Blackboard Shots with Prefix "LeeP"
130322-160303: A basis for the top homology of the pure braid group.
130315-162754: The Drinfel'd double, ${\mathcal A}^v$, and ${\mathcal K}^v$.
121107-154518: The wheels part of the Hamburg invariant using the Euler method.
120719-180534: A co-homomorphic expansion for general groups (2).
101112-160239: A presentation for powers of the augmentation ideal (5).
101112-151059: A presentation for powers of the augmentation ideal (4).
101112-145652: A presentation for powers of the augmentation ideal (3).
101112-144352: A presentation for powers of the augmentation ideal (2).
101112-143119: A presentation for powers of the augmentation ideal.
100922-111323: Acyclic diagrams according to EK, the weak topology.
100730-114619: Non-trivial cohomology in the complex for flat knots.
080702-132753: Towards a PBW basis for horizontal w-arrow diagrams (2).
080702-124438: Towards a PBW basis for horizontal w-arrow diagrams.
080307-164557: The frozen foot braidor equations and the Kurlin solution.