AKT17-{ | hide text |
170404-151431: | Virtual knots (3). |
170404-145038: | Virtual knots (2). |
170404-143919: | Virtual knots. |
170404-140623: | The tensor construction (2). |
170404-135940: | The tensor construction. |
170404-134421: | A master diagram (2). |
170404-133657: | A master diagram (1). |
170404-112811: | A master diagram (0). |
170324-123539: | Associators (5). |
170324-122715: | Associators (4). |
170324-120749: | Associators (3). |
170324-114858: | Associators (2). |
170324-112801: | Associators. |
170321-150540: | The pentagon. |
170321-145350: | PaB. |
170321-140437: | Ugly changes of variables. |
170317-120957: | Deriving the Logos. |
170310-120220: | Trivalent diagrams. |
170310-113620: | Algebraic Structure on ${\mathcal A}$ (2). |
170310-112539: | Algebraic Structure on ${\mathcal A}$. |
170307-144020: | The Logos (2). |
170307-142717: | The Logos. |
170307-140325: | ${\mathfrak g}_1$. |
170307-135850: | Random. |
170303-120237: | The main ${\mathfrak g}_0$ theorem and lemmas (2). |
170303-114018: | The main ${\mathfrak g}_0$ theorem and lemmas. |
170228-150154: | The Hopf algebra structure on ${\mathcal A}^u(\uparrow)$. |
170228-144905: | The meta-Hopf-algebra structure on ${\mathcal A}^u(S)$. |
170228-141323: | Proofs of the fundamental theorem. |
170228-140501: | More on A-expansions, $Z$ in the case of tangles. |
170228-135002: | Review, FI, 4T, A-expansions. |
170217-121428: | Normal orderings and the ${\mathfrak g}_0$ invariant. |
170214-130117: | Chord diagrams. |
170214-130108: | Jones is a power series of finite type invariants. |
170214-123504: | Finite type invariants. |
170214-123457: | Expansions for tangles. |
170214-120427: | Expansions for groups. |
170214-115607: | Progressive scanning. |
170214-115601: | Homomorphic expansions. |
170214-113531: | Expansions, Taylor exapansions. |
170214-113525: | The filtered category and the graded category. |
170210-120611: | Random notes for Feb 10. |
170207-124944: | $\Gamma_0$ and $\Gamma$ calculi. |
170207-121624: | Solving YB. |
170207-121605: | The Linear Control Theory meta-monoid. |
170203-120318: | The normal ordering operator ${\mathbb O}$. |
170203-120305: | A proof of YB for ${\mathfrak g}_0$. |
170131-130125: | A commutative diagrams for non-ribbon detection. |
170131-130119: | Ribbons and tangles. |
170131-124305: | Ribbon and slice. |
170131-124300: | Seifert surfaces and genus. |
170131-120335: | Surgery and slides. |
170131-120325: | Links and 3-manifolds. |
170127-120518: | Some Mathematica. |
170124-130009: | The meta-claim of Algebraic Knot Theory. |
170124-125255: | Properties of these operations. |
170124-125249: | Further operations on tangles. |
170124-123253: | The meta-monoid $\Pi$ (2). |
170124-123246: | The meta-monoid $\Pi$. |
170124-120130: | Examples of meta-monoids. |
170124-120121: | Properties of these operations. |
170124-113422: | Operations on tangles. |
170124-113416: | Tangles. |
170120-120257: | Implementing PBW. |
170120-113723: | PBW and ${\mathfrak g}_0$. |
170120-113715: | The general scheme. |
170117-130246: | The genus of a knot (2). |
170117-130245: | The genus of a knot. |
170117-125114: | Torus knots. |
170117-125113: | The "Scan" algorithm. |
170117-123835: | Tangles and Temperley-Lieb (2). |
170117-120423: | Tangles and Temperley-Lieb. |
170117-120414: | Implementation note. |
170117-114030: | Kauffman's presentation of the Kauffman bracket (2). |
170117-114025: | Kauffman's presentation of the Kauffman bracket. |
170113-120253: | Lie algebras and Universal Enveloping Algebras. |
170113-120248: | CYBE. |
170113-113958: | YBE. |
170113-113954: | Knots, algebras. |
170110-130144: | The Jones program. |
170110-124647: | Representing a knot on the computer, some Mathematica. |
170110-120450: | More Jones. |
170110-115829: | Reidemeister moves and the Jones polynomial. |
170110-114004: | What this class is about. |
} |
Notes for BBS/AKT17-170124-120130.jpg: [edit]