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Blackboard Shots with Prefix "18-327"

18-327 is 2018 MAT 327 - Introduction to Topology.

181214-092004: Office hours.

181204-160052: Completeness and compactness (9).

181204-160036: Completeness and compactness (8).

181204-155527: Completeness and compactness (7).

181204-154123: Completeness and compactness (6).

181204-153436: Completeness and compactness (5).

181204-152941: Completeness and compactness (4).

181204-152402: Completeness and compactness (3).

181204-151730: Completeness and compactness (2).

181204-150831: Completeness and compactness.

181129-160033: Compactness in metric spaces (20).

181129-155610: Compactness in metric spaces (19).

181129-155158: Compactness in metric spaces (18).

181129-154247: Compactness in metric spaces (17).

181129-153811: Compactness in metric spaces (16).

181129-153427: Compactness in metric spaces (15).

181129-152853: Compactness in metric spaces (14).

181129-152325: Compactness in metric spaces (13).

181129-152010: Compactness in metric spaces (12).

181129-151359: Compactness in metric spaces (11).

181129-150145: Compactness in metric spaces (10).

181129-145526: Compactness in metric spaces (9).

181129-145244: Compactness in metric spaces (8).

181129-144626: Compactness in metric spaces (7).

181129-144331: Compactness in metric spaces (6).

181129-143716: Compactness in metric spaces (5).

181129-143118: Compactness in metric spaces (4).

181129-142659: Compactness in metric spaces (3).

181129-141135: Compactness in metric spaces (2).

181129-141116: Compactness in metric spaces.

181127-155601: The Urysohn metrization theorem (6).

181127-155547: The Urysohn metrization theorem (5).

181127-153954: The Urysohn metrization theorem (4).

181127-152846: The Urysohn metrization theorem (3).

181127-152101: The Urysohn metrization theorem (2).

181127-150836: The Urysohn metrization theorem.

181122-155724: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (18).

181122-155428: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (17).

181122-154815: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (16).

181122-154237: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (15).

181122-153941: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (14).

181122-153609: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (13).

181122-153202: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (12).

181122-152705: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (11).

181122-151901: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (10).

181122-151729: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (9).

181122-151501: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (8).

181122-151122: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (7).

181122-145602: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (6).

181122-145046: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (5).

181122-144403: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (4).

181122-143433: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (3).

181122-141217: Tietze, then embedding in cubes (2).

181122-141159: Tietze, then embedding in cubes.

181120-160316: Tietze's theorem (11).

181120-155616: Tietze's theorem (10).

181120-155553: Tietze's theorem (9).

181120-154651: Tietze's theorem (8).

181120-154214: Tietze's theorem (7).

181120-153441: Tietze's theorem (6).

181120-152731: Tietze's theorem (5).

181120-152235: Tietze's theorem (4).

181120-151509: Tietze's theorem (3).

181120-151059: Tietze's theorem (2).

181120-150941: Tietze's theorem.

181115-155637: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (18).

181115-155415: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (17).

181115-154935: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (16).

181115-154246: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (15).

181115-153945: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (14).

181115-153939: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (13).

181115-153020: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (12).

181115-151944: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (11).

181115-151716: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (10).

181115-150235: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (9).

181115-145800: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (8).

181115-145059: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (7).

181115-144639: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (6).

181115-144330: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (5).

181115-144310: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (4).

181115-142808: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (3).

181115-141840: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma (2).

181115-141014: Separation axioms and Urysohn's lemma.

181113-164654: Philosophy around the A of C (7).

181113-164344: Philosophy around the A of C (6).

181113-163851: Philosophy around the A of C (5).

181113-163400: Philosophy around the A of C (4).

181113-161947: Philosophy around the A of C (3).

181113-160855: Philosophy around the A of C (2).

181113-160528: Philosophy around the A of C.

181101-155933: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (20).

181101-155706: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (19).

181101-155106: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (18).

181101-154650: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (17).

181101-154308: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (16).

181101-153618: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (15).

181101-152959: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (14).

181101-152230: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (13).

181101-152057: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (12).

181101-151657: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (11).

181101-145817: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (10).

181101-145230: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (9).

181101-144841: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (8).

181101-144406: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (7).

181101-144126: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (6).

181101-143323: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (5).

181101-142509: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (4).

181101-142247: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (3).

181101-142022: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice (2).

181101-141207: Tychonoff and the Axiom of Choice.

181030-155820: Uniform continuity (8).

181030-155416: Uniform continuity (7).

181030-154923: Uniform continuity (6).

181030-154119: Uniform continuity (5).

181030-153137: Uniform continuity (4).

181030-153104: Uniform continuity (3).

181030-152506: Uniform continuity (2).

181030-150731: Uniform continuity.

181025-155913: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (25).

181025-155834: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (24).

181025-155533: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (23).

181025-155252: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (22).

