VanDerVeen-{ |
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240614-074935: | A $\theta$ with 6-fold symmetry. |
240522-093029: | Possible extra $sl_3$ contributions. |
240506-102835: | Integration is nilpotent! |
240501-124819: | Integration: The proper input format (3). |
240501-124818: | Integration: The proper input format (2). |
240501-124817: | Integration: The proper input format. |
240216-162057: | More on bottom tangles and braided Hopf algebras (3). |
240216-100055: | More on bottom tangles and braided Hopf algebras (2). |
240212-185211: | More on bottom tangles and braided Hopf algebras. |
240212-141009: | KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (5). |
240212-132826: | KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (4). |
240212-131639: | KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (3). |
240212-130828: | KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (2). |
240212-124747: | KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras. |
231219-105334: | Palindromicity in Gaussian language. |
231211-111851: | Bridges and tunnels and Alexander numbering. |
231211-080441: | The $T\to T^{-1}$ sequence. |
231206-093134: | Elementary ideals. |
230711-040216: | Twisted doubles (2). |
230211-100908: | Twisted doubles. |
230206-092653: | Reidemeister torsion (2). |
230203-072344: | Reidemeister torsion. |
221212-165324: | Fiedler invariants. |
220808-163148: | Band Aid marathon. |
210608-103235: | Getting rid of $\hbar$. |
200719-213611: | $t$ and $w$ generate the centre. |
200717-173256: | Abbasi's argument. |
200710-180818: | Traces. |
200703-175526: | Zipping quadratics and pairing exterior powers. |
200630-181026: | Co-invariants, partial traces. |
200626-180156: | Mixed-direction homomorphisms. |
200621-180015: | Heisenberg calculus (2). |
200621-180014: | Heisenberg calculus. |
200618-180337: | Spinner challenge. |
200618-175701: | Composition for O/U tangles. |
200612-182124: | Hopf quandles? |
200609-175618: | Proof of connectivity. |
200523-193429: | Z is central. |
200508-183718: | Diamonds (2). |
200508-183717: | Diamonds. |
200506-181422: | Divisibility and overhangs. |
200421-180229: | The Diamond Lemma. |
200417-180125: | Riemann mappings and mapping-classs-vector-fields. |
200414-182305: | Aiming to separate vOU tangles with quantum invariants. |
200411-180721: | Virtual surgeries. |
200408-181534: | Random |
200405-185919: | The injectivity of PvB->OU, following Chterental (3). |
200405-185918: | The injectivity of PvB->OU, following Chterental (2). |
200405-185917: | The injectivity of PvB->OU, following Chterental. |
200330-192515: | Associators and 6j symbols. |
200330-192432: | Universal $sl_2$ projectors. |
200330-192229: | OU tangles and braids. |
200327-194535: | Connected diagrams, 1PI. |
200327-194405: | The Sweedler Algebra. |
200319-194117: | UOFix.nb conventions. |
200312-190540: | Misc. |
200303-175834: | Smallness. |
200206-092914: | $DPG_n$. |
200205-091751: | Affine Lie algebras. |
200205-075527: | R2b, R2c, and (left-)(right-)(full-) Hopf algebras. |
200128-105755: | Towards a Seifert formula. |
200122-081653: | The automorphism group of $gl_{n+}^\epsilon$. |
200116-163137: | A representation of $sl_{2+}^\epsilon$. |
200116-163136: | The cyclic structure of $gl_{n+}^\epsilon$. |
200115-110130: | The general form of a Seifert formula. |
200113-045334: | The $\infty D$ DD theorem (2). |
200110-120232: | The $\infty D$ DD theorem. |
200110-045836: | Switching to the $t,w$ basis (3). |
200107-103840: | Switching to the $t,w$ basis (2). |
200106-084931: | Switching to the $t,w$ basis. |
200103-113302: | Proving the Seifert formula (2). |
200103-113301: | Proving the Seifert formula. |
200102-100944: | The BandSnatcher (3). |
