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CheatSheetJ.pdf   SeveraQuantization.pdf   sl2Weight-131202.pdf   sl2Weight-131216.pdf  

<< Notebook Pages >>

 PageCreated (UT)Last Modified (UT)
1 Severa on quantization of Lie bialgebras 2013-12-02 08:47:57 2013-12-03 10:05:01
2 --- Cheat Sheet Severa Quantization on Dec 3, 2013 2013-12-03 16:41:09 2013-12-04 06:56:10
3 --- Cheat Sheet Severa Quantization on Dec 4, 2013 2013-12-04 07:40:55 2013-12-04 08:13:00
4 --- Meeting of Thursday Dec 5 2013-12-05 12:18:28 2013-12-10 08:46:02
5 --- Severa thoughts on December 10 2013-12-10 08:40:08 2013-12-12 07:52:17
6 --- Severa thoughts on December 12 - the (co)commutative case 2013-12-12 07:53:31 2013-12-12 10:09:26
7 --- Meeting of Thursday December 12, 2013 2013-12-12 08:59:19 2013-12-12 09:45:24
8 Willwacher: Jointly Orthogonal Polynomials 2013-12-06 08:56:04 2013-12-06 12:00:07
9 Dylan on the Exceptional Series 2013-12-08 10:53:10 2013-12-09 08:16:25
10 Scratch 2013-12-09 12:27:36 2013-12-31 12:34:37
11 Smoothing double points 2013-12-09 14:15:48 2013-12-09 14:19:47
12 A movie for the atomic linkage 2013-12-09 14:23:21 2013-12-10 15:23:10
13 David Carchedi: A differential graded approach to derived manifolds 2013-12-10 14:46:13 2013-12-10 14:55:43
14 Stefan Sakalos: On Quantization of Quasi-Lie Bialgebras 2013-12-12 12:56:36 2013-12-12 13:24:06
15 The minor 131126 monoblog question 2013-12-13 08:35:49 2013-12-13 09:18:16
16 Brain parts 2013-12-13 08:51:40 2013-12-13 09:00:10
17 The Kink 2013-12-17 09:00:47 2013-12-17 09:19:44
18 I'm still missing a name for that 2013-12-19 20:23:01 2014-01-08 19:09:16
19 Assaf on Differential Galois Theory 2013-12-24 14:19:12 2013-12-24 14:55:18
20 Gr(2,4) 2013-12-28 10:00:08 2013-12-29 09:45:28
21 --- Stiefel(4,2) (&3,2) 2013-12-29 13:46:45 2013-12-29 14:57:38
22 Bubble wraps forever 2013-12-29 07:21:17 2013-12-29 07:35:31
23 Scott Aaronson: Quantum Complexity and Quantum Optics 2013-12-30 07:37:44 2013-12-31 08:32:26
24 Renner: Quantum Foundations and Thermodynamics 2013-12-30 09:52:50 2013-12-30 11:04:43
25 Searching for a YY relation for plane curves 2013-12-31 12:33:26 2014-01-02 13:16:59
(.one source file for all pages above)

<< Mathematica Notebooks >>

 Notebook (.pdf)Source (.nb)CreatedLast ModifiedSummary
1 CheatSheetJ-Verification source 2024-03-17 11:27:54 2014-01-08 15:26:56 Cheat Sheet $J$ Verification; continues pensieve://2013-04/; continued pensieve://2014-01/.
2 ComputationForSamuelson source 2024-03-17 11:27:54 2013-12-27 12:51:51  
3 SchwarzLantern source 2024-03-17 11:27:54 2013-12-01 04:38:53 The Schwarz Lantern, following http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/roots-of-unity/2013/11/30/counterexamples-in-origami/.
4 VerifyingKV source 2024-03-17 11:27:54 2013-12-18 12:53:34 An attempt to verify that my AT solution solves the KV equations; continues pensieve://2013-11/.

