10-1100/Class Photo

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Our class on September 28, 2010:

Class Photo: click to enlarge

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Who We Are...

First name Last name UserID Email In the photo Comments
Dror Bar-Natan Drorbn drorbn@ math.toronto.edu facing everybody, as the photographer Take this entry as a model and leave it first. Otherwise alphabetize by last name. Feel free to leave some fields blank. For better line-breaking, leave a space next to the "@" in email addresses.
Peter Badea Badeamug peter.badea @ utoronto.ca The guy in the front right in the bright red Rubik's cube shirt - I felt it would be appropriate. I'm actually neither a graduate student or a math student. Officially I'm an Engineering Physics student, but please don't ask me anything about engineering - I really only know about math =]
Alexander Caviedes Castro Alephxander alephxander at gmail dot com The second guy from left to right This comment intetionally left blank
Emily Cliff Ecliff e.cliff@utoronto.ca I guess I'm the girl standing right in from of Chris Eagle. Sorry, Chris.
Chris Eagle cjeagle cjeagle@ math.utoronto.ca Towards the right, in the back row. You can see only the top of my head, as I'm directly behind someone.
Wei Xi Fan Victor.fan victor.fan@ utoronto.ca The guy in the lower-left corner; I was Photoshopped in later. You can call me Victor. Brawl: 4855-5623-4919; Wii: 0070 5082 4349 6453
Ali Feizmohammadi Alifeiz64 ali.feizmohammadi @ utoronto.ca about mid point in dark jeans and blue navy sweater under def. of equivalence of towers Your life is what your thoughts make it.
Iva Halacheva Iva ivahal@ math.utoronto.ca Purple at the front.
Siddarth Hari Shari shari @ comm.utoronto.ca Bottom left, solo sub-picture : The guy in the blue polo shirt. PhD student in the ECE department.
Daniel Hay Dhay daniel.j.hay @ gmail.com Peeking out from behind the bright orange shirt.
Arthur (Shaosai) Huang ashuang ashuang @ utoronto.ca G=B_2, black. u have to look closely to find what's on the board to find me...

Jia Ji Jia jia.ji @ utoronto.ca The Asian in the middle in blue.
Allan MeneZes Amenezes007 amenezes007@ sympatico.ca The only brown dude in the middle of the photo Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Dangerous, War is Peace
David Reiss David.reiss david.reiss @ utoronto.ca The tall guy with the striped brown shirt who looks like an ostrich that has lost its way Ganbaro!
Andrew Stewart AStewart andrewg.stewart@ utoronto.ca The guy in the Wolverine shirt, bottom left. I play Go on KGS. My username is kayak87, though I also use kayak88 and kayak89. (I haven't played more than two games this semester though!)
John Thimotheus JohnT j.thimotheus@ utoronto.ca Bottom left subpicture, brown polo.
Charles Tsang Tsangcharles ck.tsang@ utoronto.ca The Asian dude to the right of the word Sn under the definition of equivalence of towers add me on PSN if you play PS3, my PSN id is tsangcharles
John Yang Yangjong jonguk.yang@ utoronto.ca The Asian slightly to the right of the centre with the word "equivalent" over his head like a halo. Might be the only undergraduate left in this course.