200102-100943: | The BandSnatcher (2). |
200102-100942: | The BandSnatcher. |
200102-100941: | The Seifert Formula. |
200102-100940: | We don't understand Gaussian elimination. |
191211-102115: | 998001 |
191206-104422: | Random. |
191127-112136: | $\epsilon$-representation theory. |
191114-113819: | Av+. |
191113-110251: | 3D weight systems, OC^2. |
191023-180529: | $sl_{2+}$ and $sl_2$ (2). |
191017-180842: | $sl_{2+}$ and $sl_2$. |
191010-091901: | Analytic Hom. |
191003-084924: | LaTeX |
190925-183624: | Complexity estimate. |
190920-001154: | Finding square roots. |
190902-185102: | Perturbative $PR^4$ (2). |
190902-185101: | Perturbative $PR^4$. |
190826-132610: | Biactions. |
190812-104755: | Topology of power series (3). |
190808-122937: | Topology of power series (2). |
190808-113202: | Topology of power series. |
190627-101720: | Montreal plans. |
190617-112542: | Zipping. |
190612-114558: | Preservation of Group-likeness. |
190523-123359: | $\mathcal D$ |
190515-154627: | The band-twist (2). |
190509-101709: | The band-twist. |
190502-110051: | A better DoPeGDO. |
190418-100648: | Generating trees. |
190411-095956: | Symmetric strict spherical categories with a singly-generated set of objects. |
190404-111008: | The hm braided Hopf object. |
190328-140159: | Random. |
190324-130215: | Bracelets. |
190324-123311: | Sleeves and rec-tangles. |
190314-105721: | Denominators. |
190308-101116: | Binding and zipping. |
190308-095452: | Exponential zipping. |
190228-094004: | Proving zipping (2). |
190228-085544: | Proving zipping. |
190208-101410: | Proving translation invariance. |
190105-102919: | Seifert surfaces of tangles (2). |
190104-105138: | Seifert surfaces of tangles. |
190104-105137: | Constraints from diagrams. |
190104-105136: | Vertices and $\theta$. |
190103-115459: | Cartan involutions (3). |
190103-115458: | Cartan involutions (2). |
190103-030708: | Cartan involutions. |
181231-101929: | Sketch of a paper. |
181231-101928: | Denominators in basic linear algebra. |
181231-101927: | Rec-tangles (2). |
181231-101926: | Rec-tangles. |
181026-100143: | The double forever. |
181012-095954: | Kinks (2). |
181012-094332: | Kinks. |
181005-100959: | "Never walk alone". |
180921-100133: | Locally Euclidean Knotted Objects. |
180901-170328: | The quantized substitution differential. |
180901-104431: | Proving GDO identities using U. |
180831-181528: | Obtaining the trace degree by degree (2). |
180831-155026: | Obtaining the trace degree by degree. |
180831-104019: | How to order the construction. |
180830-165215: | A trace. |
180829-113432: | The double construction in infinite cases (3). |
180829-103313: | The double construction in infinite cases (2). |
180829-095112: | The double construction in infinite cases. |
180828-170338: | A tentative plan. |
180827-113223: | Variations on RRRR. |
180826-171210: | RRRR and FOIL. |
180826-141644: | The change of variables formula. |
180826-120638: | The circuit algebra of linear circuits. |
180825-184202: | The core category. |
180822-104015: | Co-invariants. |
180810-101252: | Hopf algebra objects. |
180810-094448: | Upright tangloids (2). |
180810-091630: | Upright tangloids. |
180726-110931: | The existence of the exponential function. |
180722-150716: | Zipping and integration. |
180710-111004: | Bilocal algebra. |
180710-105727: | Meta pairs of paired Hopf algebras. |
180702-104428: | det and adj. |
180627-104652: | A category of ${\mathbb E}$'s? |
180621-103812: | Random. |
180601-102513: | Zipping and denominators. |
180528-102523: | Three (significant) random issues. |
180528-093723: | Two views of triangularity. |
180523-103428: | Zip and Lip. |
180523-100708: | The Seifert formula. |
