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This is my personal notebook for my 2014 MAT 1350 Algebraic Knot Theory class. Use at your own risk.

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About.html   FridayIntro.html   FridayIntro-Pass2.html   GCCSI.html   /   About@131225.pdf   About@140105.pdf   About-AsHanded.pdf   About.pdf   Compactification@140204.pdf   Compactification.pdf   CourseEvaluations.pdf   FridayIntro.pdf   MissingLinks.pdf   PolyPath.pdf   /   GCCSI-log.txt  

<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 Algebraic Knot Theory - Splash Page 2013-09-08 16:47:13 2013-09-09 18:17:22
2 Ideas 2013-10-10 19:13:54 2013-10-10 19:34:37
3 Logo 2013-12-24 10:33:40 2013-12-24 10:49:49
4 Class Photo Questionnaire 2014-01-27 14:02:52 2014-01-27 14:06:17
5 FeynmanDiagramsV2 Handout on 140311 2014-03-11 17:41:52 2014-03-11 17:45:27
6 Hidden Faces 2014-03-15 20:35:49 2014-03-19 11:33:52
7 Monday-1 AKT on 140106: Course introduction, knots and Reidemeister moves, knot colourings 2014-01-05 22:20:37 2014-01-28 14:18:51
8 Monday-2 AKT on 140113: The Kauffman Bracket and the Jones Polynomial 2014-01-13 00:21:38 2014-01-28 14:19:49
9 Monday-3 AKT on 140120: Finite type invariants to weight systems 2014-01-20 00:13:22 2014-01-28 14:20:42
10 Monday-4 AKT on 140127: Weight systems 2014-01-27 13:45:03 2014-01-28 14:21:08
11 Monday-5 AKT on 140203: 4T, the Fundamental Theorem and universal finite type invariants 2014-01-27 13:45:03 2014-02-03 16:23:44
12 Monday-6 AKT on 140210: Bracket rise, the invariance principle 2014-02-09 21:31:03 2014-02-10 16:03:50
13 Monday-7 AKT on 140224: $\mathcal A$ is an algebra; Lie algebraic weight systems 2014-02-22 16:58:24 2014-02-25 13:41:45
14 Monday-8 AKT on 140303: Lie Algebraic Weight Systems 2014-02-26 14:28:32 2014-03-03 16:08:34
15 Monday-9 AKT on 140310: gl(N) 2014-02-26 14:28:32 2014-03-10 15:06:26
16 Monday-10 AKT on 140317: ${\mathcal A}\to{{\mathcal U}(\mathfrak g})$ 2014-03-15 20:49:12 2014-03-24 11:51:14
17 Monday-11 AKT on 140324: Bi-algebras and Milnor-Moore, tangles 2014-03-15 20:49:12 2014-03-24 15:09:04
18 Monday-12 AKT on Friday 140404: Back to Expansions 2014-04-04 11:39:54 2014-04-04 12:15:49
19 Wednesday-1 AKT on 140108: The Gauss Linking Number combinatorially and as an integral 2014-01-05 22:24:01 2014-01-28 14:19:09
20 --- Wednesday-1 AKT on 140108 - Scratch: Maxwell, pushforwards 2014-01-08 14:26:20 2014-01-28 14:19:26
21 Wednesday-2 AKT on 140115: The self-linking number and framings 2014-01-14 14:27:48 2014-03-12 11:05:55
22 --- Wednesday-2 AKT on 140115 (v1): The self-linking number and framings 2014-01-14 14:27:48 2014-01-28 14:20:10
23 --- Wednesday-2 AKT on 140115 (aborted): $l=d^{-1}$ and pushforwards 2014-01-14 11:34:42 2014-01-28 14:20:20
24 Wednesday-3 AKT on 140122: More on swaddling maps and on framings 2014-01-16 09:38:41 2014-01-28 14:43:49
25 Wednesday-4 AKT on 140129: More on swaddling and framing, $Z_{-1}$ 2014-01-28 14:06:00 2014-02-05 13:33:45
26 --- Wednesday-4 AKT on 140129: Scratch 2014-01-28 14:06:00 2014-01-29 13:17:49
27 Wednesday-5 AKT on 140205: The Fulton-MacPherson compactification, 1 2014-02-05 13:34:01 2014-02-11 14:17:11
28 Wednesday-6 AKT on 140212: The Fulton-MacPherson compactification, 2 2014-02-05 13:34:01 2014-03-11 18:36:13
29 Wednesday-7 AKT on 140226: Graph cohomology and the construction of a UFTI 2014-02-25 16:11:30 2014-02-26 16:10:38
