Aarhus-{ |
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130607-145257: | Last Aarhus shot! |
130607-145246: | The EK isomorphism. |
130607-142451: | Low algebra for v. |
130607-141721: | Proof of Polyak-Ohtsuki. |
130607-120040: | Roman XII (2). |
130607-120030: | Roman XII. |
130607-115054: | The semi-virtuals and 6T. |
130607-104057: | Variants for v-knotted objects. |
130607-102910: | What are v-knotted objects? (2) |
130607-101623: | What are v-knotted objects? |
130606-145758: | The double tree construction. |
130606-145744: | From $\Phi$ to $V$. |
130606-145733: | Associators in $w\mathcal A$. |
130606-145723: | $Tet$, $\Phi$, $\rho$, $R$, $F$. |
130606-143458: | Domino theory and relations. |
130606-141438: | KTGs and operations. |
130606-121545: | $R$ and $r$. |
130606-121534: | $W$ and $c$. |
130606-105421: | ${\mathcal U}(I{\mathfrak g})$ and tangential differential operators. |
130606-105411: | The Wen, unzips. |
130606-105400: | Diagrammatic R4, VI. |
130606-103835: | The $\mathcal A$ of a capped strand. |
130605-161331: | Philippe Humbert and his blackboards. |
130605-144333: | $vPB_n$ and Lee's theorem. |
130605-143759: | Artin's theorem and McCool's theorem. |
130605-143023: | The good news about braids. |
130605-142330: | Combing horizontal chord diagrams. |
130605-142035: | Combing braids and horizontal chord diagrams. |
130605-120125: | div. |
130605-115232: | The swap/tha operation. |
130605-113457: | The primitives of ${\mathcal A}^{bh}$. |
130605-104535: | The smooth vertices. |
130605-104444: | ${\mathcal A}^{bh}$ is a bi-algebra. |
130605-103206: | ${\mathcal A}^{bh}$ and $Z^{bh}$. |
130604-155326: | The meta-semi-direct-product on KBH (2). |
130604-154638: | The meta-semi-direct-product on KBH. |
130604-153302: | Tubes, spheres, circles. |
130604-145219: | $Z$ is group-like, $\zeta=\log Z$. |
130604-144027: | The primitives of $w{\mathcal A}$ (2). |
130604-142816: | The primitives of $w{\mathcal A}$. |
130604-141340: | Back to $w{\mathcal A}$. |
130604-112542: | The motivating example for meta-groups. |
130604-112410: | The motivating almost-example for meta-groups. |
130604-112011: | Meta-groups as algebraic structures. |
130603-160354: | Low algebra (2). |
130603-155154: | Low algebra. |
130603-153931: | Proof of bracket rise. |
130603-153044: | Bracket rise. |
130603-145403: | Milnor-Moore. |
130603-145004: | $w{\mathcal A}$ is a bi-algebra. |
130603-144033: | Proof of the fundamental theorem (2). |
130603-143359: | Proof of the fundamental theorem. |
130603-142812: | The fundamental theorem. |
130603-141351: | Signs on arrows, take 2. Then 4T. |
130603-120123: | Signs on arrows, take 1. |
130603-115259: | Finite type invariants in the w case. |
130603-113604: | wRels (2). |
130603-112817: | wRels. |
130603-112806: | Some relations in the inflation language. |
130603-105314: | wW, wGens. |
130603-103707: | Ribbon 2-knots. |
130531-160351: | Chord diagrams for KTGs are chord diagrams for tangles. |
130531-155845: | KTGs are tangles. |
130531-155234: | KTGs and VI. |
130531-154624: | $Z_{\mathfrak g}$ and $Z^{\text{univ}}$. |
130531-143632: | Some Feynman diagrams (2). |
130531-143430: | Some Feynman diagrams. |
130531-115312: | Configuration space integrals. |
130531-113747: | The framing correction. |
130531-110853: | A little on Leibniz' law. |
130531-110818: | Some configurations. |
130531-104242: | Dimensions counts and orientations. |
130530-160759: | Doubling and the co-product. |
130530-160301: | Low algebra, better (2). |
130530-155826: | Low algebra, better. |
130530-154442: | Constructing associators (2). |
130530-152021: | Constructing associators. |