<< Links >>

  1. Studied 2013-10-31 10:51:20: The 31st Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics The Institute for Advanced Studies.
  2. Studied 2013-12-02 04:43:17: Science Reporter Emily Graslie Reads Her Mail -- And It's Not So Nice Krulwich Wonders... NPR.
  3. Studied 2013-12-02 05:42:32: Jonathan Schneider.
  4. Studied 2013-12-02 05:45:40: Virtual 2-knots (part 1) - YouTube.
  5. Studied 2013-12-02 05:46:01: Virtual 2-knots (part 2) - YouTube.
  6. Studied 2013-12-02 10:49:36: [math0004112] Retakh, Reutenauer, Vaintrob- Noncommutative Rational Functions and Farber's Invariants of Boundary Links.
  7. Studied 2013-12-02 11:17:15: 2 knots - Alexander polynomial or Reidemeister torsion for knotted surfaces - MathOverflow.
  8. Studied 2013-12-02 15:12:16: [1311.7342] BenAribi- The $L^2$-Alexander invariant detects the unknot.
  9. Studied 2013-12-04 09:50:31: Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics.
  10. Studied 2013-12-09 09:47:42: [1312.1936] Lightfoot- The Schneiderman-Teichner invariant applied to immersions arising from link maps in $S^4$.
  11. Studied 2013-12-11 03:51:21: [1312.2566] Lescop- An introduction to finite type invariants of knots and 3-manifolds.
  12. Studied 2013-12-11 11:23:10: After Setbacks, Online Courses Are Rethought - NYTimes.com.
  13. Studied 2013-12-12 03:35:18: hopf algebras - What happens geometrically when you take associated-graded (or complete, ...) of a group ring at its augment.
  14. Studied 2013-12-12 03:35:24: hopf algebras - An explicit description of gr(kG) for the filtration induced by the augmentation ideal.
  15. Studied 2013-12-16 10:06:46: mp.mathematical physics - are there natural examples of classical mechanics that happens on a symplectic manifold that isn't.
  16. Studied 2013-12-17 19:47:17: [1312.3518] Hatcher- The Kirby torus trick for surfaces.
  17. Studied 2013-12-21 15:48:25: [1312.5388] Carter-Kamada- Three-dimensional braids and their descriptions.
  18. Studied 2013-12-30 09:09:52: Quantum Algorithm Zoo.

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CheatSheetJ.synctex   CheatSheetJ.tex   CheatSheetJ-Verification.m   SeveraQuantization.synctex   SeveraQuantization.tex  

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[1311.7342] BenAribi- The $L^2$-Alexander invariant detects the unknot.URL   [1312.1936] Lightfoot- The Schneiderman-Teichner invariant applied to immersions arising from link maps in $S^4$.URL   [1312.2566] Lescop- An introduction to finite type invariants of knots and 3-manifolds.URL   [1312.3518] Hatcher- The Kirby torus trick for surfaces.URL   [1312.5388] Carter-Kamada- Three-dimensional braids and their descriptions.URL   14-1350-AKT - Shortcut.lnk   1997-12 - Shortcut.lnk   2 knots - Alexander polynomial or Reidemeister torsion for knotted surfaces - MathOverflow.URL   4DKT - Shortcut.lnk   After Setbacks, Online Courses Are Rethought - NYTimes.com.URL   Agenda - Shortcut.lnk   AltTan - Shortcut.lnk   Books - Shortcut.lnk   ByzantineChurchAtIsraelMuseum-1.jpg   ByzantineChurchAtIsraelMuseum-2.jpg   CheatSheetJ.pdf   CheatSheetJ.synctex   CheatSheetJ.tex   CheatSheetJ-Verification.m   CheatSheetJ-Verification.nb   ComputationForSamuelson.nb   Gallery - Shortcut.lnk   hopf algebras - An explicit description of gr(kG) for the filtration induced by the augmentation ideal.URL   hopf algebras - What happens geometrically when you take associated-graded (or complete, ...) of a group ring at its augment.URL   index.html   index.m   Jonathan Schneider.URL   [math0004112] Retakh, Reutenauer, Vaintrob- Noncommutative Rational Functions and Farber's Invariants of Boundary Links.URL   Mathematica - Shortcut.lnk   mp.mathematical physics - are there natural examples of classical mechanics that happens on a symplectic manifold that isn't.URL   Quantum Algorithm Zoo.URL   SchwarzLantern.nb   Science Reporter Emily Graslie Reads Her Mail -- And It's Not So Nice Krulwich Wonders... NPR.URL   Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics.URL   SeveraQuantization.pdf   SeveraQuantization.synctex   SeveraQuantization.tex   sl2Weight-131202.pdf   sl2Weight-131216.pdf   SynagogueFloorAtIsraelMuseum.jpg   The 31st Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics The Institute for Advanced Studies.URL   Tiles.jpg   Vase@Rony's.jpg   VerifyingKV.nb   Virtual 2-knots (part 1) - YouTube.URL   Virtual 2-knots (part 2) - YouTube.URL