© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Kricker"

100521-151607: Algebraic Knot Theory.

100521-131720: Etingof-Kazhdan in the w-case.

100520-160022: Lie theory and the Chern-Weil homomorphism.

100520-151102: The ultimate Alexander invariant.

100520-143130: B in a Gaussian background?

100520-122458: The grand scheme of homological wheeling and wheeling.

100519-175710: Turning the cheese grater.

100517-175934: Bloody boring facts (2).

100517-174302: Bloody boring facts.

100514-153651: Mixing commutative and non-commutative.

100514-151530: The main theorem.

100514-145853: The statement of homological wheeling.

100513-170200: div, j, and embarrassment.

100512-172552: Homological wheeling.

100512-170945: The Hair-Splitting map.

100512-170038: The Cartan Complex for B (4).

100512-164850: The Cartan Complex for B (3).

100512-164155: The Cartan Complex for B (2).

100512-162523: The Cartan Complex for B.

100511-171941: Little on tder.

100510-172324: Equivariant Heisenberg and Heisenberg.

100507-120133: Homological Wheeling, day 2 (4).

100507-113917: Homological Wheeling, day 2 (3).

100507-112752: Homological Wheeling, day 2 (2).

100507-111506: Homological Wheeling, day 2.

100506-123007: Homological Wheeling (5).

100506-120312: Homological Wheeling (4).

100506-115057: Homological Wheeling (3).

100506-113456: Homological Wheeling (2).

100506-112104: Homological Wheeling.

100505-120558: Completing universal enveloping algebras.