181025-154716: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (21).

181025-154448: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (20).

181025-154433: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (19).

181025-153620: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (18).

181025-153534: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (17).

181025-153041: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (16).

181025-152435: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (15).

181025-151919: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (14).

181025-151547: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (13).

181025-145841: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (12).

181025-145609: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (11).

181025-145504: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (10).

181025-144635: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (9).

181025-144321: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (8).

181025-143712: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (7).

181025-143139: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (6).

181025-142835: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (5).

181025-142502: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (4).

181025-141628: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (3).

181025-141248: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$ (2).

181025-140903: Compactness in ${\mathbb R}^n$.

181023-155833: Path-connectedness, compactness (12).

181023-155608: Path-connectedness, compactness (11).

181023-155559: Path-connectedness, compactness (10).

181023-155123: Path-connectedness, compactness (9).

181023-154947: Path-connectedness, compactness (8).

181023-154530: Path-connectedness, compactness (7).

181023-154215: Path-connectedness, compactness (6).

181023-153513: Path-connectedness, compactness (5).

181023-152958: Path-connectedness, compactness (4).

181023-152459: Path-connectedness, compactness (3).

181023-152137: Path-connectedness, compactness (2).

181023-150244: Path-connectedness, compactness.

181018-155934: Connectedness (23).

181018-155544: Connectedness (22).

181018-155016: Connectedness (21).

181018-154846: Connectedness (20).

181018-154125: Connectedness (19).

181018-153814: Connectedness (18).

181018-153236: Connectedness (17).

181018-152954: Connectedness (16).

181018-152831: Connectedness (15).

181018-152243: Connectedness (14).

181018-152013: Connectedness (13).

181018-145957: Connectedness (12).

181018-145344: Connectedness (11).

181018-145048: Connectedness (10).

181018-144545: Connectedness (9).

181018-144048: Connectedness (8).

181018-143602: Connectedness (7).

181018-143129: Connectedness (6).

181018-142524: Connectedness (5).

181018-141932: Connectedness (4).

181018-141735: Connectedness (3).

181018-141404: Connectedness (2).

181018-141136: Connectedness.

181016-154216: Quotient spaces (6).

181016-154001: Quotient spaces (5).

181016-153511: Quotient spaces (4).

181016-153218: Quotient spaces (3).

181016-152354: Quotient spaces (2).

181016-150642: Quotient spaces.

181016-121018: Office hours October 16 (7).

181016-121017: Office hours October 16 (6).

181016-121016: Office hours October 16 (5).

181016-121015: Office hours October 16 (4).

181016-121014: Office hours October 16 (3).

181016-105205: Office hours October 16 (2).

181016-103142: Office hours October 16.

181011-174850: Office hours October 11 (2).

181011-171744: Office hours October 11.

181011-160109: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (22).

181011-160003: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (21).

181011-155002: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (20).

181011-154634: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (19).

181011-154111: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (18).

181011-153703: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (17).

181011-153619: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (16).

181011-152852: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (15).

181011-152648: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (14).

181011-152218: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (13).

181011-151743: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (12).

181011-150112: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (11).

181011-145938: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (10).

181011-145027: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (9).

181011-144632: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (8).

181011-144116: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (7).

181011-143737: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (6).

181011-143323: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (5).

181011-142828: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (4).

181011-142136: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (3).

181011-141656: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients (2).

181011-141605: Countable products of metrizable spaces, quotients.

181009-155823: Some non-metrizable spaces (10).

181009-155312: Some non-metrizable spaces (9).

181009-155147: Some non-metrizable spaces (8).

181009-154757: Some non-metrizable spaces (7).

181009-153908: Some non-metrizable spaces (6).

181009-153752: Some non-metrizable spaces (5).

181009-152939: Some non-metrizable spaces (4).

181009-152153: Some non-metrizable spaces (3).

181009-151019: Some non-metrizable spaces (2).

181009-150551: Some non-metrizable spaces.

181004-155937: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (20).

181004-155842: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (19).

181004-155350: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (18).

181004-154848: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (17).

181004-154641: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (16).

181004-154207: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (15).

181004-153948: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (14).

181004-153214: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (13).

181004-152914: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (12).

181004-152504: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (11).

181004-151955: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (10).

181004-151306: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (9).

181004-150241: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (8).

181004-145427: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (7).

181004-143952: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (6).

181004-143242: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (5).

181004-142842: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (4).

181004-142323: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (3).

181004-141450: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics (2).

181004-140941: Boxes, cylinders, and metrics.

181002-155948: Boxes and cylinders (9).

181002-155747: Boxes and cylinders (8).

181002-155652: Boxes and cylinders (7).

181002-155013: Boxes and cylinders (6).

181002-154603: Boxes and cylinders (5).

181002-153954: Boxes and cylinders (4).

181002-152849: Boxes and cylinders (3).

