© | Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: Blackboard Shots: Random

Blackboard Shots with Prefix "Archibald"

090211-155032: Half densities and Burau (2).

081031-133641: Half densities and Burau.

080827-133322: 2 points on Alexander for w-tangles.

080806-120116: Fixing the signs.

080730-204035: The Alexander Relations Marathon (4).

080730-203959: The Alexander Relations Marathon (3).

080730-153121: The Alexander Relations Marathon (2).

080730-144620: The Alexander Relations Marathon.

080709-110259: A formula for the w-Alexander polynomial.

080702-182416: A pretty formalism needs cleaning (2).

080624-141955: A pretty formalism needs cleaning.

080610-142712: Relations for Alexander.

080527-134126: Relations for virtual Alexander.

080219-135641: Fermion formulas for cables.

080211-105440: Alexander, half-densities and the Berezin integral.

080207-160009: The target planar algebra for Alexander.

080122-161345: Fermion formulas for Alexander.

080122-155648: Deriving the smoothing formula.

080108-161737: Cont.

080108-155928: Alexander for virtuals.