Blackboard Shots with Prefix "VanDerVeen"
240216-162057: More on bottom tangles and braided Hopf algebras (3).
240216-100055: More on bottom tangles and braided Hopf algebras (2).
240212-141009: KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (5).
240212-132826: KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (4).
240212-131639: KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (3).
240212-130828: KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras (2).
240212-124747: KaL talk on Burau, Bottom Tangles, and Braided Hopf Algebras.
200417-180125: Riemann mappings and mapping-classs-vector-fields.
200414-182305: Aiming to separate vOU tangles with quantum invariants.
200405-185919: The injectivity of PvB->OU, following Chterental (3).
200405-185918: The injectivity of PvB->OU, following Chterental (2).
200205-075527: R2b, R2c, and (left-)(right-)(full-) Hopf algebras.
190411-095956: Symmetric strict spherical categories with a singly-generated set of objects.
180518-100711: The $\Delta$ logos, Majid's braided line and virtuals.
180124-104401: Heegaard diagrams and Hopf words, $V_2$ using meta-monoids.
170619-112439: Benkart-Witherspoon 2-parameter quantum groups (2).
160527-104130: Yang-Baxter algebras and doubles of Lie bialgebras.
160408-103633: Attempts to prove Jacobi for the Lie algebra of a meta-Lie algebra.
160127-090342: Deriving the stitching formula for the scalar part.