).

240411-134909: Polynomials.

240319-112216: Permanents and determinants (2).

240318-135220: Permanents and determinants.

240318-132300: Categorification.

240311-145242: Kauffman states and their signs (3).

240311-132654: Kauffman states and their signs (2).

240304-140228: Kauffman states and their signs.

240304-132720: Signs of incomplete permutations.

221209-145832: Non commutative Gaussian elimination for $S_3$ (2).

221202-152320: Non commutative Gaussian elimination for $S_3$.

221202-150244: Gaussian elimination done right.

221021-125136: The reduction lemma.

221021-122313: Homotopies (2).

220930-130635: Homotopies.

220923-130803: Frobenius Algebras and TQFTs.

220916-130852: Listening to Montreal-1306.

220826-132145: Listening to Newton-1301 (5)

220826-130533: Listening to Newton-1301 (4)

220826-120937: Listening to Newton-1301 (3)

220812-125924: Listening to Newton-1301 (2)

220812-123644: Listening to Newton-1301

210728-142257: Leonard Afeke on The Gassner Representation of String Links (4).

210728-142256: Leonard Afeke on The Gassner Representation of String Links (3).

210728-142255: Leonard Afeke on The Gassner Representation of String Links (2).

210728-142254: Leonard Afeke on The Gassner Representation of String Links.

151123-152612: The Artin genre of theorems (7).

151123-150243: The Artin genre of theorems (6).

151116-155537: The Artin genre of theorems (5).

151116-154750: The Artin genre of theorems (4).

151116-153430: The Artin genre of theorems (3).

151116-150611: The Artin genre of theorems (2).

151116-144834: The Artin genre of theorems.

151109-154641: Zhe, mZhe, sZhe (2).

151109-153105: Zhe, mZhe, sZhe.

151026-154822: GT/GRT.

151026-153411: Symplectic expansions.

151019-155526: Watching Kuno (5).

151019-144138: Watching Kuno (4).

151005-160619: Watching Kuno (3).

151005-153327: Watching Kuno (2).

150928-160125: Watching Kuno.

150921-155435: A $50 question on unitarity (4).

150921-151324: A $50 question on unitarity (3).

150921-145707: A $50 question on unitarity (2).

150921-143253: A $50 question on unitarity.

150914-151317: Closed loop transfer functions and determinants.

150914-145112: Closed loop transfer functions.

150504-155259: $\pi_{12}$ of a decker set.

150504-150504: The Postnikov invariant.

150420-192919: The 2D extension-reduction (3).

150420-191903: The 2D extension-reduction (2).

150420-185635: The 2D extension-reduction.

150420-182302: Polyak-Ohtsuki (3).

150420-181102: Polyak-Ohtsuki (2).

150420-175537: Polyak-Ohtsuki.

150413-175649: Deriving Gassner (3).

150413-172025: Deriving Gassner (2).

150413-170850: Deriving Gassner.

150413-164209: A silly formula.

150406-175531: Musings on tr and $\Gamma$.

150330-182658: The Iva trace (2).

150330-175223: The Iva trace.

150330-173130: $\gamma$-calculus.

150323-185641: A diamond of projects.

150323-180447: The "other" combing.

150303-085256: The failing Jones-Kauffman Algebraic Knot Theory.

150220-190051: Computing dimensiona of $t^1_n$ (3).

150220-175746: Computing dimensiona of $t^1_n$ (2).

150220-171304: Computing dimensiona of $t^1_n$.

150209-183407: Finite type invariants of algebraically split links (4).

150209-182008: Finite type invariants of algebraically split links (3).

150209-175724: Finite type invariants of algebraically split links (2).

150209-173146: Finite type invariants of algebraically split links.

150209-163510: Braids and tangles on the torus (5).

150202-191533: Braids and tangles on the torus (4).

150202-185745: Braids and tangles on the torus (3).

150202-184103: Braids and tangles on the torus (2).

150202-181324: Braids and tangles on the torus.

150202-175223: Intersection graphs.

150126-173953: Elliptic and spherical braids (2).

150126-170420: Elliptic and spherical braids.

150119-175243: Aarhus process (3).

150119-172920: Aarhus process (2).

150119-171800: Aarhus process.

150119-164839: Taylor expansions.

150119-163147: Algebraic structures.

141001-125800: Some riddles.

140924-140157: Strand doubling.

140924-134548: Expansions for ${\mathcal A}^w$.

140924-132159: Expansions for $\mathbb Z$.

