Ens-{ | hide text |
200218-140232: | Extending degree by degree (2). |
200218-133719: | Extending degree by degree. |
191219-133459: | Completions of free Abelian groups. |
191217-142019: | The co-product on \calA_1. |
191129-162007: | Double filtrations. |
191129-161250: | Maps between inverse limits. |
191120-153531: | Expansions for the impure braid group. |
191113-142730: | Whirling and PIT. |
190904-184633: | The annular prototypical complex (2). |
190808-170302: | The braid category / algebraic structure. |
190629-112606: | The annular prototypical complex. |
190626-170638: | Can the error avoid strand 0? (2) |
190621-174535: | Can the error avoid strand 0? |
190614-175007: | A proposed kernel (3). |
190611-170340: | A proposed kernel (2). |
190607-153943: | A proposed kernel. |
190606-164456: | $\Box$. |
190604-164806: | Algebraic structures. |
190523-162534: | Some free Lie algebras (5). |
190523-161916: | Some free Lie algebras (4). |
190521-165432: | Some free Lie algebras (3). |
190517-173306: | Some free Lie algebras (2). |
190515-175329: | Some free Lie algebras. |
190504-133410: | The "Easy Z" in $GT_a$. |
190504-114508: | Degree one $GRT_a$ (4). |
190503-173501: | Degree one $GRT_a$ (3). |
190502-181922: | Degree one $GRT_a$ (2). |
190426-164728: | Degree one $GRT_a$. |
190425-180757: | An outer automorphism. |
190424-165809: | Fixing the associated graded in degree 1. |
190423-170431: | A 3-chord syzygy? (2) |
190419-100912: | A 3-chord syzygy? |
190416-163629: | Figuring out $E$ relations (3). |
190415-153910: | Figuring out $E$ relations (2). |
190415-151854: | Figuring out $E$ relations. |
190414-152436: | Slides and $R_2$ (2). |
190414-144059: | Slides and $R_2$. |
190412-171156: | Using Furusho (2). |
190412-163907: | Using Furusho. |
190409-170414: | Random (3). |
190407-155524: | Random (2). |
190407-144750: | Random. |
190405-174541: | Surjections of automorphism groups. |
190402-160412: | A syzygy between clusters. |
190315-164230: | Clusters and guaranteed relations (2). |
190313-164833: | Clusters and guaranteed relations. |
190307-182148: | The blue map and syzygies (6). |
190305-170618: | The blue map and syzygies (5). |
190227-172844: | The blue map and syzygies (4). |
190221-172418: | The blue map and syzygies (3). |
190215-160704: | The blue map and syzygies (2). |
190207-175827: | The blue map and syzygies. |
190205-155950: | The $CD_a$ universe (7). |
190203-150015: | The $CD_a$ universe (6). |
190125-171152: | The $CD_a$ universe (5). |
190116-164613: | The $CD_a$ universe (4). |
190114-185544: | The $CD_a$ universe (3). |
190113-133544: | The $CD_a$ universe (2). |
190113-103553: | The $CD_a$ universe. |
181031-174715: | The Hutchings 8T and 14T syzysgies. |
181022-182842: | When is it that we've found all syzygies? (3) |
181022-174819: | When is it that we've found all syzygies? (2) |
181004-182041: | When is it that we've found all syzygies? |
180905-175949: | Another syzygy? |
180821-173800: | A shift relation of $E$? (2) |
180715-105501: | A shift relation of $E$? |
180709-162515: | $\epsilon$-expansions. |
180708-164624: | The relations of $CD_a$. |
180708-155308: | Back to syzygys (2). |
180708-150012: | Back to syzygys. |
180708-130553: | $\lambda$-expansions. |
180504-142613: | Is one equation enough? |
180409-091836: | Supervisory committee meeting. |
180313-173113: | A simpler approach to 4Ts. |
180309-173743: | A monoidal relation? |
180220-173256: | A further relation? |
180205-160529: | Further syzygies (3). |
180125-175456: | Further syzygies (2). |
180125-174451: | Further syzygies. |
171216-105828: | $e$, $d$, and a new syzygy. |
171205-113512: | Some dimensions for $dE=0$, and figuring out degree 1. |
171203-170202: | Crunching with $dE$ (6). |
171203-152357: | Crunching with $dE$ (5). |
171203-152021: | Crunching with $dE$ (4). |
171203-151534: | Crunching with $dE$ (3). |
171202-134501: | Crunching with $dE$ (2). |
171202-124538: | Crunching with $dE$. |
171127-170712: | 4T away from strand 0. |
171126-131903: | The chord-slide relation. |
171126-115232: | Degree 1 braidors. |
171125-151406: | Relations in $CD_a$ (4). |
171123-193421: | Relations in $CD_a$ (3). |
171123-180923: | Relations in $CD_a$ (2). |
171120-184518: | Relations in $CD_a$. |
171023-164655: | More on the trapezoid coproduct. |
171005-175959: | Conjugations. |
170925-170346: | $\pi$ is irrational. |
170919-165856: | On Lochak-Schneps "The Grothendieck-Teichmuller group and automorphisms of braid groups" (3). |
170919-164604: | On Lochak-Schneps "The Grothendieck-Teichmuller group and automorphisms of braid groups" (2). |
170919-162638: | On Lochak-Schneps "The Grothendieck-Teichmuller group and automorphisms of braid groups". |
