© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Dror"

230718-031413: Delusions regarding KV and emergent knots (2).

230718-031412: Delusions regarding KV and emergent knots.

230228-172204: Equivariant linking numbers (2).

230228-142644: Equivariant linking numbers.

221214-115337: The Gauss diagram formula for $v_2$ is invariant.

200714-125831: Verifying the Heisenberg R-matrix.

200621-160318: Switching to central variables.

200601-100322: Searching for the perfect OU tangle / VCD.

200523-193626: Asymptotic Expansions (2).

200523-193625: Asymptotic Expansions.

200518-195509: Cinnamon Rolls with Filling.

200514-081535: Garside squared.

200513-160010: The Golden Horseshoe.

200512-105355: Cinnamon Rolls.

200510-195225: A multi-diamond case.

200508-165606: More shtrudels.

200507-172329: Shielding from R1/R2.

200504-165429: A simple extraction graph.

200504-165428: Long diamonds (4).

200504-113848: Long diamonds (3).

200503-151147: Long diamonds (2).

200503-151146: Long diamonds.

200430-165512: Chterental's counter(?)-example (2).

200429-135311: Chterental's counter(?)-example.

200428-141031: Another divisibility case.

200426-140132: A bug in the divisibility lemma (2).

200425-195059: A bug in the divisibility lemma.

200425-111053: Lemmas about crossing number.

200424-150652: Dealing with R1 (2).

200424-150651: Dealing with R1.

200420-095233: R1 issues.

200417-165412: $\beta|T$.

200415-142703: Every UO fixing process terminates.

200414-124207: A possible problem case.

200405-152214: Uniqueness of OU forms?

200403-160356: Reductive OU tangles (2).

200403-160355: Reductive OU tangles.

200401-151305: Random (2).

200330-174054: Random.

200329-131536: An up-then-down braid relation.

200327-160233: Random.

200323-210224: To do.

200321-161801: Debugging UOFix.nb and CountVPB.nb (2).

200321-161800: Debugging UOFix.nb and CountVPB.nb.

200316-043626: UOFix conventions.

200313-012827: Failing slide moves (2).

200311-203105: Failing slide moves.

200113-080502: Gropes and doubles.

191129-140058: $\sigma_{ij}$.

191021-022146: A diagrammatic Cartan-doubling.

191018-030848: Lie algebra contractions.

190826-095801: Conjugations.

190816-110628: Transpose identities.

190510-140755: A $CD_a$ identity.

190430-171937: The basic GDO ops.

190402-153718: Exp-Zip.

190320-104759: Stitching with Severa.

190311-110052: 1PI, trees, forests, evolution.

190310-210822: Legendre transform.

190227-195917: Log-docility.

190227-105606: Proof of the zipping formula.

190209-161227: The Severa product (2).

190207-135747: The Severa product.

181022-140245: DD thoughts (3).

181008-143318: DD thoughts (2).

181008-140052: DD thoughts.

180910-170012: Locally Euclidean knots.

180909-134753: Left and right inverses (2).

180908-165654: Left and right inverses.

180809-183108: Upright tangloids.

180809-105941: S (2)

180808-192021: S

180731-203143: $\frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{1-a}b}$.

180703-121613: Fubini for Gaussians.

180503-214813: Kinks and cuaps.

180409-212638: Self-gluing (2).

180409-185643: Self-gluing.

180402-124028: Monoidal categories of formulas.

180320-204817: Ordering exponentials (3).

180320-193643: Ordering exponentials (2).

180319-120123: Ordering exponentials.

180305-095718: A pentagon.

180302-165949: Pairing, again.

180226-105107: Proof of Faddeev-Quesne.

180105-111433: The emergence of Lie bialgebras.

171204-124549: Inner products as double integrals (4).

171202-100126: Inner products as double integrals (3).

171129-094142: Inner products as double integrals (2).

171127-185833: Inner products as double integrals.

171116-095722: R3 with v-claspers (2).

171115-100033: R3 with v-claspers.

171109-153352: Successful surgeries.

171109-121242: Failing surgeries.

171108-120536: Ground-ceiling-surgery rotational-virtual-tangles.

171107-194459: Pacifiers and crossings.

171030-085446: Verifying the Cartan involution.

171012-110142: Expansion for quantum $sl_2^\epsilon$ (3).

171011-195235: Expansion for quantum $sl_2^\epsilon$ (2).

171011-140444: Expansion for quantum $sl_2^\epsilon$.

171004-203048: Pushforwards and Feynman diagrams (2).

170927-204747: Pushforwards and Feynman diagrams.

170918-133613: OU and kinks.

170801-203436: Lemma 3, distributionally (3).

170801-105611: Lemma 3, distributionally (2).

170727-115639: Lemma 3, distributionally.

170722-121007: Parametric formulas (2).

170722-114931: Parametric formulas.

170619-164953: Reordering exponentials.

170325-122833: A tentative structure.

161122-150403: Managing solvability.

161117-191223: Other twists?

161114-151335: Is Ig always qtH?

160920-151350: Conversion to RVK.

160907-125137: Rotations.

160818-113846: Braid closures and swirls (2).

160818-105656: Braid closures and swirls.

160810-152859: Framing issues (3).

160810-150320: Framing issues (2).

160810-142539: Framing issues.

160808-193342: Recovering the plane (3).

160808-155219: Recovering the plane (2).

160808-093144: Recovering the plane.

160724-121628: 853 milk jugs.

160610-161426: Another $M_+M_-$.

160526-181726: Process diagrams and 0-co stitching.

160526-134654: 0-co stitching via feedback.

160526-123956: 1-co stitching (3).

160526-100639: 1-co stitching (2).

160525-110258: 1-co stitching.

160507-112400: Is $\varprojlim_{m\geq n}I^2/I^m=\left(\varprojlim_mI/I^m\right)^2$? (2)

160418-174801: Is $\varprojlim_{m\geq n}I^2/I^m=\left(\varprojlim_mI/I^m\right)^2$?

160414-193118: Pair surjectivity.

160413-175613: Uniqueness of the unit in a semi-Hopf-algebra (2).

160413-175118: Uniqueness of the unit in a semi-Hopf-algebra.

160411-114329: Reduction of orthogonal matrices.

160403-125747: Coproducts on completions.

160301-172926: hts on $\delta aa$.

160216-131157: $H^2(FG)=0$.

160206-141318: $H^2$ iff extensions.

160206-135251: Robust relations (2).

160129-165601: Robust relations.

150930-125353: LOT conventions.

150616-112031: 2-cocycles.

150318-145938: The "other" combing.

150210-124810: Some pure braids.

140728-144137: The meta-conjugator.

140623-105652: A Garside computation.

140207-162004: Playing the guitar to get wheels (2).

140205-172839: Playing the guitar to get wheels.

140122-081320: A BF Feynman diagram.

131113-145448: u-link-relations and w-link-relations.

130408-174518: The differential of $\exp$.

130212-145416: The t-action axiom.

121114-101841: The slide move.

121031-115848: Finding the relations in ${\mathcal K}^{bh}$.

120517-150904: EK equations for V and C.

120313-110909: The one-notch ribbon tangle.

110906-133646: The crossover algorithm.

090926-155319: Hilbert's 13.

090908-094754: 3x4.

090608-145124: Aw Problems.

080704-170934: A long 4 crossing positive knot is a long trefoil.