130530-145312: | Twisting associators (3). |
130530-144725: | Twisting associators (2). |
130530-143956: | Twisting associators. |
130530-142523: | Locality in scale. |
130530-142308: | The pentagon and the hexagons. |
130530-141505: | Z on the generators. |
130530-141155: | PaCD (2). |
130530-120259: | PaCD. |
130530-115352: | PaB (3). |
130530-114351: | PaB (2). |
130530-113815: | PaB. |
130530-112954: | Renormalizing associators. |
130530-105204: | An exercise on deframing (2). |
130530-105150: | An exercise on deframing. |
130530-103723: | Using the axiom of choice. |
130530-102415: | Algebraic topology. |
130530-101816: | Ribbon singularities and clasp singularities. |
130529-160144: | The pentagon. |
130529-155625: | The three basic required computations. |
130529-145615: | Renormalizing the Kontsevich integral. |
130529-144931: | $\mathcal A$ is a commutative algebra (2). |
130529-144635: | $\mathcal A$ is a commutative algebra. |
130529-143827: | $\mathcal K$ is a monoid. |
130529-142802: | The problem with humps. |
130529-142751: | Two references. |
130529-141434: | Factorizing the Kontsevich integral. |
130529-113905: | Proof of universallity (2). |
130529-113514: | Proof of universallity. |
130529-112820: | Why Universal? |
130529-105856: | 4T in horizontal form. |
130529-103855: | The fundamental theorem and universal finite type invariants (3). |
130529-103348: | The fundamental theorem and universal finite type invariants (2). |
130529-102816: | The fundamental theorem and universal finite type invariants. |
130528-160519: | The relationship with Lie algebras (2). |
130528-154956: | The relationship with Lie algebras. |
130528-154404: | Proof of IHX. |
130528-153649: | Proof of bracket-rise. |
130528-153102: | Invariants of algebraically-split links. |
130528-152702: | The Goussarov definition - bracelets. |
130528-144906: | The bracket-rise theorem. |
130528-143630: | The weight system of Conway (3). |
130528-143257: | The weight system of Conway (2). |
130528-142842: | The weight system of Conway. |
130528-142447: | 4T (2). |
130528-141744: | 4T. |
130528-141304: | FI. |
130528-120211: | Chord diagrams. |
130528-115716: | The weight system. |
130528-115030: | Jones is a series of finite-type invariants (2). |
130528-114704: | Jones is a series of finite-type invariants. |
130528-113938: | Linking and self-linking. |
130528-113201: | The definition of finite-type and the simplest examples. |
130528-112442: | The definition of finite-type. |
130528-104008: | The 4x3 table. |
130528-104002: | A formula is a graph. |
130528-101825: | Toplogy, Combinatorics, Low Algebra, High Algebra. |
130527-165531: | Cancellations in complexes (2). |
130527-165528: | Cancellations in complexes. |
130527-164608: | The constraints on $m$ and $\Delta$. |
130527-161325: | Invariance of the groups themselves. |
130527-161314: | Khovanov's theorem on Khovanov homology. |
130527-152622: | Nearly-block-diagonal matrices. |
130527-152619: | The composition in AHD. |
130527-150024: | Basic exterior algebra. |
130527-144809: | The circuit algebra vT. |
130527-144056: | Circuit algebras. |
130527-143350: | The planar algebra of smoothings. |
130527-141724: | The planar algebra uT. |
130527-140825: | Planar Algebras. |
130527-112713: | The skein relation for Jones. |
130527-111022: | The Kauffman bracket of tangles. |
130527-110651: | Scanning a knot. |
130527-110319: | Computing the Kauffman bracket. |
130527-104453: | The PD notation. |
130527-103533: | The Jones polynomial. |
130527-103014: | R3 Invariance. |
130527-102735: | R2 Invariance. |
130527-102207: | Definition of the Kauffman bracket. |
130527-101602: | The Reidemeister moves. |
} |