181002-151642: Boxes and cylinders (2).

181002-151024: Boxes and cylinders.

180927-155308: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (17).

180927-154736: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (16).

180927-154304: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (15).

180927-153915: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (14).

180927-152915: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (13).

180927-152053: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (12).

180927-152039: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (11).

180927-151244: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (10).

180927-145922: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (9).

180927-145447: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (8).

180927-145256: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (7).

180927-144512: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (6).

180927-143938: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (5).

180927-143556: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (4).

180927-142711: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (3).

180927-141932: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products (2).

180927-141342: Closures, $T_2$, TFAE for continuity, infinite products.

180925-155906: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (9).

180925-155606: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (8).

180925-155543: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (7).

180925-154917: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (6).

180925-153837: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (5).

180925-153759: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (4).

180925-152952: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (3).

180925-152054: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior (2).

180925-151421: Cantor, closed sets, closure and interior.

180920-155908: Products, subspaces, closed sets (20).

180920-155600: Products, subspaces, closed sets (19).

180920-155101: Products, subspaces, closed sets (18).

180920-154822: Products, subspaces, closed sets (17).

180920-154255: Products, subspaces, closed sets (16).

180920-154021: Products, subspaces, closed sets (15).

180920-153637: Products, subspaces, closed sets (14).

180920-153302: Products, subspaces, closed sets (13).

180920-152642: Products, subspaces, closed sets (12).

180920-152314: Products, subspaces, closed sets (11).

180920-151907: Products, subspaces, closed sets (10).

180920-151458: Products, subspaces, closed sets (9).

180920-150056: Products, subspaces, closed sets (8).

180920-145848: Products, subspaces, closed sets (7).

180920-145328: Products, subspaces, closed sets (6).

180920-144111: Products, subspaces, closed sets (5).

180920-143454: Products, subspaces, closed sets (4).

180920-143059: Products, subspaces, closed sets (3).

180920-142546: Products, subspaces, closed sets (2).

180920-141112: Products, subspaces, closed sets.

180918-160014: The order topology, products (9).

180918-155140: The order topology, products (8).

180918-155116: The order topology, products (7).

180918-154324: The order topology, products (6).

180918-153900: The order topology, products (5).

180918-153448: The order topology, products (4).

180918-152532: The order topology, products (3).

180918-152354: The order topology, products (2).

180918-150624: The order topology, products.

180913-155745: Class of Thursday September 13 (20).

180913-155525: Class of Thursday September 13 (19).

180913-155101: Class of Thursday September 13 (18).

180913-154719: Class of Thursday September 13 (17).

180913-154658: Class of Thursday September 13 (16).

180913-154021: Class of Thursday September 13 (15).

180913-153515: Class of Thursday September 13 (14).

180913-153146: Class of Thursday September 13 (13).

180913-152514: Class of Thursday September 13 (12).

180913-151643: Class of Thursday September 13 (11).

180913-150953: Class of Thursday September 13 (10).

180913-150138: Class of Thursday September 13 (9).

180913-145706: Class of Thursday September 13 (8).

180913-145111: Class of Thursday September 13 (7).

180913-144633: Class of Thursday September 13 (6).

180913-144238: Class of Thursday September 13 (5).

180913-143702: Class of Thursday September 13 (4).

180913-143150: Class of Thursday September 13 (3).

180913-142126: Class of Thursday September 13 (2).

180913-141147: Class of Thursday September 13.

180911-160052: Class of Tuesday September 11 (10).

180911-155850: Class of Tuesday September 11 (9).

180911-155141: Class of Tuesday September 11 (8).

180911-154952: Class of Tuesday September 11 (7).

180911-154038: Class of Tuesday September 11 (6).

180911-153610: Class of Tuesday September 11 (5).

180911-153214: Class of Tuesday September 11 (4).

180911-152640: Class of Tuesday September 11 (3).

180911-151952: Class of Tuesday September 11 (2).

180911-150637: Class of Tuesday September 11.

180906-160143: Class of Thursday September 6 (17).

180906-160135: Class of Thursday September 6 (16).

180906-160131: Class of Thursday September 6 (15).

180906-155351: Class of Thursday September 6 (14).

180906-155346: Class of Thursday September 6 (13).

180906-155334: Class of Thursday September 6 (12).

180906-153918: Class of Thursday September 6 (11).

180906-153903: Class of Thursday September 6 (10).

180906-153849: Class of Thursday September 6 (9).

180906-150051: Class of Thursday September 6 (8).

180906-150038: Class of Thursday September 6 (7).

180906-144853: Class of Thursday September 6 (6).

180906-144840: Class of Thursday September 6 (5).

180906-143738: Class of Thursday September 6 (4).

180906-143728: Class of Thursday September 6 (3).

180906-143713: Class of Thursday September 6 (2).

180906-143700: Class of Thursday September 6.