30 --- Wednesday-7 AKT on 140226: Scratch 2014-02-26 14:23:50 2014-02-26 14:25:27
31 Wednesday-8 AKT on 140305: Graph cohomology and the construction of a UFTI, 2 2014-02-25 16:11:30 2014-03-11 12:53:37
32 --- Graph Cohomology and Configuration Space Integrals 2014-03-04 20:39:43 2014-03-11 12:46:25
33 Wednesday-9 AKT on 140312: The construction of a UFTI, hidden faces 2014-02-25 16:11:30 2014-03-24 13:01:39
34 Wednesday-10 AKT on 140319: Hidden faces, fixing the anomaly 2014-03-16 19:17:21 2014-03-25 13:08:29
35 Wednesday-11 AKT on 140326: Fixing the Anomaly 2014-03-19 15:12:08 2014-03-26 13:47:02
36 Friday-1 AKT on 140110: The Schroedinger equation and path integrals 2014-01-05 22:25:05 2014-01-28 14:19:36
37 Friday-2 AKT on 140117: Euler-Lagrange, Gaussian Integration 2014-01-16 09:40:22 2014-01-28 14:20:30
38 --- Friday-2 AKT on 140117: Scratch 2014-01-17 02:57:04 2014-01-28 14:20:37
39 Friday-3 AKT on 140124: More Gaussian Integration 2014-01-23 17:50:51 2014-01-28 14:20:58
40 Friday-4 AKT on 140131: The linking number from Chern-Simons 2014-01-28 14:15:49 2014-01-31 21:14:32
41 --- Friday-4 AKT on 140131: Scratch 2014-01-28 14:15:49 2014-01-31 14:03:44
42 Friday-5 AKT on 140207: $d^{-1}$, gauge fixing 2014-01-28 14:15:49 2014-03-26 12:27:39
43 Friday-6 AKT on 140214: Gauge fixing in the Abelian case, perturbation theory in ${\mathbb R}^n$ 2014-02-12 13:33:26 2014-02-26 14:29:48
44 Friday-7 AKT on 140228: Feynman Diagrams, Connections 2014-02-28 01:38:54 2014-03-04 01:55:41
45 --- Friday-7 AKT on 140228: Scratch 2014-02-26 14:27:34 2014-02-28 01:45:13
46 Friday-8 AKT on 140307: Gauge Invariance, Chern-Simons 2014-03-04 01:55:17 2014-03-11 12:57:09
47 Friday-9 AKT on 140314: Insolubility of the quintic, our QFT 2014-03-04 01:55:17 2014-03-20 13:09:30
48 --- Friday-9 AKT on 140314 Scratch 2014-03-14 12:19:01 2014-03-16 19:20:05
49 Friday-10 AKT on 140321: Faddeev-Popov 2014-03-16 19:20:17 2014-03-21 16:04:16
50 Friday-11 AKT on Monday 140407: Completing the CS Story 2014-04-06 14:08:35 2014-04-07 13:08:06
51 Solution of Homework Assignment 5 2014-03-03 14:47:15 2014-03-10 12:49:46
52 14-1350-AKT Homework Assignment 6 2014-03-03 13:37:44 2014-03-10 20:58:48
53 14-1350-AKT Homework Assignment 7 2014-03-03 13:37:44 2014-03-13 13:32:00
54 14-1350-AKT Homework Assignment 8 2014-03-03 13:37:44 2014-03-21 15:11:27
55 14-1350-AKT Homework Assignment 9 2014-03-03 13:37:44 2014-03-24 13:14:04
56 14-1350-AKT Makeup Final 2014-04-30 18:14:11 2014-05-05 18:14:16
57 Post Mortem 2014-03-13 13:43:10 2014-03-26 12:49:10
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 index source 2024-03-17 11:28:22 2014-03-04 16:55:09  
2 KauffmanBracket source 2024-03-17 11:28:22 2014-01-13 12:03:41 Computing the Kauffman bracket.

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2013-09-08 17:04:45: AKT-14 - Drorbn.
  2. Studied 2014-01-05 10:09:10: Dror Bar-Natan Classes 1314 AKT-14 Splash Page.

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About-AsHanded.tex   About-make.bat   About.synctex   About.tex   Compactification-140204.tex   Compactification.synctex   Compactification.tex   FridayIntro-make.bat   FridayIntro.synctex   FridayIntro.tex   GCCSI-make.bat   HandoutBrowser.js   makefile   MissingLinks.synctex   MissingLinks.tex   PolyPath.fig   PolyPath.pdf_t   ThreeWiseMonkeysOriginal.svg  

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