Chu-{ | hide text |
140702-170358: | A problem around Vogel. |
140623-134309: | Fox-Milnor. |
131204-070904: | Bubble-wrap finite-type. |
130826-145813: | Injectivity of ${\mathcal A}^u\to{\mathcal A}^w$. |
130715-173244: | Analyzing Enriquez-style diagrams. |
130603-171343: | An expansion for $f{\mathcal K}$. |
130401-182129: | Acyclic Hopf words are not flat-knot words. |
130401-173631: | Cycle counts and intersection matrices. |
130327-173041: | Red over blue and acyclic Hopf diagrams. |
130325-185130: | A basis for $\gamma$ calculus? |
130318-182609: | An extra relation in the 2D case (2). |
130318-174733: | An extra relation in the 2D case. |
130311-180121: | Bases for the blob quotient, sl(2). |
130304-140654: | The Polyak-Ohtsuki theorem. |
130225-134301: | The two non-commutative 2D Lie bi-algebras. |
121221-151142: | Finger moves in Gauss diagrams. |
121203-153628: | Enriquez' second differential. |
121102-170951: | The basic complex. |
121019-155922: | Things homologous to multi-shuffles. |
121005-162258: | Guesses about homologies by Enriquez. |
120921-154350: | A funny combination from Drinfel'd Quasi-Hopf paper. |
120912-161406: | Enriquez' universal space (2). |
120614-151118: | Enriquez' universal space. |
120515-172112: | A typical basic descending virtual. |
120420-124445: | An R3-XII syzygy. |
120420-115342: | Injectivity of the Magnus expansion. |
120109-154339: | Braids inject into tangles. |
110901-173210: | The V equations at x=y and at x=-y (2). |
110831-165023: | The V equations at x=y and at x=-y. |
110823-132528: | W half twist and vertex (2) |
110823-124025: | W half twist and vertex |
110630-172732: | A quick proof of the n! result. |
110331-181618: | Groebner bases for non-commutative associative algebras (3). |
110331-173958: | Groebner bases for non-commutative associative algebras (2). |
110331-172300: | Groebner bases for non-commutative associative algebras. |
110330-175555: | A basis for descending arrow diagrams (2). |
110330-171802: | A basis for descending arrow diagrams. |
110224-182926: | Classifying flat long virtual knots (5). |
110224-173852: | Classifying flat long virtual knots (4). |
110224-172818: | Classifying flat long virtual knots (3). |
110224-170823: | Classifying flat long virtual knots (2). |
110224-165934: | Classifying flat long virtual knots. |
100209-143432: | A XII-6T syzygy. |
100114-160330: | Questions on A^whor. |
100107-153019: | A combable group between wB and vB? |
091109-141924: | A basis for A(vB). |
091002-104233: | The projectivization of semi-direct products (3). |
091002-100622: | The projectivization of semi-direct products (2). |
091002-095413: | The projectivization of semi-direct products. |
090918-142200: | VK_4 |
090831-153650: | Proj is a kernel. |
090624-125725: | On Bardakov (6). |
090624-122008: | On Bardakov (5). |
090624-113937: | On Bardakov (4). |
090624-112524: | On Bardakov (3). |
090624-110705: | On Bardakov (2). |
090624-101231: | On Bardakov. |
090623-153638: | Generators and relations for Sn. |
090517-161026: | Is proj computable for groups? |
090421-134223: | Combing wB3 (3). |
090421-132922: | Combing wB3 (2). |
090421-131429: | Combing wB3. |
090421-130344: | Combing VB4. |
090403-121202: | Conjugation and commutators (2). |
090327-120327: | Conjugation and commutators. |
090317-142002: | Combing 3-strand w-braids. |
090225-155144: | Reidemeister Schreier (3). |
090225-153417: | Reidemeister Schreier (2). |
090225-151457: | Reidemeister Schreier. |
090209-143653: | Tietze Transformations. |
090202-150138: | Four proofs of the Fundamental Theorem. |
090119-162218: | Freeness inside PB_n. |
081219-184628: | Braids modulo homotopy. |
081219-170221: | Towards combing w-braids. |
081219-162251: | Combing virtual braids. |
081211-134219: | Ore's Theorem (6). |
081211-134206: | Ore's Theorem (5). |
081211-131635: | Ore's Theorem (4). |
081211-131625: | Ore's Theorem (3). |
081211-125501: | Ore's Theorem (2). |
081211-125447: | Ore's Theorem. |
081210-140305: | pA of w-braids. |
081203-141829: | MacLane Coherence. |
081126-145005: | More on Ore (2). |
081126-135820: | More on Ore. |
081114-172259: | Ore's theorem. |
081113-140917: | Garside and positive braids (6). |
081113-140906: | Garside and positive braids (5). |
081113-132932: | Garside and positive braids (4). |
081113-132914: | Garside and positive braids (3). |
081113-131119: | Garside and positive braids (2). |
081113-131059: | Garside and positive braids. |
081112-120606: | VPB, VB, S. |
081022-122617: | Naive projectivization of B_n. |
080804-120120: | Real life motion groups. |
080710-114815: | A new form for the triple point. |
080227-150545: | Proof of Artin's theorem (2). (more...) |
080227-150515: | Proof of Artin's theorem. (more...) |
071214-182203: | Lyndon words. |
} |