180518-100711: | The $\Delta$ logos, Majid's braided line and virtuals. |
180516-094417: | The 1-variable zip algebra. |
180516-094416: | Unwater dancing. |
180510-085631: | Learning from experience. |
180427-123333: | Doubling computations (3). |
180427-122352: | Doubling computations (2). |
180427-122240: | Doubling computations. |
180427-120822: | The doubling procedure. |
180427-120007: | "Undoubled" formulas. |
180427-114506: | Zip, Bind, and Double. |
180420-121740: | Matemale planning. |
180419-150725: | Today's to do list. |
180419-150724: | The spinner relations. |
180418-111501: | Some calculations. |
180417-100734: | GDO examples. |
180415-120451: | More on $y\to x^{-1}$ (4). |
180415-120450: | More on $y\to x^{-1}$ (3). |
180415-120449: | More on $y\to x^{-1}$ (2). |
180415-120448: | More on $y\to x^{-1}$. |
180414-144005: | The canonical form with $y\to x^{-1}$. |
180411-115528: | GDO stories (2). |
180411-112521: | GDO stories. |
180402-104238: | Replacing $y$ by $x^{-1}$. |
180318-102946: | Regrets. |
180227-104921: | Majid's $W$ (3). |
180227-102859: | Majid's $W$ (2). |
180227-100033: | Majid's $W$. |
180223-105213: | The linear Logos (2). |
180215-100005: | The linear Logos. |
180213-114746: | Docile-Gaussian. |
180130-102650: | Integration in the group-ring case. |
180124-104401: | Heegaard diagrams and Hopf words, $V_2$ using meta-monoids. |
180115-095038: | The plans with Dylan. |
180110-100145: | From CS to Au. |
180108-100436: | Twisting, co-multiplying, spinning. |
171219-101626: | Action and pairing. |
171213-104420: | The sl(N) weight system. |
171206-100026: | Inner products as double integrals. |
171111-105056: | gcs-rvt (2). |
171111-100942: | gcs-rvt. |
171107-100120: | The differential of the exponential. |
171101-094400: | Dequantization. |
171026-095012: | Difference-differential equations. |
171017-100143: | Pushforwards and the Laplace transform. |
171011-100349: | Failing with representation theory. |
171004-093727: | Pushforwards and Gaussian pairing (2). |
171004-092638: | Pushforwards and Gaussian pairing. |
171004-091156: | What the world should look like. |
171004-084508: | Non-injectivity and the antipode. |
170927-100119: | ${\mathcal U}_\hbar$ and gr ${\mathcal U}_\hbar$. |
170927-094859: | Ribbons. |
170927-093707: | Contracting instead of approximating by solvable. |
170920-094603: | OU and QUEA. |
170912-095252: | Drinfel'd-Kohno and Cartan (2). |
170912-091507: | Drinfel'd-Kohno and Cartan. |
170822-072232: | Trading non-commutativity to non-linearity. |
170818-040005: | Cartan invariance in the q-case. |
170802-092154: | Pushforward of distributions. |
170721-095009: | Random. |
170719-094015: | Quantizing at $\beta=0$. |
170712-102044: | $a\Delta$. |
170710-101106: | Solvable-split-nilpotent? (2) |
170710-092953: | Solvable-split-nilpotent? |
170630-100213: | Deformning hurded yax. |
170630-093048: | Hurding yax. |
170629-161651: | Alexander multi-stitching. |
170627-144409: | Alternative notations. |
170623-145854: | The Gaussian pairing principle (2). |
170623-143123: | The Gaussian pairing principle. |
170623-135025: | Reordering with ODEs (9). |
170622-155815: | The Drinfel'd element (6). |
170622-152133: | The Drinfel'd element (5). |
170622-142424: | The Drinfel'd element (4). |
170622-113622: | The Drinfel'd element (3). |
170622-104449: | Deforming Weyl algebras. |
170622-095607: | Bootstrapping F. |
170622-085601: | Reordering with ODEs (8). |
170621-190120: | Reordering with ODEs (7). |
170621-184847: | Reordering with ODEs (6). |
170620-212242: | Reordering with ODEs (5). |
170620-183130: | Reordering with ODEs (4). |
170620-170855: | Reordering with ODEs (3). |
170620-163408: | Reordering with ODEs (2). |
170620-150826: | Reordering with ODEs. |
