Blackboard Shots with Prefix "15-475"
15-475 is 2015 MAT 475 - Problem Solving Seminar.
150324-163105: Can you swap two memory cells without using a third? (2)
150324-163103: Can you swap two memory cells without using a third?
150317-163316: Packing 125 $4\times2\times1$ boxes in a $10\times10\times10$ cube.
150312-213610: March 12 Problem 7: $(\sigma_1-1)(\sigma_2-2)\cdots(\sigma_n-n)$.
150312-213608: March 12 Problem 10: Harmonic sums are never integers.
150305-182540: Larson's 1.9.1, $ax^2+bx+c=0$ with odd $a,b,c$ (2).
150305-182523: There are irrational $a$, $b$ s.t. $a^b$ is rational.
150226-165640: A problem related to the isoperimetric inequality.
150115-181436: $\lfloor\frac{a}{b}\rfloor+\lfloor\frac{2a}{b}\rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor\frac{(b-1)a}{b}\rfloor=\frac{(a-1)(b-1)}{2}$ (2).
150115-181435: $\lfloor\frac{a}{b}\rfloor+\lfloor\frac{2a}{b}\rfloor+\cdots+\lfloor\frac{(b-1)a}{b}\rfloor=\frac{(a-1)(b-1)}{2}$.
150108-172837: Given a sum of integers, maximize their product (2).