140924-125635: Co-homomorphicity.

140924-123223: Riddles

140917-140141: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case (7).

140917-135115: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case (6).

140917-132159: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case (5).

140917-125437: Random.

140910-134908: Bracelets forever.

140910-123749: Homological linking?

140826-134416: Musings on the Fiedler invariants.

140805-142327: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case (4).

140805-142326: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case (3).

140805-142325: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case (2).

140805-142324: Finite type invariants of w-knots by direct analogy with the u case.

140805-142323: The Klein bottle tiling; Hilden braids.

140624-135946: A little on Burau and homology (3).

140624-135945: A little on Burau and homology (2).

140624-135944: A little on Burau and homology.

140624-135943: A $100 problem on the Gassner invariant (3).

140624-135942: A $100 problem on the Gassner invariant (2).

140624-135941: A $100 problem on the Gassner invariant.

140617-141615: w-tangles, their gr, and the expnasion $Z$ (4).

140617-141614: w-tangles, their gr, and the expnasion $Z$ (3).

140617-141613: w-tangles, their gr, and the expnasion $Z$ (2).

140617-141612: w-tangles, their gr, and the expnasion $Z$.

140610-133341: A foosball interpretation of the $\Gamma$-calculus formulas (2).

140610-133340: A foosball interpretation of the $\Gamma$-calculus formulas.

140603-133844: A picture for my Oberwolfach-1405 talk (3).

140603-132105: A picture for my Oberwolfach-1405 talk (2).

140603-130338: A picture for my Oberwolfach-1405 talk.

140520-141133: Simply knotted 2-knots are ribbon (5).

140520-141132: Simply knotted 2-knots are ribbon (4).

140520-141131: Simply knotted 2-knots are ribbon (3).

140520-141130: Simply knotted 2-knots are ribbon (2).

140520-141129: Simply knotted 2-knots are ribbon.

140513-141043: Planar algebras, circuit algebras, u, v, and w (4).

140513-141042: Planar algebras, circuit algebras, u, v, and w (3).

140513-141041: Planar algebras, circuit algebras, u, v, and w (2).

140513-141040: Planar algebras, circuit algebras, u, v, and w.

140428-140406: Configuration space integrals for codimension-2 knots (3).

140428-140405: Configuration space integrals for codimension-2 knots (2).

140428-140404: Configuration space integrals for codimension-2 knots.

140421-141107: Ribbon knotted balloons and hoopes, just the basics (3).

140421-141106: Ribbon knotted balloons and hoopes, just the basics (2).

140421-141105: Ribbon knotted balloons and hoopes, just the basics.

140414-153317: Some generalities about 2-knots (2).

140414-153316: Some generalities about 2-knots.

121128-133958: Incandescence by Greg Egan.

121121-135258: Heegaard diagrams and f.d. Hopf algebras (2).

121121-134043: Heegaard diagrams and f.d. Hopf algebras.

121114-140451: The braid group on a torus.

121107-140601: Ribbon 2-link groups are homomorphically quadratic (2).

121107-131445: Ribbon 2-link groups are homomorphically quadratic.

121031-140011: Knot groups are LOT groups.

121031-133822: The MGA of groups.

120919-133434: The nilpotent completion of a link group.

120905-131607: My dislike of $S_2\to A\otimes A$.

120725-135243: $PvB_n$ (2).

120725-131918: $PvB_n$.

120718-144141: B&H operations (3).

120718-142334: B&H operations (2).

120718-135137: B&H operations.

120718-130900: Group-like issues.

101215-133542: Listening to Torossian's Montpellier talk (2).

101215-131145: Listening to Torossian's Montpellier talk.

101208-122618: Graph homology and configuration spaces.

101117-125250: D(G) and pi_1 (2).

101117-124020: D(G) and pi_1.

101027-131552: D(G) and tder, twists.

101020-122806: Differential operators.

101020-115021: LMMO / Gauthier.

101013-131142: The double of a finite group (2).

101013-124123: The double of a finite group.

101013-121559: Ig is a symmetric space?

101006-123828: Symmetric spaces and pm-w knots (2).

101006-114518: Symmetric spaces and pm-w knots.

100930-090139: dExp, revisited.

100922-122026: Fixing KTGs to allow a homomorphic Z (2).

100922-121205: Fixing KTGs to allow a homomorphic Z.

100922-115711: Filtrations.

100120-140946: The structure of the space of really integrable functions.

