Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Caen"
Caen is a town in Normandy. Here it refers to the workshop linked here.
120614-103607: The differential of the exponential function and BCH.
120613-165622: The four commutative diagrams for $\beta$-calculus.
120613-152422: The $\beta$ relation and other internal quotients.
120608-175816: Proof of the algebraic definition of ribbon knots.
120608-170904: The simplest bicrossed product, steps in the construction of a knot.
120608-164511: The meta-bicrossed-product of arrow diagrams and its underlying topology.
120607-153804: An aside on braid-like and cyclic Reidemeister moves.
120606-143931: The Scheme: Topology, Combinatorics, Low and High Algebra.