170620-115703: | Water dancing (3). |
170620-112342: | Water dancing (2). |
170620-104750: | Water dancing. |
170620-095053: | Deriving Weyl. |
170620-092320: | Reordering exponentials. |
170619-112439: | Benkart-Witherspoon 2-parameter quantum groups (2). |
170616-115856: | Benkart-Witherspoon 2-parameter quantum groups. |
170616-094846: | Which way do we go? |
170615-114316: | Deformed Weyl algebras. |
170615-110157: | The antipode of exponentials (3). |
170615-101642: | The antipode of exponentials (2). |
170614-153454: | The antipode of exponentials. |
170614-132002: | The co-product of exponentials (3). |
170614-112438: | The co-product of exponentials (2). |
170614-103510: | The co-product of exponentials. |
170613-184515: | The Drinfel'd element (2). |
170613-154100: | The Drinfel'd element. |
170613-141539: | Which way the wake goes? |
170612-173359: | Quasi-triangularity. |
170612-155902: | Random. |
170605-112555: | Heisenberg and pairings. |
170605-104935: | $SL_q(2)$. |
170529-164209: | An Alexander stitching formula. |
170508-110834: | Nilpotent approximation. |
170504-153033: | Quesne's formula. |
170424-105704: | Meta-dual-pairs. |
170419-113409: | Symmetrized vs. ordered. |
170412-100244: | The Drinfeld Double. |
170405-101118: | OU tangles (2). |
170405-093020: | OU tangles. |
170330-111349: | Gaussian pairing. |
170330-103057: | The Drinfel'd double. |
170323-112534: | Gaussian gluing (2). |
170323-104147: | Gaussian gluing. |
170316-105750: | q-exponentials. |
170311-171354: | Unitarity. |
170311-165240: | The problem with quantum groups. |
170311-162538: | Random |
170306-112116: | Re-ordering in sl(2). |
170302-105430: | Higher degrees arise in higher algebras (3). |
170302-103723: | Higher degrees arise in higher algebras (2). |
170302-102242: | Higher degrees arise in higher algebras. |
170223-113814: | How determinants arise. |
170223-111527: | More general gluings of quadratics. |
170223-105738: | Ado for ${\mathfrak g}_1$. |
170221-113909: | The internal kernel for ${\mathcal A}^w$ |
170221-111258: | Other solvable algebras. |
170221-110142: | The expected gln theorem. |
170221-104720: | Avoiding v-tangles. |
170213-132632: | Yoshikawa presentations. |
170213-105017: | Gaussian pairing (3). |
170213-103908: | Gaussian pairing (2). |
170213-102559: | Gaussian pairing. |
170204-165508: | The Cartan criterion. |
170116-112638: | Misc. |
170109-111348: | Realizations within Heisenberg algebras (2). |
170109-110047: | Realizations within Heisenberg algebras. |
170109-104407: | Divided differences. |
161227-105906: | What to expect at higher loops. |
161213-161644: | Kw at fixed linking. |
161213-154512: | Pairings in Au and Aw. |
161124-121231: | $q\Delta$ in ${\mathcal A}^w$. |
161118-095033: | $R^u$ and $R^w$, R2 and $S$. |
161116-102639: | $q\Delta$. |
161116-100008: | RVT (2). |
161116-094447: | RVT. |
161109-171217: | Working on the genus bound (2). |
161109-095539: | Working on the genus bound. |
161102-113040: | Seifert formulas (2). |
161026-112111: | Seifert formulas. |
161013-133246: | Rozansky's approach. |
161006-111205: | Alexander half densities. |
160929-110658: | The c-pattern. |
160922-105559: | Rotational Virtual Knots. |
160915-110534: | $\theta$ and unitarity. |
160915-105134: | Planar gluings. |
160906-114130: | $R$ or $V$? (2) |
160906-111645: | $R$ or $V$? |
160812-110655: | The $ax+b$ exponential. |
160812-103541: | The caup equations (2). |
160812-102917: | The caup equations. |
160807-193013: | w stuff. |
160807-180545: | The slide-under relation. |
160807-171850: | Mwu and Muw (3). |
160807-163104: | Mwu and Muw (2). |
160807-162317: | Mwu and Muw. |
160806-154238: | cuw cuw. |
160805-145346: | Logos |
160805-113949: | The key 1-co computation (3). |