100113-134432: Combing w-braids (3).

100113-132704: Combing w-braids (2).

100113-132653: Combing w-braids.

100106-140601: The exponential of tder (2).

100106-140547: The exponential of tder.

090902-161851: Descending relators.

090826-162210: Red over green v-tangles.

090819-155915: The Polyak Algebra (3).

090819-154357: The Polyak Algebra (2).

090819-151959: The Polyak Algebra.

090708-155837: Immanants (4).

090708-153102: Immanants (3).

090708-152303: Immanants (2).

090708-150702: Immanants.

090701-153823: The Infinitesimal Alexander Module in one shot.

090624-154238: The Alexander Polynomial (2).

090624-150834: The Alexander Polynomial.

090610-144148: A Conjecture on the Alexander Polynomial.

090506-153921: The Fourier transform on a Lie group.

090415-161142: KV (6).

090415-155812: KV (5).

090415-154024: KV (4).

090415-152205: KV (3).

090325-155411: KV (2).

090325-152341: KV.

090304-160152: The Kirby Calculus.

090211-145208: aabb->abab by a basis conjugating automorphism?

090204-160721: Bracelets (2).

090204-153020: Bracelets.

090128-160808: CYBE and chickens (2)

090128-154444: CYBE and chickens

090121-143638: Scheduling.

090115-142041: The FiC Relation.

090115-131616: Simply Knotted 2-Knots (2).

090115-131603: Simply Knotted 2-Knots.

081216-150410: Scatter and Glow Marathon (8).

081216-150342: Scatter and Glow Marathon (7).

081216-150333: Scatter and Glow Marathon (6).

081216-125537: Scatter and Glow Marathon (5).

081216-125528: Scatter and Glow Marathon (4).

081216-105928: Scatter and Glow Marathon (3).

081216-105914: Scatter and Glow Marathon (2).

081216-105855: Scatter and Glow Marathon.

081204-140018: Injectivity of Zw (2).

081204-133256: Injectivity of Zw.

081127-132350: The Wen.

081120-134949: Geodesics in hyperbolic space (2).

081120-134936: Geodesics in hyperbolic space.

081106-141734: Z, alpha, subdiagrams (7).

081106-135759: Z, alpha, subdiagrams (6).

081106-134735: Z, alpha, subdiagrams (5).

081106-134727: Z, alpha, subdiagrams (4).

081106-131626: Z, alpha, subdiagrams (3).

081106-131016: Z, alpha, subdiagrams (2).

081106-131006: Z, alpha, subdiagrams.

081023-135555: A bit on convolutions (2).

081023-135536: A bit on convolutions.

080911-135606: Towards an Euler formula for wAlexander (2).

080911-135555: Towards an Euler formula for wAlexander.

080827-135306: dExp, the Euler operator and BCH (1).

080827-135252: dExp, the Euler operator and BCH.

080806-135011: Determinants, traces and logarithmic derivatives (2).

080806-135001: Determinants, traces and logarithmic derivatives.

080625-124640: Tentative formulas for w-Alexander.

080611-124617: Fenn - Rimanyi - Rourke (2).

080611-124603: Fenn - Rimanyi - Rourke.

080604-124235: Ainfinity Algebras (3).

080604-115644: Ainfinity Algebras (2).

080604-115635: Ainfinity Algebras.

080528-124410: A universal finite type invariant for welded tangles (2).

080528-124356: A universal finite type invariant for welded tangles.

080423-133821: Welded knots following Kauffman (2).

080423-133815: Welded knots following Kauffman.

080416-141506: Quandles and Lie Algebras (3).

080416-141452: Quandles and Lie Algebras (2).

080416-141439: Quandles and Lie Algebras.

080409-140303: TAut (3).

080409-140247: TAut (2).

080409-140230: TAut.

080402-135635: Infinitesimal Artin and homotopy (3).

080402-135624: Infinitesimal Artin and homotopy (2).

080402-135612: Infinitesimal Artin and homotopy.

080326-134857: Chord diagrams modulo homotopy (3).

080326-134831: Chord diagrams modulo homotopy (2).

080326-134823: Chord diagrams modulo homotopy.

080319-134555: The infinitesimalization of the Artin representation (5).

080319-134538: The infinitesimalization of the Artin representation (4).

080319-134530: The infinitesimalization of the Artin representation (3).

080312-134159: The infinitesimalization of the Artin representation (2).

080312-134147: The infinitesimalization of the Artin representation.