Gaudreau-{ | hide text |
200713-171423: | uB injects into vB. |
200519-150133: | Bracelets. |
200519-145927: | $F=G^2$. |
200515-145722: | Reading Ito-Sakurai arXiv:2004.14785. |
200506-145051: | All cut systems are equivalent (2). |
200506-144914: | All cut systems are equivalent. |
200425-111054: | Kamada's construction (3). |
200404-172259: | Kamada's construction (2). |
200404-172258: | Kamada's construction. |
200304-165010: | An issue with braid parities. |
200225-125253: | Supervisory meeting. |
200216-120117: | Slits and slides. |
191211-143152: | Slide moves. |
191126-165410: | Realizing moves on GD as moves on links on surfaces (5). |
191126-163120: | Realizing moves on GD as moves on links on surfaces (4). |
191119-160742: | Realizing moves on GD as moves on links on surfaces (3). |
191119-153758: | Realizing moves on GD as moves on links on surfaces (2). |
191119-152228: | Realizing moves on GD as moves on links on surfaces. |
191027-183452: | A lemma. |
191020-184410: | The Diamond Lemma. |
191014-163736: | LaTeX issues. |
190816-121329: | Parities and projections (5). |
190814-123843: | Parities and projections (4). |
190812-123040: | Parities and projections (3). |
190812-120940: | Parities and projections (2). |
190812-114945: | Parities and projections. |
190809-114824: | Nested intersections (6). |
190801-120050: | Nested intersections (5). |
190801-114749: | Nested intersections (4). |
190722-162854: | Nested intersections (3). |
190718-164947: | Nested intersections (2). |
190717-162618: | Nested intersections. |
190708-170812: | LOC groups. |
190708-170018: | Waldhausen. |
190621-154930: | Coned surfaces. |
190617-152503: | u embeds in v, for tangles. |
190604-135327: | Virtual tangles. |
190513-145032: | Kuperberg's use of diamond (4). |
190510-143923: | Kuperberg's use of diamond (3). |
190510-141839: | "Bounds a ball". |
190508-152406: | Kuperberg's use of diamond (2). |
190508-150251: | Kuperberg's use of diamond. |
190507-140337: | Kuperberg's theorem (5). |
190506-163541: | Kuperberg's theorem (4). |
190506-161742: | Kuperberg's theorem (3). |
190506-155113: | Kuperberg's theorem (2). |
190405-150315: | Kuperberg's theorem. |
190212-174140: | A local Seifert algorithm? |
181218-165117: | AC v-braids are classical. |
181130-181151: | Nikonov's theorem on parities and subgroups (2). |
181123-172702: | Nikonov's theorem on parities and subgroups. |
181116-181857: | Virtual tangle diagrams and pegs. |
181026-151715: | u injects to v (4). |
180917-193209: | u injects to v (3). |
180912-135117: | u injects to v (2). |
180910-173153: | u injects to v. |
180910-170528: | A riddle on parties. |
180827-180736: | AC and Seifert. |
180820-171729: | The Turaev genus. |
180530-180559: | Seifert knots and almost classical knots. |
180411-074705: | Finite type invariants of virtual knots. |
180403-163925: | Turaev, Heinrich, Petit. |
180301-164039: | Are AC knots flat trivial? |
180215-170143: | AC knots some more (4). |
180207-180210: | AC knots some more (3). |
180207-173122: | AC knots some more (2). |
180207-171516: | AC knots some more. |
180125-191447: | The basics of finite type invariants (2). |
180125-183928: | The basics of finite type invariants. |
180117-182600: | AC links (2). |
180117-173725: | AC links. |
180109-172919: | V-type and G-type. |
171218-163454: | The Carter algorithm. |
171106-175116: | Concordance for welded string links (4). |
171106-172644: | Concordance for welded string links (3). |
171101-182012: | Concordance for welded string links (2). |
171101-175049: | Concordance for welded string links. |
171003-164430: | Chord diagrams and singular knots. |
170926-170248: | Knotoids (4). |
170920-173031: | Knotoids (3). |
170920-171029: | Knotoids (2). |
170920-165128: | Knotoids. |
170920-164528: | OU questions. |
170920-161628: | Genus $g$ knots. |
170914-171639: | Concordance for w-knots (3). |
170914-164030: | Concordance for w-knots (2). |
170911-171124: | Concordance for w-knots. |
161115-151838: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (10). |
161115-151447: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (9). |
161115-150801: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (8). |
161115-145736: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (7). |
161115-143406: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (6). |
161115-143319: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (5). |
161115-143245: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (4). |
161115-143202: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (3). |
161115-143028: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands (2). |
161115-142353: | Ribbon knots as rackets and bands. |
140910-125930: | Funny things about v-knots. |
140910-124726: | Parities. |
} |