170801-165731: | Reshetikhin's quantization (2). |
170801-163748: | Reshetikhin's quantization. |
170721-165948: | The bch coproduct. |
170718-165111: | Cuaps in B-land. |
170711-172602: | The bracket in GT. |
170626-161203: | Annular v&w, annular vertices. |
170601-153529: | The trapezoid co-product (2). |
170404-163258: | Lessons from Lochak-Schneps. |
170310-170245: | Tangles and traces and links. |
170224-131331: | Normal ordering for annular gl(N). |
170214-153807: | Traces. |
170131-163029: | The HOMFLY braidor algebra. |
170112-175805: | The trapezoid co-product. |
161206-173055: | Universal universal algebras. |
161121-163537: | $CD_a$ relations. |
161026-091446: | Reps and div. |
161003-170636: | Reps and sder. |
160927-175506: | Reps and tder. |
160920-170740: | Twisting braidors. |
160915-183646: | Re-listening to Les Diablerets talk (2). |
160915-175913: | Re-listening to Les Diablerets talk. |
160914-170727: | A relation between braidors and KV? |
160819-173051: | Being primitive. |
160818-160344: | What are we preserving? |
160811-174219: | Proving classical -> semi-classical (2). |
160811-172336: | Proving classical -> semi-classical. |
160809-174502: | The braidor GRT (4). |
160808-165905: | The braidor GRT (3). |
160804-180433: | The braidor GRT (2). |
160726-144247: | The braidor GRT. |
160628-155459: | The differential in the braidors case. |
160628-153807: | The Quillen filtration for annular braids. |
160615-160311: | BRBR=RBRB. |
160608-160145: | GRT for braidors. |
160530-154939: | The gl(n) map of trees into disks. |
160519-140237: | Extendibles extend to extendibles? |
160512-162736: | Twisting braidors. |
160421-165557: | Computing homologies using beads. |
160415-180821: | FA and FL. |
160411-165619: | The maps we are considering. |
160408-143441: | Meeting with Jeffrey. |
160404-155602: | Permutations acting on ${\mathcal A}_3$. |
160310-141731: | Associators are equivalent to braidors!!? (2) |
160303-142942: | Associators are equivalent to braidors!!? |
160218-144045: | A braidor movie (9). |
160218-143911: | A braidor movie (8). |
160218-143749: | A braidor movie (7). |
160218-143624: | A braidor movie (6). |
160218-143510: | A braidor movie (5). |
160218-143410: | A braidor movie (4). |
160218-143304: | A braidor movie (3). |
160218-143014: | A braidor movie (2). |
160218-141904: | A braidor movie. |
160211-135547: | Linearization of braidor matters (2). |
160204-143624: | Linearization of braidor matters. |
160114-150604: | The braidor equations. |
151208-132953: | $\Box$ and $\Box^\ast$. |
151127-153036: | The Goussarov-associated-graded for annular braids (2). |
151127-145415: | The Goussarov-associated-graded for annular braids. |
151120-153018: | Shielded tangles. |
151113-161135: | Watching Caen/Brochier. |
151106-153708: | Pure annular braids. |
151106-150325: | Annular braids. |
151030-163235: | The commutator subgroup of a free group. |
151023-123115: | Furusho on the double shuffle Lie algebra (2). |
151023-112409: | Furusho on the double shuffle Lie algebra. |
151016-170855: | Musings on periodic knots. |
151002-155435: | OC in a circuit algebra. |
151002-144503: | $\Delta(y_i)=\sum_{j+k=i}y_j\otimes y_k$. |
150923-183209: | Understanding $\partial s$ (2). |
150923-182516: | Understanding $\partial s$. |
150917-174728: | krv (2). |
150917-165853: | krv. |
150910-172307: | The structure of $PwB_n$. |
150617-153216: | Associators and tetrahedra. |
150520-180935: | Knot theory in $S^2\times S^1\times I$. |
150506-150945: | The associated graded of a crossed module. |
150324-180753: | Reducible BRST (2). |
150324-174313: | Reducible BRST. |
150317-180024: | Base BRST following Mnev's thesis. |
150224-175715: | The action groupoid. |
150203-174023: | Constructing Thom classes. |
150203-165259: | Intersection graphs. |
150121-172802: | The quotient of a manifold by a group action (2). |
150121-162146: | The quotient of a manifold by a group action. |
141209-144142: | The Aarhus story. |
141104-164520: | Introduction to BV following Gwilliam (3). |
141104-162422: | Introduction to BV following Gwilliam (2). |
141104-161748: | Introduction to BV following Gwilliam. |
141014-175340: | Is $Z^w$ a 2-holonomy? |
141007-182625: | The free differential cross module over $\partial_0\colon S\to{\mathfrak g}$ (3). |
141007-182414: | The free differential cross module over $\partial_0\colon S\to{\mathfrak g}$ (2). |
141007-174713: | The free differential cross module over $\partial_0\colon S\to{\mathfrak g}$. |
141007-173217: | 2-holonomies (2). |
140917-163816: | 2-holonomies. |
140731-150413: | The group of flying trefoils. |
140725-144617: | From groups to Lie algebras. |
140725-141517: | Crossed modules. |
} |