© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Deng"

110812-165210: Weak recurrence and Van der Waerden.

110728-153626: The classical proof of Van der Waerden.

110728-150746: The inductive part of the proof (3).

110728-144825: The inductive part of the proof (2).

110728-142827: The inductive part of the proof.

110728-142024: The existence of minimal sequences.

110722-144953: The proof in pictures (3).

110722-143951: The proof in pictures (2).

110722-142055: The proof in pictures.

110516-152617: Multiple recurrence (2).

110516-144650: Multiple recurrence.

110516-142420: Finding a recurrent point (2).

110510-153856: Finding a recurrent point.

110510-143042: The Irrational Shift (4).

110510-141900: The Irrational Shift (3).

110510-141005: The Irrational Shift (2).

110502-152559: The Irrational Shift.

110412-151002: The existence of recurrent points.

110328-143124: Upper semi-continuity (2).

110328-140439: Upper semi-continuity.

110307-141923: Recurrent points (2).

110307-135920: Recurrent points.

110307-135410: Minimal and homogeneous dynamical systems (5).

110307-134656: Minimal and homogeneous dynamical systems (4).

110228-140238: Minimal and homogeneous dynamical systems (3).

110214-141410: Minimal and homogeneous dynamical systems (2).

110214-135535: Minimal and homogeneous dynamical systems.