0708-1300/Class notes for Thursday, October 4

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Movie Time

With the word "immersion" in our minds, we watch the movie "Outside In". Also see the movie's home, a talk I once gave, and the movie itself, on google video.

Class Notes


Let be a smooth map between manifolds. If for each the differential is surjective, is called a submersion.


If is a smooth map between manifolds and for some the differential is surjective then there exist charts and on and respectively such that

  1. The diagram


    commutes, where is the canonical projection.


Since translations are diffeomorphisms of for every , it is trivial to find charts and such that and . Furthermore, since is open, is open and is continuous, is open so that we may assume without loss of generality.

Let be the local representative of and let be the local representative of . Since is onto, we may apply a change of basis such that .

Let . Then is a chart because is a diffeomorphism. Let be the corresponding local representative, define by , and let be the differential of at . Then, by construction of we have that and hence , which is invertible. Hence, the inverse function gives the existence of non-empty open set such that is a diffeomorphism. Put and . Then is a chart.

It remains to check that , but this is clear: if for some , then by definition of .