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<<  2015-05  >>  
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K34   /   Classes: 15-475-ProblemSolving   Classes: 16-1750-ShamelessMathematica   2013-07   2013-08   2014-07: MetaCalculi   Projects: Tilings: 3S3   Projects: Tilings: 442   Projects: Books: Aborted   Projects: AcademicPensieve   Projects: Agenda   Projects: Citizenship   Projects: ExQu   Projects: Gadgets   Projects: Gallery   Projects: KBH   2015-06: Louvain   People: Massuyeau   Projects: MetaCalculi   Projects: Citizenship: RelatedMatters   Projects: Tilings: SS   Projects: wEnumeration   Projects: Books: WishList   Projects: WKO4  

<< PDF >>  
OneCo-150506.pdf   OneCoAd.pdf   OneCoBrackets.pdf   OneCo.pdf  

<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 The crossed module from the decker set 2015-05-02 20:25:27 2015-05-03 18:45:11
2 The Postnikov invariant 2015-05-03 18:51:04 2015-05-04 16:43:25
3 OneCo-150505-1 2015-05-05 13:32:09 2015-05-11 14:56:56
4 OneCo-150505-2 2015-05-05 18:58:19 2015-05-16 19:56:24
5 OneCo-150508 2015-05-08 23:16:46 2015-05-09 00:26:14
6 OneCo-150512 2015-05-12 23:22:32 2015-05-13 00:14:23
7 OneCo-150517 2015-05-17 16:14:52 2015-05-20 13:49:17
8 OneCo-150520 2015-05-20 13:45:50 2015-05-20 15:03:48
9 The $\alpha$-trace 2015-05-18 19:18:30 2015-05-18 19:25:59
10 The $\gamma_{ij}$ representation 2015-05-19 18:43:31 2015-05-29 22:50:05
11 4D Tree-Level LMO 2015-02-02 16:01:13 2015-05-26 18:43:26
12 Independence of the twist equation 2015-05-30 01:01:33 2015-05-30 01:20:23
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 150513 source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-13 11:45:21  
2 150524 source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-24 17:51:41  
3 150527 source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-28 10:13:15  
4 FindSequenceFunction source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-21 08:51:22  
5 index source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-29 07:10:45  
6 OneCoComputations source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-06-09 02:54:05 One-Co computations; continues pensieve://2015-04/, continued pensieve://2015-06/.
7 OneCo-Gamma2Checks source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-16 17:05:58 \[Gamma]2-checks for OneCo. Branched from OneCoComputations.nb.
8 OneCo-Gamma3Checks source 2024-03-17 11:28:00 2015-05-16 16:03:30 \[Gamma]3-checks for OneCo. Branched from OneCoComputations.nb.

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2014-11-30 10:15:35: Mapping class groups and outer automorphism groups of free groups..
  2. Studied 2015-02-25 15:27:05: Geometry and Physics 2015.

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<< Other Files >>

150513.m   OneCo-150506.aux   OneCo-150506.synctex   OneCo-150506.tex   OneCo.aux   OneCoComputations.m   OneCo-Gamma2Checks.m   OneCo-Gamma3Checks.m   OneCo.synctex   OneCo.tex   VidCam.xlsx  

   <<  2015-05  >>

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150513.m   150513.nb   150524.nb   150527.nb   15-475-ProblemSolving - Shortcut.lnk   16-1750-ShamelessMathematica - Shortcut.lnk   2013-07 - Shortcut.lnk   2013-08 - Shortcut.lnk   2014-07-MetaCalculi - Shortcut.lnk   3S3 - Shortcut.lnk   442 - Shortcut.lnk   Aborted - Shortcut.lnk   AcademicPensieve - Shortcut.lnk   Agenda - Shortcut.lnk   Citizenship - Shortcut.lnk   ExQu - Shortcut.lnk   FindSequenceFunction.nb   Gadgets - Shortcut.lnk   Gallery - Shortcut.lnk   Geometry and Physics 2015.URL   index.html   index.m   index.nb   KBH - Shortcut.lnk   Louvain - Shortcut.lnk   Mapping class groups and outer automorphism groups of free groups..URL   Massuyeau - Shortcut.lnk   OneCo-150506.aux   OneCo-150506.pdf   OneCo-150506.synctex   OneCo-150506.tex   OneCoAd.pdf   OneCo.aux   OneCoBrackets.pdf   OneCoComputations.m   OneCoComputations.nb   OneCo-Gamma2Checks.m   OneCo-Gamma2Checks.nb   OneCo-Gamma3Checks.m   OneCo-Gamma3Checks.nb   OneCo.pdf   OneCo.synctex   OneCo.tex   Projects-MetaCalculi - Shortcut.lnk   RelatedMatters - Shortcut.lnk   SS - Shortcut.lnk   Triangulation.jpg   Triangulation-Suspended.jpg   VidCam.xlsx   wEnumeration - Shortcut.lnk   WishList - Shortcut.lnk   WKO4 - Shortcut.lnk