160804-152407: | The key 1-co computation (2). |
160804-111732: | The key 1-co computation. |
160804-100419: | Differentiations. |
160803-155603: | Stitching (2). |
160803-153000: | Stitching. |
160803-151020: | The hard core $uw$ relation. |
160803-134626: | Some $c$ commutation relations. |
160803-101237: | An example of ${\mathbb E}$ in 1-co. |
160802-183928: | Implementation notes for 0-co in BPQ formalism. |
160802-102109: | Quantum double formulas. |
160802-084942: | Tuesday to do. |
160801-095228: | Hopf-calculus. |
160731-180741: | The $sm_q sl(2)$ invariant (2). |
160731-121550: | The $sm_q sl(2)$ invariant. |
160731-113245: | Quantum $sl_2$ (2). |
160731-102318: | Quantum $sl_2$. |
160731-093843: | The lagrangian formalism. |
160730-181301: | Proving commutation relations (2). |
160730-175309: | Proving commutation relations. |
160730-162920: | The quantum double (3). |
160730-160854: | The quantum double (2). |
160730-152435: | The quantum double. |
160730-144644: | Manipulating lagrangians (2). |
160730-142321: | Manipulating lagrangians. |
160724-145736: | Virtual caps and cups. |
160714-111823: | Random. |
160630-112645: | Links and co-invariants. |
160630-110708: | Polarization. |
160630-104629: | Scapegoating and KBH. |
160622-115312: | Random (2). |
160615-105212: | Random. |
160610-103623: | Doubling. |
160603-114346: | Turbo-Gassner (5). |
160603-111519: | Turbo-Gassner (4). |
160603-110854: | Turbo-Gassner (3). |
160603-105446: | Turbo-Gassner (2). |
160603-101741: | Turbo-Gassner. |
160527-105408: | Process diagrams and stitching for 0-co. |
160527-104130: | Yang-Baxter algebras and doubles of Lie bialgebras. |
160520-095432: | $J$ and $\Delta_q$. |
160513-100130: | Renormalizing ${\mathcal U}({\mathfrak g})$. |
160513-095744: | The polynomiality of $R$. |
160513-094046: | The double of the Borel. |
160505-125742: | Random. |
160421-104129: | Some representation theory. |
160421-100738: | Towards proving Jacobi from meta-Jacobi. |
160414-102520: | Minimal scattering. |
160414-094440: | Random stuff. |
160408-103633: | Attempts to prove Jacobi for the Lie algebra of a meta-Lie algebra. |
160401-100337: | Gauss-Gassner-Alexander (2). |
160401-094300: | Gauss-Gassner-Alexander. |
160318-095746: | $\Box$ and direct sums of Lie algebras. |
160304-100231: | Identities in meta-Lie algebras (2). |
160219-112418: | Identities in meta-Lie algebras. |
160219-105741: | Gauss-Gassner formulas (2). |
160219-103323: | Gauss-Gassner formulas. |
160203-090206: | Meta Lie algebras (2). |
160203-083348: | Meta Lie algebras. |
160127-090342: | Deriving the stitching formula for the scalar part. |
160127-082827: | Deriving the stitching formula for scattering. |
160121-085907: | Unitarity in ${\mathcal A}^u$. |
160121-083531: | The meta-cocycle. |
160114-085907: | Backie issues. |
160107-085034: | U, UU, and MM. |
160107-085033: | The 1-co relations. |
160106-113352: | Annular braids. |
160106-084900: | Scatter and glow (3). |
160106-084859: | Scatter and glow (2). |
160106-084857: | Scatter and glow. |
160106-084855: | Associators and 6j (2). |
160106-084854: | Associators and 6j. |
160106-030015: | Virtual spines (2). |
160106-030011: | Virtual spines. |
160106-030004: | Unitarity. |
160104-155317: | One-Co stories, day 1 (7). |
160104-155316: | One-Co stories, day 1 (6). |
160104-155315: | One-Co stories, day 1 (5). |
160104-155314: | One-Co stories, day 1 (4). |
160104-155313: | One-Co stories, day 1 (3). |
160104-155312: | One-Co stories, day 1 (2). |
160104-155311: | One-Co stories, day 1. |
111109-165720: | Spin Networks (5). |
111109-155558: | Spin Networks (4). |
111109-153600: | Spin Networks (3). |
111109-153017: | Spin Networks (2). |
111109-152332: | Spin Networks. |
} |